The Alpha's throne

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93

All of them were in awe as they look at the Sky with a magic barrier. It looks like the world will be end.

The so called Adam smile and land a powerful punch towards the young master of the Desmond family.He smirk as he look around.

All of the guards were stepping back as they afraid of what happens next.

The night became too long as the dim light from the moon reflect the shadow brawl. The guards wereattacking continuously towards at the so called Adam, but Adam was so strong that no one could landa single punch at him.

The so called Eve land her feet at center point of the tree, she look below and smile. She wants to havefun as well, she don’t want to be cast out.

She jump higher and she want to make sure that her feet will land at the so called Adam’s face. Shethrow a powerful kick at him then safely land at the ground.

Adam were angrily looking at her and asked “ What are you doing, you stupid idiot ! moron ! “ Eve’s eartwitch as soon as she heard those words.

Even if their enemies at their front. Both of them were continue with their quarrel. Both of them hateeach other.

They were startled when they feel someone attacking them. They look around and saw all of theguards are attacking continuously.novelbin

The young master of the Desmond family bite his lips as he thought ‘ just a little bit and I can obtainthem ! ‘ . He believe that obtaining the Adam & Eve will grant him a tremendous power.

He wants to be a King where his name will be known to anyone. He won’t admit defeat, he crack hisneck as he look at the moon from the Sky.

He shape shift into his Alpha wolf form, his fur was white as snow as he became a large wolf. He howlsloudly and that makes every guard nod each other as they look at the moon and shape shift into theirwolf form.

Lady Margaret was standing at the top of the tree as her eyes became red, she looks closely at themoon.

The dim light of it reflects her eyes as she scowl and look around. She saw everyone giving their bestfighting at the so called Adam & Eve.

She took a glimpse at Clavio’s side then smile. Her arms become longer and her nails becamesharpen. Her canine teeth became sharp, just a bite from it makes your skin crawl from blood.

She wasn’t called the Little sister or the Lady of the Desmond family with nothing. She and her brotherwere powerful enough to lift a group of army.

The hair from her skin became longer as her fur turning white. She was an Alpha wolf; she holds strongabilities just like his brother.

Her appearance makes differ from the other female Alpha wolf as she was the only one with a red spoton her body. They truly believe on her as a new Queen.

She smiles deviously as she looks at the so called Adam & Eve. This is her first time to saw the Adam& Eve. Her eyes couldn’t believe on how powerful their magic is.

It seems the report were true about them. Those two must obtain at all cost. She bites her lips andhowls loudly.

She was confident on herself as she thinking that obtaining those two are easy. Her red eyes widen asit lock on its prey.

She howls again and again until she jumps from above. The moment she land on the ground, theguards flip backward as they know how strong Lady Margaret.

All of them are shouting as they believe a victory on their hands

“ Lady Margaret and Young master Alexander were on our side ! “ one of the guard shout as he raisedhis weapon at the mid air

Some of the guard who shape shift into their wolf form were howling loudly

“ Victory will be ours ! “

“ Adam and Eve are nothing compared to our Lady Margaret and Young master Alexander ! “ theyshout which makes the so called Adam & Eve twitch their head at them

Eve smile deviously as she look at Lady Margaret side. She doesn’t want to shape shift, as for her;these people are not worth of their time. She took a glimpse at Ryga’s side and smile at him.

She frankly thought ‘ this man holds a connection with the moon, its better to ask him some severalquestion but before that let me annihilate this people ‘

She jump towards at Adam’s side and whisper “ lets finish this quickly “. Adam nod as he understoodwhat she meant

He run faster towards at Alexander’s side but the young master manage to defend himself as hethought ‘ these ancient people are too weak. Adam and Eve ? they were nothing but a weak opponent ‘

His ego was hurt earlier that he thinks of them as nothing but a weak opponent. He couldn’t forget whathappen, he was generous enough to bow his head at them but the so called Adam and Eve didn’t sayanything.

He clenches his fist as his eyes change its color. He closely look at the moon suddenly change andshape shift into his beast form.

“ ah ! this is the best ! No one could able to defeat me ! “ he mumbles while his appearance waschanging

He believes that no one could able to defeat him with his beast form. He will use all of his power toobtain them.

He clenches his fist as he howls loudly at the moon. His canine teeth became longer and sharper. Helooks around and saw some of his guard was defeated by them.

He can’t help but thinking his men as nothing but a weak pawn

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