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CHAPTER 38 (Finale)

"Did Alexander inform you about Marcus?” She attempted to dupe Lilian in case the woman learned information about her ex-boyfriend throughAlexander.

"He did not. I assumed you had lost interest in Marcus, Ella." Lilian taunted Daniella in response to the woman's inquiry regarding Marcus

"That is correct, but I'm curious as to whether he inquired about our daughter." Daniella reasoned and attempted to persuade, but she wasn't sureLilian was convinced by her response.

"I'm sure his phone number hasn't changed; why don't you contact him?"

Lilian chastised Daniella for failing to contact the guy she had desired since her return from Hacienda Velasquez. She shook her head inastonishment that pride had the potential to destroy more relationships than the third party.

"Never!" She declined categorically, stating that she would never sacrifice her pride for the sake of love. Daniella purposefully concealed informationregarding the game of chance she gave to Marcus in order to avoid listening to another lecture. Paloma had previously preached to her aboutMarcus's return to Hacienda Velasquez during Lilian and Alexander's wedding

“You know what, Ella? It's just your pride that's keeping you from calling him, so if you want to be happy, it won't hurt to humble yourself a little.” Lilianurged Ella to tone down her arrogance and be more appreciative of the things that may bring her happiness.

"At the very least, trying suicide for a man did not cross my mind." Daniella spoke arrogantly, and as Lilian abruptly rose and exited the room, Daniellarealized her error and followed Lilian outside. "Lil, I apologize if I offended you.” She summoned Lilian. who ran in and returned to her bedroom

Lilian was outraged when Daniella described the episode in which she attempted suicide after believing she would lose Alexander. How couldDaniella be so callous about the matter? “Ella, stop!" She admonished Daniella not to follow her any longer and frowned at her stepsister as sheentered the room

In the morning, she woke up with a heavy heart. She terribly missed him, but he just went away without saying goodbye to her. Yes, she made amistake when she said those harsh words to him, but it was because of her anger. Nevertheless, if he wanted to leave her or to sever their ties, heshould man up and talked to him.

However, it also dawned on her mind, that maybe she was being difficult to him. Then, she panicked at the thought of losing him forever. No, shecouldn't allow that to happen! As soon as she realized that she couldn't live without him, she immediately retrieved her phone, and tried to contact himagain.

Marcus, where are you?

She kept on dialing his phone number but she couldn't reach him. Daniella took a deep breath before she decided to send him a message. It was alang one, and the words she typed came from the deepest part of her heart. For the first time, she admitted that she couldn't live without him, and sheneeded him. She had to confess everything through a text message, and while typing the message, tears welled up in her eyes. She had no idea whyshe got so emotional, but perhaps, it was because of lowering her pride for the sake of saving her relationship with Marcus.

After sending the message, she wiped the tears from her eyes and proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower before AJ would wake up, but whileshowering, she recalled those moments where she was mean to him. He tried his best to keep their relationship but she had a huge trust issue ateverything, and it ruined her only chance to find happiness in love

When she got out of the bathroom, she was too stunned to speak to see him on their bed. Then, she snorted over her silly imaginations. There's noway he would be in their bedroom, and there's no way he would smile at her like that. She shook her head to dismiss her wild imagination, andproceeded to the wardrobe to get something to wear.

"Stop right there."

For a moment, she was dumbfounded when she imagined hearing his voice. Once again, she shook her head for being silly, and blamed herself forlasing the man who truly cared for her. As she opened the door to her wardrobe, someone grabbed her wrist.

"I said, stop," he whispered.

She shivered at the thought of going crazy because of a man, but then, she was tempted to turn around to check if she was really hallucinating."Marcus?"

He just smiled and said, "Hi baby.”"My God! It's really you! Where have you been?” She inquired, and then, she suddenly throw herself into him. "I miss you so much!""I know. I receive your message, so that's why I'm here," he replied.

"W-what?" She narrowed her eyes while waiting for his response. "Hold on, are you saying that all these times. you never left the property?” It wasjust a question to confirm her suspicion but the bastard just grinned at her, as if nothing has happened

"No, and Lilian helped me to hide from you." he answered with the truth. "Hey, what's wrong?”

"Y-you are cruel,” she said in a shaky voice. "I thought I'm going to lose you forever,” she added, but then he hugged her immediately, and his tightembrace provided a great comfort to her broken heart.

"Baby, I promised to love you forever, didn't I? So, what makes you think I'm going to leave just because of a misunderstanding? I just distancedmyself from you, to make you realize about my worth," he explained, but then, he must have said something wrong again, because her eyes wereblazing with anger.

"To test how I really felt about you, right?"

"Hmmm sort of, but the main reason is, to make you come inte terms about your trust issue. You have to trust me baby, do you think you can do thatfrom now?"

She just nodded her head in response

"Good girl. Now get dressed, so we can have breakfast together," he ordered before letting her go from a tight embrace. "What's with the long face?”He asked.

"Hmmm I just thought that, you know, I thought we are going to do it," she stuttered with her words.

"Do what?"

‘Oh nothing," she just said to stophim from prabing any further. Thenshe proceeded to get something te>wear. Sinee, she didn't have to gostowork, she decided to putonsomething comfortable suctnas acotton short and white blouse.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

When she heard Au's giggles. she knew that Marcus disturbed their daughter's sleep, but instead of getting worked up, she just smiled. As shesauntered towards them, she couldn't contain the happiness she felt inside her heart.novelbin

"Morning. Mommy!" Marcus tried to be playful, and adjusted his voice to make it sound like a toddler, and AJ giggled even more, as she copied him togreet her mother.

When she heard it, Daniella wantedto roll her eyes at him, but theirdaughterwas watching, so she just»smiled ahd said nothing. She wentclosecto them and pinched the”chubby cheeks of the child. “Gutie!It bath time," she announced.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"You can do it later, baby. For now, we have to go downstairs, as they are waiting for breakfast," he stated.

"Oh, okay,” she agreed, and then she just took a comfortable outfit for her baby. Marcus helped her to changed Au's clothing. "By the way, where didyou sleep?"

"There," he replied while pointing to the connecting room."Are you fucking serious?” She raised her voice in disbelief that he was right below her nose and she didn't notice!"Yes. Starting tonight, you will no longer cry in your sleep, baby. I promise you that," he said.

"No, I didn't How dare you accuse me of something I didn't do," she reacted to his statement about crying during asleep.

"You can deny it but I have an evidence,” he said then he showed a video file to her.

“Disgusting.” she said, and this time, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Of course notXYou were cute," hewinked afterSaying it and she madene

a face. "Anyway, let's go," he CchangecMthe topic before ruining Hermood-Marcus carried their daughteron their way out, and she was y theone to open the door. Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

"Oh God!" She exclaimed upon seeing a huge flower bouquet just outside their bedroom. Then, she looked at him with so much love in her eyes.

"I know you have a greenhouse full of roses but I also know you will love this bouquet. It's a token of my love, and my appreciation for loving me too.”"Oh, Marcus, why are you so sweet to me?"

Marcus furrowed his forehead and asked, "Why not? I love you so much, and I care about you."

"So, will you marry me?" She asked the question, and he became speechless, and his reaction was speechless!


nonnnnnt end of the story----

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