The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 347 Nonbody Can Use Me
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Chapter 347 Nonbody Can Use Me


Sparks were splashing.

In just a flash, Jack tilted his head and raised his knife, instinctively blocking the attack.

The bullet pierced through the blade, shot out and touched Jack's face, then they passed by.

In just an instant, a fiery burning sensation shot from his skin, and Jack's brows were tightened in pain.

The sudden gunshot made the yard suddenly silent.

Mr. Ward and Brent looked at Jack in panic.

Seeing that Jack was only hurt on his face, they were relieved at the same time, but their expression

were still slightly hideous.

Madame Hughes and Killian were also shocked.

After a moment of horror, Madame Hughes started to laugh with excitement.

"Good, good, very good!"

She said three times good in a row, revealing the pleasure as a survivor, she laughed loudly, "Which of

the Hughes heir protects me, this is great achievement!"

If it wasn't a secret shot just now.

Madame Hughes didn't even doubt that the long knife in Jack's hand would really fall on her.

What didn't such a violent and rebellious person dare to do?

Killian's eyes were extremely dark.

Hearing Madame Hughes' praise, his expression became even more unwilling.

He was ready to shield Madame Hughes just now.

With his skill, it shouldn't be difficult to block Jack.

But for Madame Hughes, this would have been a great achievement!

In the future, he would compete for the position of head of the family. This achievement would directly

affect whether Madame Hughes supported him or not.

It was just... he had been robbed of his power now!

"Grandma, it's my duty."

A laugh suddenly came from the corner of the yard, "Protecting grandma is the responsibility of every

person of the Hughes family."

Everyone looked towards the direction of the sound.

Jack wrinkled his brows, his eyes filled with killing intent.

The shot just now clearly was supposed to take his life.

If he hadn't dodged in time.

Just one shot, it would have been a direct headshot!

His cold eyes followed the sound, but it came from on the wall of the house, there was a young man

who was about 27 or 28 years of age.

The man had a buzz cut, his hair was like steel pins standing upright, and he was not as vicious as

Killian's, not as fierce as George, but a little more calm and determined.

He had sharp features, bronzed skin and tight lips.

It gave people a sense of coldness and determination like a lone Wolf in the desert, quietly waiting for

the prey.


Almost at the same time, Brent exclaimed, his expression suddenly becoming a little fearful, "When did

you come back?"


Jack was astonished. Few people could cause Brent to have such an expression.

"Felix, very good, very good, you saved grandma, if it wasn't for you, I could have been killed by this


Madame Hughes looked at the young man on the wall and was instantly excited.

Killian's expression looked extremely dark, he cursed "damn it!" in his heart.

Holding a pistol, Felix jumped off the wall.

However, he ignored Madame Hughes’s excitement and praise. Instead, with a smile, he respectfully

said to Brent, “Brent, fortunately, I’m not ashamed of your letter of recommendation. Now that the West

is peaceful again, I am returning in glory."


A words were like thunder.

Brent, Mr. Ward, Madame Hughes and Killian were shocked at the same time.

Jack's eyebrows were solemn, and he looked at Felix deeply.

He doesn't know this person, but hearing words, he knew that this person had a deep connection with


Moreover, he was a man that came back from the battlefield!

Brent smiled, but only grudgingly.

He slowly said, "Young Master Felix, you are making fun of me, that's just what I was supposed to do."

He never thought that the person he recommended at the beginning, now returned with glory, would

point the gun at the person who he needed to protect the most?

At the same time, Mr. Ward slowly approached Jack and said softly, "Young Master, this son is named

Felix, a member of the Hughes family. He was stubborn and violent in his early years. When the heir of

the Hughes family was established, he was not included because of his personality. The old master

ordered him to be recommended to be enlisted in the West in the name of Brent."

He was not an heir?!

Jack was slightly surprised.

After taking a deep look at Felix, he suddenly had some understanding.

After returning from being enlisted, he blatantly fired this shot, the purpose was very clear.

Feeling Jack's gaze, Felix took his eyes off Brent and turned and started looking towards Jack with a

solemn face expression.

"This is in the Hughes family. I don't care who you are or what your status is. If you want to be

disrespectful to my grandma, you have to ask the gun in my hand for permission first!"

His words were precise and powerful.

While speaking, he slowly raised his pistol and pointed it at Jack again.novelbin


Brent looked surprised and yelled angrily.

Felix responded in a cold voice, "Brent, I respect you, but as a member of the Hughes family, I have to

fix things, since I have returned from the army, I must return the Hughes family what they have given

me. If this person is allowed to hurt my grandma, then what is the good of me returning home?"


Madame Hughes screamed excitedly, her face was red, her eyes flickered, and she praised, "Felix, you

are one of the good kids in my Hughes family, you were stubborn back then, the head of the family

asked you to go to the West to join the army, you did not disappoint the expectations of the family.

When you were not included in the heir, I misjudged you! The head of the family misjudged you!"

"Our family needs a good man like you!"

She praised him loudly without to hesitate.

But it made Killian's expression dark to an extreme and his eyes were flickering.

These words had a different meaning!

The heirs were really enough already!

The competition of the Hughes family didn't need to be like that right?

In this moment, Killian couldn't help feeling jealous, but at the same time he felt regretful.

With just one shot, grandma told Felix such nice words. If it was him who was protecting her from the

knife just now, there was a 50% chance of being the future head of the family!

With the praise of Madame Hughes, Felix couldn't hide the pride in the depths of his eyes, and a proud

smile appeared on his cold face.


Without waiting for him to respond, Jack suddenly chuckled.

"This is very high-sounding, shame on you!"

The laughter immediately made Felix look startled.

Jack sternly said, "How good that sounded. You are so useless that you were not nominated as an heir.

Now that you are back, you want to use me to get the upper hand? Use me to show that you are filial

and your loyalty to the Hughes family?"

"You want to win over this old woman's graces and seek the identity of the heir?"


Felix's right hand holding the gun was trembling. He wanted to refute, but he was speechless. On the

contrary, he looked a little flustered.

Because, Jack was right!

"Do you really think I'm a stupid person? No one can use me to get a position!"

Jack said coldly, vigorously, his eyes sharp as a sword, "Since you are so loyal, well, come and I will

cut you in pieces. Let's get this done today! Or, you and I should take a bet, which is faster, you bullet

or my knife!"


He pulled out his sword and stretched it into the sky.

Under the sunlight, the dazzling cold light was reflected on the blade.

It caused the flustered Felix to narrow his eyes, and subconsciously avoided it.

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