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Chapter 973

Chapter 973“Are you blaming me, Jonathan?”

Jonathan jerked back in surprise, shoving Saskia away as panic washed over his face. “Who are you, and why are you huggingme?”

Did they even know each other? Why was she hugging him? Wasn't she married?

Saskia’s eyes brimmed with tears, her voice quivering. “Jonathan, | know you’re mad at me. Are you upset because | didn’t cometo see you? I've missed you so much, but my mom wouldn't let us be together. | truly love you.”

She was convinced Jonathan was just flaunting his relationship with Ophelia to get a rise out of her.

Jonathan frowned, finding the whole situation absurd. “Shut up. Do you even listen to yourself? You’re married. How can you saysuch things?”

He glanced around nervously, hoping no one would witness this scene and jump to conclusions.Saskia was inconsolable.

If it had been the old Jonathan, he would have been unable to resist her tears, but now, Ophelia filled his thoughts; Saskia was astranger to him now.

How could she be married and yet hold him and declare her love? It was nothing short of infidelity.“Jonathan, did Ophelia say something to you? Don’t believe her. She’s just jealous of what we have.”

“Saskia.” Ophelia emerged from the restroom to find Saskia clinging to Jonathan. Her possessiveness flared at the sight ofsomeone else coveting what was hers.

“Jonathan is my fiancé. Please stay away from him!”

Jonathan's heart soared as Ophelia affirmed their engagement, a bright smile lighting up his face, making Ophelia’s cheekswarm.

Saskia clenched her teeth. “Ophelia, you know full well Jonathan loves me...”

“If he loves you so much, why weren’t you there when he needed you most?” Ophelia scoffed. “Don’t tell me the Lynette familylocked you up. You were too busy heating things up with your now-husband. Look, Saskia, | don’t want to embarrass you, but ifyou keep pestering Jonathan, it won’t end well for you.”

Saskia choked on her words as if strangled.

“Let's go, Jonathan.”

Ophelia had no time for this nonsense.

Jonathan followed, a grin on his face. “Ophelia, you just called me your fiancé.”

Ophélia rolled her eyes.

“| knew you liked me.”

Ophelia mentally sighed. His brain must be fried; how was this even a happy occasion?

Saskia was humiliated and fuming when she spotted Brittany not far away, her face turning pale.“What did you see?”

Brittany had just come to use the restroom and had caught the old flames, Saskia and Jonathan, in a compromising moment.She raised an eyebrow. “I saw everything.”

“Brittany, you better keep quiet, or else...” Saskia gritted her teeth. “Your marriage to Isaac is hanging by a thread too, isn’t it?”Brittany frowned. Hanging by a thread? According to whom?“Don't think Isaac cares that much about you. He’s got plenty of other conquests. You'd better watch yourself.”

With that, Saskia stormed off, her dress billowing behind her.

Brittany, acting all high and mighty? Isaac was no saint either. What right did she have to mock her?Saskia returned to the wedding reception, playing the gracious hostess alongside her new husband.Brittany returned to her seat, and Isaac poured her a cup of water. “What kept you?”

“Just caught a little drama,” Brittany chuckled softly. “Jonathan seems different.”

“He's forgotten his past, and Mrs.Metzger arrange, his entiagenartt'toOphelia” fsaac said, already privy tothe gossip. Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

“No wonder.”Jonathan had been head over heels for Saskia, and now he was all over Ophelia. It seemed unfair to Ophelia.

“The marriage between the Joynerand Metzger families had b mMsettleshipes abo lEven Wi ceamnesia, he would have ended upwith Ophelia, and she doesn't seemto mind.” Visit NovelDrama.Org toread the latest chapter of this novel

Ophelia was more concerned about the benefits the union would bring the families.

As for love... Ophelia wasn't one toact ona wnrmoure diodes byo 11roqnance.Td r, marriage was abargaining chip. VisitNovelDrama.Org to read the latestchapter of this novel

But Isaac had a feeling Ophelia might eventually fall hard.After all, Jonathan was a hopeless romantic at heart. Winning Ophelia over was only a matter of time.novelbin

Brittany never imagined that Isaac’s social network was so extensive; she couldn't help but feel a tinge of awe.The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

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