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Chapter 371

Chapter 371: How Dare You!

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Her breath hitched, all arrogance suppressed in an instant. Sasha’s face turned red, her eyes widenedin shock and anger as she glared at her father. “Sasha, how dare you!”

“|... what wouldn’t | dare?” Sasha struggled to swallow, her face betraying a twisted sense of

triumph despite the fear in her eyes. “Not only do | dare, but I’ve also done it. Joseph, you drove

me to this. It’s all because you only care about Claire! | wanted her dead!”

Joseph was unaware of Claire’s current situation, and Sasha’s claim that Claire had been thrown intothe sea sent a surge of intense pain through him. His heart constricted painfully, his eyes flashing.

a murderous red. “Sasha, if Claire is dead, you'll join her in the afterlife!”

The grip on her neck tightened suddenly. Sasha desperately stretching her neck, trying to lessen thepressure. Realizing the fury in Joseph’s eyes, she knew he was intent on killing her. Struggling tospeak, she gasped. “Joseph, even if you kill me, you can’t escape the law...”

Joseph let out a cold laugh, increasing his grip. “If Claire is dead, what purpose is there for me tolive? Sasha, you deserve death!”

Sasha hadn't anticipated Joseph would go to such lengths for Claire. In that moment, she realized hisearlier words were just a ruse to provoke her into confessing the truth.

But now, understanding Joseph's tactics was irrelevant. His fingers tightened mercilessly around her neck, and she couldn’t evenmanage to swallow. Her eyes widened in terror and disbelief at the

increasing ferocity in his expression.

Just as she thought he would strangle her, the door burst open with a loud bang. Men in black suits stormed in. Sasha,recognizing no one, waved desperately at them, her hoarse voice screaming for

help. “Save... save me...”

The leader immediately stepped forward, his hand clamping down on Joseph's wrist with force, causinghim to release his grip due to the sudden pain.

Sasha collapsed on the sofa, greedily gasping for air. Had these men not arrived, she wouldn’t havelasted another minute.

Chapter 171

Joseph's expression darkened his lips pressed tightly He glanced at the men, then sat down


nearby sofa rubbing his sore wrist. The pain kept his brows furrowed as he surveyed the men with ahostile gaze “Who are you?” he demanded coldly

The man who had intervened stepped back glancing at Sasha The others immediately surroundedprotectivelynovelbin

Only after securing Sasha did Carter Vanderbilt turn to address Joseph with an icy tone. I’m CarterVanderbilt representing the Vanderbilts in Mondalia. We suspect Sasha is involved in Mrdisappearance, so we've come to apprehend her”

The Vanderbilts....

In the past. Joseph would have scoffed at the mention of the Vanderbilt name but now in thismoment it brought a sense of urgency and even comfort. His previously grim expression quicklyshifted to one of anxious hope. Sitting upright on the sofa, he asked with fervor. “Have you found

Mr Sean?”

“Not yet” Carter replied, noting the deflation in Joseph’s demeanor after his response. He quicklyadded. “But we should have no trouble locating him.”

“Really?” Joseph’s spirits lifted instantly, his gaze on Carter becoming intense. “Do you have

news of Mr. Sean?”

Carter nodded but chose not to elaborate on the matter Instead, he turned to Sasha. “Arrest her

wart for Mr Sean’s return to decide her fate”

“Arrest me?” Sasha seeing the men approach, swung her arms wildly, screaming in a frenzy. By whatright do you arrest me?”

She had thought they were her saviors. only to find they were more formidable than Joseph Now she almost wished Joseph had

strangled her for falling into the hands of the Vanderbilts would mean

enduring far worse torment P.read the or ina| contentamas S.com.

With a blank expression, Carterwatched as the men restrainedSasha. Once s eayqacsbEurdd hespeared YBy w at right? By theaudacity you had to harm Mr. Sean,your life isn’t even enough to payPlease read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

for it once!” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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Chuter 371 How Dare You!

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sneered. “By what right? By the audacity you had to harm Mr. Sean, your life isn’t even enough to payfor it once!”

At this point, admitting her guilt would mean a fate worse than death, so Sasha had no choice but to deny everything. “I didn’t! |have no idea about this, you can’t arrest me without evidence! I'll sue you when | get out!”

Joseph, frowning deeply, stood and pointed accusingly at Sasha. “I can testify against her, she just confessed!”

Sasha, kneeling disheveled on the floor, her hands bound behind her, spat at Joseph and yelled furiously. “Joseph, Claire is yourbiological daughter, and you want to give the Felix fortune to her. You're using this opportunity to get rid of me, how cruel can yoube!”

As she struggled against the men’s grip, she took a deep breath and continued her tirade. “You all want to use such despicabletactics against me. | tell you, without evidence you can’t wrongfully

CLOSEaccuse me...”PLAY NOW!

Before she could finish, Carter interrupted with a scornful tone. “Evidence?” He twisted his neck, as if warming up foraconfrontation, his eyes colder as he looked at Sasha. “Bring him in!”

At his command, the door opened and several people entered, one of them being pushed in. The man wa thin and slouched, hiseyes flickering with panic and fear.

Carter walked up to him. grabbed his hair, and forcefully lifted his head to face Sasha. He then turned to her with a cold sneer.“Is this the evidence you thought we couldn’t find?”


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