The Alpha's throne

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84

Clavio manage to defend himself as Tuatara spit on him. Ryga shape shift into his wolf form and attackit but the Tuatara wag its tails and manage to defend himself.

The so called Adam & Eve was flying at the mid air as they looked down on the pack of wolves. The socalled Adam mumbles and asked “Are our master was still alive or not?”. Eve was looking at him withdisgust as she hates this man on her entire life.

She crossed her arms then rolled her eyes and say “I don’t know but Lady Amaltheia was still alive. Ican feel her soul and her magic but I can’t identify her location”.

She took a glimpse at him and asked “how about you? Was your master or should I say PrinceAchilleas was still alive?”. He took a deep breath as he took a glimpse at her and says “I don’t know butI can feel his soul. Just like you, I can’t identify his location”. She nod her head “Ah I see”

Moments of silence until Eve raise her hands and change the color of the moon. The crescent moonsuddenly turn into a full moon, using the book that was belong to her Lady, she manage to changeanything that surrounds her, even the moon itself, as the book holds a greater magic that oncecondemn by the moon goddesses.

The book holds Lady Amaltheia and Prince Achilleas memories. Its magic was unexplainable that eventhe world itself will bow their head.

She opens the book and brightness light came out. She turns some pages then cast a spell andsummons another creature.

While they are fighting with Tuatara, Ryga twitch as he heard another loud voice from the Sky. His faceturns into awe as he looks at the creature flying at the mid air.

He took a glimpse at Clavios’s side and pulled him, as he saw a creature that have a body, tail andback leg like a lion; the head and wings of an eagle’s talons as its front feet.

“It’s a griffin” he heard someone at his side while pointing its finger at the creature. Ryga turn his wayand asked “Griffin?”.

“It’s a mythical creature that resides at the south continent, it is said to be dead. How come it’s still aliveon this day?” the man exclaimed as his eyes became widen

Ryga look at the creature as it continuously attack the guards while the Tuatara keeps on spitting itsacid.

“Just fighting with the Tuatara was so hard and now there’s another mythical? How could we fightthem?” the man asked as its body was shaking

Ryga didn’t know how if they could win or not, even using their wolf form. The Tuatara and Griffin aremuch stronger than them.

“Why? These creatures must not exist today. They living for a thousand years” the man exclaimed ashe doesn’t know what to do

“Thousand years?” he mumbles as he think of a possible answer, he mumbles as he looks at the twocreatures. ‘How come it’s still alive? Or maybe someone summons them?’. He saw a two shadowfigure at the mid air.

‘The moon change’ he mumbles

Suddenly his ears change, it became longer as his nails grow into a sharp and longer nails. His a bitconfuse as why his beast form trigger.

He looks around and saw some of the werewolves are shape shifting into their wolf form. He took aglimpse at Clavio’s side and saw his awe face as he look at the mythical creatures.

The griffin soars high while the Tuatara keeps on attacking at the others. He took a step saw the griffintwitch its head towards him.

He hurriedly grabs the mask and put it on and flips backward. He howls loudly as he ultimately shapeshift into his wolf form.

His tail grows longer as if he became a beast itself.

On the other side –

Clona was blankly staring at the moon as her heart skips. She looks around and saw some of thewerewolf troupes from the young commander shape shift into their wolf form.

She holds her breath as she doesn’t want to shape shift into her wolf form. She doesn’t want to repeatthe same mistake again. She doesn’t want to kill another people.

She suddenly remembers her past self. She was startled when someone pats her back. She took aglimpse and saw Dorothy’s worried face and asked “are you okay?”

She nod as she wave her hands, suddenly her body became hot. She cant explain as if some forcetried to take her beast form.

“Was it moon goddesses?” she mumbles as she keeps on staring at the moon while her hands wereplaced at her chest.

Her body gradually changes. She took a glimpse at Dorothy’s side and push her then shout “Go !Leave me alone for now ! Go” while hardly taking her breathnovelbin

Dorothy was a bit confused, this is her first time to see Clona shape shift into her wolf form so shewon’t miss a single thing. A beautiful lady like her must have a beautiful form but Clona push hertowards Alice directions which Alice take notice at.

Clona nod at her as she can’t control her wolf form. She remembers, the last she shape shift into awolf. She killed someone, from then on; she decided to surpass her wolf but now it’s hard to surpass it.

In her perspective, it looks like the moon sucks her entire being towards it. The more she tried to resistthe more her body hurts.

She closed her eyes and hoping she could overcome this situation. Praying she could completely tookover her body.

She blinks her eyes and saw a wolf shadow coming from the moon’s light. She took a glimpse and sawa familiar figure fighting the griffin.

Unconsciously, she mumbles the name she wants to see

“Ryga ?”

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