The Alpha's throne

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

Ryga and Clona were on their knees as they scream on pain. Bailey hurriedly run towards at Clona’sside then pulled her hands towards.

The so called Adam &Eve didn’t dare to flinch as they look at him pulling Clona. He turns his back andcarries her at his arms. He stop for a while and took a glance at Ryga, who’s unconscious at theground.

He was startled when he saw Clavio running towards him “It seems his consciously mind was back”

He took a last glimpse at them and continues to walk, he barely heard Clavio asking Ryga but he didn’tmind, he doesn’t want to fight.

He was searching for possible tactic to capture the so called Adam & Eve and rule this world.

From the distance he saw Dorothy waving at him, on her side was Alice. He took a deep breath andhappily smile at them.

“Is she alright? “ Dorothy asked

“She’s fine” Bailey exclaimed as he turns his back and saw the so called Adam & Eve flying above thesky.

It’s really hard to capture those two, he needs another plan.

On the other side were Clavio, he gain his sense when the moon change its form. He took a lastglimpse at Bailey and turns his back. He pulled Ryga on his arms and turns his back.

He looks at the Sky and saw the sun shines brightly. It’s already morning. He looks around and saw alot of damage from his side. We must report it to the young master.

Half of our men were dead. Another organization came out and we need to do something about thembefore obtaining the so called Adam & Eve.

“Tsk ! Another failure” I exclaimed as I held Ryga at my arms. He was still unconscious. I don’t knowwhat happen to him but it seems he can’t control his beast form.

On my side, I can control on it but something happen that triggers my beast form to go berserk. I can’texplain an unexplainable thing.

We hurriedly run towards the woods as we need to report this immediately.

- Bailey’s side –

I gently put her at the bed as I look at her friends and asked “What happen to her?”. The woman withthe same age as her step forward and says “I don’t know what happen but, it seems she can’t controlher wolf nor beast form”

I took a deep sigh as I touch my forehead. “It’s my first time to hear that someone couldn’t able tocontrol their wolf form, aside from beast form” he exclaimed then took a deep sigh and continue “ Ourwolf form was already on our self. Ever since we born, being able to shape shift into our wolf formmakes our self-proud as it makes who we are. To be able to control and grasp its form makes our self-stronger”

Dorothy sat at Clona’s side and gently touched her face. She was too calm with a peaceful mind.Dorothy smile as she looks at her sleeping face.

Ever since she became part of their group, every day was challenging for her. Her ultimate goal is tofind his father. She was on her journey but she wasn’t able to find a single clue about his father’slocation.

She was startled when Bailey taps her shoulder and asked “are you alright? “. She flushed her smile“I’m fine. Don’t worry”

Alice was standing on her side, she was thinking about something else. Dorothy pulled her arms andasked “Is there something wrong?”. Alice smile and shake her head. She pats her back and says “Ineed to go”

Dorothy turns her head and directly asked “what? Where are you going? “. Alice didn’t respond as sheflushed her smile and says “Somewhere. I need to check something”, before she turn away she heardDorothy’s word “Be safe! “

She smiled, Dorothy was sweet little girl on her perspective. The reason why she’s following them isbecause of her but she was on her mission to find the King & Queen.

She believes that they were still alive. The so called Adam & Eve, were the proof that they were stillalive.

At first she believes the so called Adam & Eve were the King & Queen but, as the days passed by ,none of them have an absolute soul.

Absolute soul is the King & Queens vow at each other ‘ in sickness and in health, to love and tocherish, till death do us part ‘ that was their pledge. Their soul were connected, she can see a redstring connected by each other.

She didn’t see an absolute soul from them. She was curious on whom they are, but one thing for sure,the book they’re holding were belong to the King & Queen.

She was enhance on how vast their magic and how they able to summon those ancient creature. Thebook they’re holding holds a powerful magic. Inside of it were ancient creature that once ruled this

world but the King were able to seize them and put it on the book.

She was amaze as the so called Adam & Eve were able to summon them. She’s start thinking thatmaybe those were connected to the King & Queen.

She must confront and asked them directly. She can’t hold this curiosity anymore.novelbin

She took a last glimpse at Dorothy. She was mesmerized by Clona’s existence. She concludes thatmaybe Clona were a descendants. She has no proof but she will stand on her theory about her.

She cast a spell and with a blink of an eye, she was already at the top of the tree. She took a deepbreath and expands her magic.

She expands and forms a circle and any object that grasp on it, she can able to neither sense nor seeit. She smiles as she looks at her left side and says “Found it !”

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