The Alpha's throne

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81

The night was starry, a night bird flocking their wings soaring up the Sky. A crescent bloody moon, lightthe quiet night.

At the big castle, Lady Margaret was sleeping peacefully while the young master was checking somedocuments. He stop for a while and put the documents down, he look at the crescent moon as it lightreflects on his side and mumbles “what a peaceful night”

Outside of the castle was Ryga who’s sitting at the corner of the balcony while Clavio was standing athis side. He took a deep sigh then looks at Clavios’ side and asked “What’s your purpose? Why did youintroduce me into this place? Didn’t I say I need to find them?”

Clavio took a deep breath and exclaimed “If I didn’t introduce you as my friend, for sure you will die onan instant. The young master of the Desmond family has a guard tailing us on the mission”

“Regardless, I need to see them. I want to know if they are safe or not. Why did I become a guard onthese people? “ he asked

“If you want to meet them, you must act accordingly. I took a glimpse at their side during the accidentand saw some people at the distance” he paused for a while then look at him as he loan closer “I cansense someone”

Ryga was looking at him with confuse and asked “sense someone?”

He step backward then lean his elbow at the balcony as he look above the Sky. He took a glimpse atRyga’s side then continues “Aside for being a wolf. I have a power that I can’t say to anyone. It waspassed down from us. I can sense anyone from a distance. I can sense if someone following me or not”

Ryga was quietly listening as he looks at the bloody crescent moon. He took a glimpse at his side andasked “the possible reason is your alpha blood?”

Clavio chuckles then continue “The alpha blood have no abilities like that. It was said that my ancestorwas once rule this world. I have no recall if it was true or not but I believe the blood runs through mewas the King itself”

Ryga nod as he understood “so you mean you have this ability ? Isn’t it great? Out of million peopleonly you have this ability?”

Clavio smiles as he was pleased to hear that positive comment

“I sense someone while on the mission. Aside from your group, at the distance I can sense someonefollowing us. I can see their movement and their distance” he paused for a while then smile at him

“Your friends are safe. I can still sense their souls. They are still alive. Those group save them. I took aglimpse before turning and saw them”

“Are they trustworthy? Are they allies? What if they are an enemy’s? To lure innocent they keep actingas a good citizen?”

Clavio drastically laughed at his theory, he wipe his tears and says “It was your imagination. Thoseguys are from other organization. We may have different organization but all I can say was killing aren’ttheir forty”

Ryga twitch and turn his back and aggressively asked “what? Killing aren’t they forty? They aren’tacting to keep their pace? ”

Clavio couldn’t hold his laughter. He laugh hard while repeatedly pat his shoulder “you don’t trust me ?

He couldn’t say any word as Clavio was mockingly laugh at him.

“Anyway, the mission will start tomorrow. Adam & Eve must be obtains at any cost. I have no intentionof helping them but seizing Adam & Eve could change this world. I want this world to change”novelbin

“How can you say Adam & Eve can change this world?”

“I can’t say for now but the prophecy says a new King will rule this world. We don’t know if theprophecy telling the truth or not. All I can say was the world became unbalance and chaos because ofthe prophecy. A lot of wolf fighting each other for the throne”

Ryga nod silently, the bloody moon immense the Sky night. They can hear a pack of wolves howlloudly. Clavio lean his elbow at the balcony and exclaimed “I can’t guarantee your safety but I know youcan make it alive during the mission”

Ryga chuckles as he suddenly remembers the time they meet “It’s funny to think, the first time we meetwas finding Adam & Eve. Both of us fight each other. I can vaguely remember you can read an ancientletter and can do some magic”

He chuckles as he laughed remembering that time “Well, I feel superior so I don’t know why I act thatway. If I offend you then I apologized. Let’s forget those days and become friends”

“Ah ! I remember something” Ryga exclaimed

He looks at him for a while and asked “what is it?”

“The first time we meet was during the wave accident. You save us !. Aren’t you with those witches?Why did I saw a different witch at the cave with you ?”

Clavio flinch, as he remembers something. He turn his head and smile “Well isn’t it great ? Nice tomeet you” he doesn’t want the conversation to go on. He drastically changed the topic and asked“Where did you meet them? “ he was referring to Clona and the others

He scratched the back of his head and laughed while remembering the past “I meet them by accident. Ifound Clona first then the witch and follow by the old man wolf and lastly is the woman we meet at the


Every time he mentions their name, he can’t help but smile and laugh “Clona was so stubborn whileDorothy was a shy girl. Mr. Tom was a knowledgeable; we ask him a lot of question which he cananswer easily. He was a strong man with a dignity and pride. We meet him at the ship”

Clavio smile while listening to his story “isn’t it great you meet a nice people and have a journeytogether?”

He proudly smile “Yes I am”

Clavio took a deep breath and pat his head “Well, we need to prepare for tomorrow’s mission. I’mcounting on you” as they make a bro fist.

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