The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 351 No Outsiders!
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Chapter 351 No Outsiders!

Along the way, Jack could feel the obvious fury radiated by Patrick. It was a kind of chill that one could

feel by being next to him. It made the hair stand as it chilled to the bones.

Jack was clear that at his father’s state, he was able to control his emotions so well that those beside

him wouldn’t be able to tell what he was feeling. But now, it was clear that his father had lost some self-


Numerous Hughes family members and servants greeted Patrick along the way. Patrick ignored all of

them and was fuming like a ferocious lion striding towards his mortal enemy.

Very soon, a grand hall appeared in front of them. This grand hall was not far from the residence of the

head of the family. It looked like it was the center of the Hughes Manor. There were many guards in

front of the grand and solemn meeting hall. This made the meeting hall appear even more stern and


The Hughes family members and servants did not dare to look at them directly and quickly walked

away. When the top executives of the Hughes Family were having a meeting, it was forbidden for

regular Hughes family members and servants to even look at the meeting hall.

Jack looked at the magnificent meeting hall and his eyes started to light up and a fire was kindled

within him. Was this… the heart of the Hughes family?

As they approached, the serious and solemn atmosphere became thicker.

“Move aside for the head of the family!” All the servants around the meeting hall announced loudly.

Among them, a middle-aged servant hurried over and said respectfully, “Mr. Ward, Brent, and the other

two must remain outside. The high-level executives of the Hughes family are having a meeting. Only

the head of the family may enter.” He only recognized Mr. Ward and Brent but not Jack and Daisy.

Even Mr. Ward and Brent could not enter when the meeting was on. The servant was polite because

they were following behind Patrick.

“Jack, let’s go in.” Patrick squeezed the words through his clenched teeth. Jack pushed the wheelchair

and continued walking in. Mr. Ward, Brent, and Daisy stopped and didn’t follow.

The middle-aged servant was stunned and said, “Sir, this is a family meeting, Madam Hughes and the

rest are inside the hall, outsiders…”


Patrick slapped the middle-aged servant on the face before he could finish speaking. The slap was

forceful and the servant’s face immediately swelled and fresh blood trickled from the corner of his


“How dare a servant restrict me? As the head of the family, do I have to explain to you if I were to bring

someone for the meeting?”

Patrick looked furiously at the servant “He is my son Jack. Can he enter?”

Whoosh! As soon he said, all the servants gasped. The middle-aged servant’s expression changed

drastically and quickly stepped aside.

Jack continued to push Patrick to the meeting hall. They entered the courtyard and the atmosphere

was solemn and quiet. But as they walked deeper into the courtyard, they could hear some commotion

coming from the hall.

“Preposterous! Simply preposterous! Could the head of the family do what he wanted?”

“The Hughes family always prioritized filial piety. He, as the head of the family, should lead by example.

How could he disrespect Madam Hughes?”

“Absurd! A wild bastard. How could he attempt to kill you? And the head of the family, has he lost his


Jack’s expression darkened and started to fume. The family meeting was just Madam Hughes trying to

rally people to help her to deal against Jack.

“Jack, don’t speak later. Leave it all to me!” Patrick said coldly, “The damn bitch wants to use this

meeting to force me. I can use this opportunity to hit back on them. Otherwise, they’d think that I hadnovelbin

softened over these years. Perhaps they had forgotten how I became the head of the Hughes family!”

The air seemed to congeal after he said.

Jack unconsciously looked at the sun above him and felt that the sunlight had lost its warmth.

As they approached the meeting hall, the commotion became clearer.

Then someone announced, “Arrival of the Head of the family”. The entire meeting hall fell dead silent.

All eyes were on Jack and Patrick. Some were stunned, some were unsettled, some were worried and

others were disgusted…

When Jack saw the looks, he finally understood how complicated the Hughes family was. How much

effort and sacrifice his father had to endure to be the head of the Hughes family for more than twenty

years. He could not imagine that all that he had experienced since his period of darkness could not be

compared to what his father had to face in the Hughes family.

It was the first time in his life that he had a new found respect for his father.

“Why? Wasn’t it very rowdy just now?” Patrick said majestically from the wheelchair. All the years of

accumulated prowess and dignity could not be matched by anyone present. This simple remark caused

everyone to avoid looking directly at Patrick.

But, just as the father and son entered the meeting hall, a voice said coldly, “How dare you! This is a

Hughes family meeting. No outsiders!”

Jack immediately looked towards a middle-aged man. This man sat beside Madam Hughes who was

seated beside the head of the family’s seat. This meant that the middle-aged man’s status was rather


The middle-aged man looked furiously at Jack with his eyes wide open. The white hair at the temples

showed that this man had gone through some hardships. But his hooked nose gave him a sinister look.

“Patrick, how could you disregard the family regulations as the head of the family?” Madam Hughes

said as she leaned back on the chair and narrowed her eyes with hostility.

“Ha!” Patrick grinned and scoffed as he looked at the middle-aged man, “Third brother, what’s wrong

with me bringing my son to meet his uncles and cousins?”

Patrick waved his hand, “Jack, greet your third uncle.”

“How do you do, uncle,” Jack said calmly and nodded without any emotions.

No wonder he could sit right next to Madam Hughes. This man was his father’s half brother.

“Ha!” The man scoffed, “Don’t get too familiar with me. I, Archer, do not have a bastard as a nephew.”

Jack immediately narrowed his eyes and started to fume.

Patrick became furious, “Archer, do you feel that I’ve given you sufficient respect?”


Patrick slapped the armrest on the wheelchair before he said, “Today I’m bringing my son in no matter

what. This is my declaration as the head of the family. Even if Madam Hughes were to object with the

threat of hanging herself, it will not be changed.”

What Patrick said exploded like a clap of thunder and didn’t allow for any dissent. It was overbearing

and arrogant, decisive and strong.

Madam Hughes narrowed her eyes and said, “Patrick, you can say as you wish, why are you involving

me in this?”

“Don’t you know why?” Patrick asked in return and turned to Jack and said, “Jack, push me over. I still

have to sit on the position as the head of the family!”

“If I don’t sit at that position, no one will dare to sit today!”

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