The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 331 Goodbye, Brown!
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Chapter 331 Goodbye, Brown!

It was quiet in the room.

Jack slowly looked at the cell phone that Mr. Ward handed.

This was an assassination mission posted on the website of the Dark Net Assassin Square.

There were three more death sickles.

In just a week, three of the top killers on Azrael List follow the assassination mission!

Compared with Jack’s previous state of fear, Jack was now surprisingly calm.

He looked at Mr. Ward, "Have you found out the information of these top killers on Azrael List?"

Everyone was stunned.

Jack’s calmness was beyond everyone’s expectation.

"Yes!" Mr. Ward looked at Jack with mixed feelings, feeling stunned, but he still said, "Two of them don’t

rank high on the Azrael List, but the third one is..."

Then, Mr. Ward made a deliberate pause.

Taking a deep breath, he continued, "This killer is 10th on the Azrael List! His code name is Ghost."

"Ghost? Tenth? It’s interesting."

Jack rubbed his chin and showed a strange smile.

This scene made Mr. Ward, Amber and others dumbfounded.

What was Jack’s reaction?

This was a top killer who ranked tenth on Azrael List, eight places higher than Kotaro a week ago!

How could Jack be so calm?

"Young master, are you OK?" Brent asked tentatively.

Brent and Daisy were the top killers on the Azrael list, and they had a clear understanding of the

ranking on the Azrael list.

The higher the killers ranked, the more powerful they were

Kotaro who ranked 18th almost killed Jack and Daisy.

The killer ranking 10th was a real death to them.

But Jack’s reaction was incredible!


Jack shook his head and explained, "I have been through too many assassinations that I ."

Hearing Jack’s words, other people’s expressions darkened.

The assassination mission of Dark Net Assassin Square had been released for such a long time. Apart

from passive defense, there was no other effective defense method.

This made everyone feel helpless, humiliated and angry.

What was behind Jack was the Hughes family!

The Hughes family had never been forced to such an extent!

Amber stepped forward, patted Jack on the chest and comforted him, "It’s OK. I’m here! We’re all here!

I’ve asked my parents for help."

The Hughes family couldn’t solve it.

So, what could Steve and Rosie do?

Jack felt bitter, but knowing that Amber was comforting him, and he chuckled, "I see. The current

situation was not controlled by us. No matter how much we worry about it, it’s futile."

With that, he glanced at all the people.

Brent was still in a wheelchair.

Daisy was also injured.

Both of them were top killers on the Azrael List, one ranking 23th and the other ranking 20th. If they

were both at their best, Jack didn’t have to worry.

But now both of them were injured, so they were not as strong as they used to be.

As for Lone Wolf and the security guards, Jack didn’t dare to expect them to protect him. Kotaro almost

killed them, not to mention Ghost ranking 10th on Azrael List!

However, Jack knew that he was the backbone. If he gave up ahead of time before everyone gave up,

it was really over this time!

Looking at the depressed people, Jack changed the topic.

"Oh! Amber, Daisy, why didn’t you leave here? Brent was watching you enter the boarding lane."

Brent looked at Daisy with a puzzled look.

Daisy sighed, "It was Amber who always thought you were hiding something from her. So, she finally

gave up boarding and left the airport with me."

"Amber was afraid that you would be worried about her, so she took me to Tyson Hotel without

contacting you after leaving the airport."

"When I was free, I logged on to the website of Dark Net Assassin Square, and I saw the task of

assassinating Mr. Hughes commissioned by Dark Net Assassin Square."

Then, Daisy looked at Amber with a teasing smile.

"Amber, I really believe your intuition now. Your intuition to your husband is so accurate!"

"Daisy, don’t make fun of me." Amber lowered her head shyly and blushed.


Jack was surprised and took a look at Amber deeply, feeling warm in his heart.

He didn’t expect that his deception to Amber ended in an "absurd" way.

But intuition was ambiguous.

Maybe, Amber suspected him just because they had been together for a long time. She was very

observant of Jack and she knew Jack well.

At this time,

A low voice suddenly rang out in the room..

"Daisy, you never told me you were Mengpo who ranked 20th on the Azrael List. Have you been

deceiving us all the time?"

This sentence instantly destroyed the atmosphere in the room.

Jack and the others looked at Brent.

Brent was sitting in the wheelchair, lowered his head. Others couldn’t see his expression.

But everyone knew that Brent was a little angry when he said that.


Daisy changed her expression. With red lips, she murmured, trying to explain.

Mr. Ward interrupted her, "Well, Daisy, push Brent out and you can explain to him."

Daisy nodded and left with Brent.

After the two left, Jack wondered, "Mr. Ward, why didn’t you let Daisy talk here?"

"What does this have to do with us?"

Mr. Ward shrugged and gave a strange smile, "Daisy has her own reason to hide her identity. We don’t

have to insist on getting to the bottom of the matter. And, she has always been loyal to Young master,

and she saved Young master this time."

"She doesn’t need to explain to us, but she only owes Brent an explanation. Daisy is different to Brent

and to us."

Jack smiled and suddenly understood.

Subconsciously, Jack took a look at Amber.

Indeed, this feeling was different.


In the far north, it was a world of ice and snow, and the wind was piercingly cold.

With the cold wind, the heavy snow was flying in the sky.

Endless stillness and desolation were the main style of this abandoned land.

In the wind and snow, the huge Black hell stood between the glaciers, like a giant beast, enduring the

huge stillness and desolation.


Today, Black hell was noisy.

Deafening cheers reverberated in the Black hell.

All the prisoners and administrators were in a state of excitement. It was like a carnival.

In front of the gate of Black hell,

Thirty military jeeps lined up.

There were a lot of people standing here, but no one made a sound. It was strangely quiet.

Such a scene was a great oppression.

The administrators of Black hell all stood here.

"Are you really going out?"

Warren looked at Brown deeply, "In fact, you don’t have to go out."

"It’s been more than 20 years, and I have to go out for a walk."

Brown took out an old yellow picture from his chest. There were two children with happy smile on the


"Otherwise, there will be no legend about me in the world!"

Brown solemnly put the photo back in his chest. Brown said to Warren smartly, "I’m going!"

Brown got in the car, and the thirty military jeeps started at the same time, and galloped toward the

distant world of ice and snow.


Over the Black hell, ten helicopters took off at the same time.

The helicopters roared, following the jeeps.

"Goodbye, Brown!"

"Goodbye, Brown!"


In front of Black hell, all the administrators at the same time clenched their right hands to their hearts,

got down on one knee and shouted in unison.


"Goodbye, Brown!"

Inside Black hell, all the prisoners also got down on one knee and shouted in unison.

These sounds were even shaking the earth, and it seemed that the wind and snow in this abandoned

place had been shocked.

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