The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 327 Capture The Sword!
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Chapter 327 Capture The Sword!


The powerful bow and arrow shot without hesitation. As if by command, it flew before finished


Kotaro looked on with fury, twisted his body, and swung his sword with a sharp whistle.

Twang! Sparks flew. The slash sliced Daisy’s arrow into two.

Jack’s pupil constricted and was terrified. Could the capabilities of two killers who were just two

positions apart on the Azrael list be so different? He had personally experienced Daisy’s archery skills.

But now Daisy’s arrows were split by Kotaro!

“Die!” After splitting the arrows, Kotaro tossed a smoke bomb and he dashed like a devil with the sword

towards Daisy.

“Careful, Daisy!” Jack’s expression changed drastically and wanted to get up to help but he grunted

due to his intense pain and sat back down on the ground.

In the dark bamboo forest, the leaves continued to scatter and drift down as Daisy remained calm and

steady. She retreated steadily as Kotaro advanced towards her and then started shooting arrows at


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Three arrows were shot in succession.

It was as if Kotaro had anticipated it and his sword easily blocked the arrows. This difference in skills

level caused Jack’s heart to sink. If Kotaro were to get close to Daisy, then her arrows would be

useless. And Kotaro’s close-quarters fighting was devilishly ruthless. In fact, it looked even more

effective and deadly than Brent’s skills. It would be deadly if Daisy were to fight directly with him.

Kotaro was very swift and rushed towards Daisy through the falling leaves. His entire body exuded the

determination to kill them like those ninjas seen in the movies.

His lofty laughter could be heard from under his mask, “Mengpo, you’ll be dead when I get close to


In the blink of an eye, Kotaro rushed in front of Daisy and his katana glimmered and whistled and

swung towards Daisy’s abdomen. Daisy was shocked and immediately used the strong bow to block.

Thud! The strong impact pushed Daisy back several steps. Kotaro didn’t give Daisy any chance and

swung his sword again. His katana was like a ghost and whistled as it swung towards Daisy. The reality

was as Jack had anticipated. Daisy’s close-quarters fighting skills were nowhere close to Kotaro’s level.

She could only use the strong bow to block and totally could not retaliate. She kept retreating and could

lose out at any moment.

Although Daisy kept her cool and looked composed, terror could be seen in her eyes. Defeat could be

just a moment away. When facing Kotaro’s deadly slashes, any failure to block one would mean instant



The Katana impacted firmly onto the strong bow. The strong impact almost knocked the strong bow

from Daisy’s hands. Daisy yelled with the impact and staggered backward.

Just at this moment.

Slash! The Katana swung towards Daisy’s neck.

That was it! Daisy’s eyes glared and her face went pale. She looked beyond the cold katana blade and

could see the ridicule in Kotaro’s eyes.

Whoosh! It was a close shave. The katana which was going towards Daisy’s neck was suddenly

deflected upwards.

The sudden change of events startled both Daisy and Kotaro. Both of them looked up and saw the

Katana entangled in the fine fish scale line.

“Release!” Jack yelled and with a burst of energy, he swung his right hand.

“Fuck!” Kotaro reacted angrily as he felt the katana being strongly pulled off. Kotaro didn’t release his

grip on the katana but was pulled backward.

“Daisy!” Jack yelled as Kotaro got closer to him. Kotaro’s slash towards Daisy now was redirected

towards him!

Daisy’s expression changed and her eyes radiated fiercely. She shot another arrow towards Kotaro.

The arrow flew with a shriek. Just as the arrow was to hit Kotaro, he managed to pull out a short katana

and with a few slashes was able to block the arrow.

“Release!” Jack took the opportunity and pulled strongly with his right hand. The fish scale line yankednovelbin

the katana from Kotaro’s hand.

“Fuck!” Almost at the same time, Kotaro turned and rushed towards Jack like a bloodthirsty beast.

Damn it! Was he possessed? Jack was shocked by his ferocity. Throughout the fight, Kotaro not only

displayed the deadly skills of a ninja, but he also possessed an undying ferocity of an insane beast.

This caused Jack to be at a loss of what he should do.

When he saw Kotaro rushing over, Jack tried desperately to stand up but he failed twice due to the

intense pain caused by his injuries. The momentary outburst that he managed to secure Kotaro’s

katana was about all that he could do.

It didn’t give him any comfort that Kotaro’s katana was now in his hands. Jack knew clearly that his

skills were insignificant when compared to Kotaro’s. A katana could not bridge the gap between their

skills. Even if he was holding onto the sword, he could not even block one of Kotaro’s slash.

“Mr. Hughes!” Daisy’s face turned pale as she tried to grab an arrow from her empty quiver. A loud

boom sounded in her head as her eyes glimmered with tears. Damnit, why did she run out of arrows at

this critical moment?

“Mr. Hughes did it to save me!” Daisy thought as she saw Kotaro lunging towards Jack. She ground her

teeth and rushed towards Jack with her strong bow.

“Your excellency, please die!” Kotaro declared.

Jack felt as though time stood still when Kotaro appeared in front of him as he heard Kotaro’s

declaration of his death. He could see the short katana descending as if by command.

Fight to the death! Jack wouldn’t sit around waiting for his death. He would fight till his very last breath!

Twang! The long katana and the short katana clashed amidst a shower of sparks. With Kotaro’s furious

yell, the short katana pressed the long katana towards Jack’s body.


The sound of the katana cutting through flesh could be heard. Jack shuddered and grunted. Fresh

blood spurt from his left shoulder and onto his face. The katana would have landed on his head if it was

not for his quick reflexes.

“Die!” Kotaro pressed down firmly on the katana.

Jack endured the intense pain which was worse than the pain inflicted by the fish scale lines. He even

heard a whoosh sound when the sharp blade cut deeper into his flesh.

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