The Alpha's throne

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78

A cloudy night with a great fog started to emerge at the sky. Clavio and his team were on their missionto find the so called Adam & Eve, beside him are his team from previous while behind him are theothers.

He was been assign to become a leader on this group. Their mission is to follow and obtain the socalled Adam & Eve.novelbin

“Are we still there?” a guard man asked

“Not yet” Eva responds as she looks around. She can feel an enormous magic from the distance.

Clavio’s eyes twitch when he saw some shadow at the bush. He was walking towards the woods as hefeels someone was following them.

He looks around but saw nothing. He nods at the others to alert at the surroundings. Eva stop for awhile and look at the Sky then says “Let’s take some rest”

“It’s already night time. Let’s continue tomorrow morning” Clavio exclaimed as he keeps on looking atthe bush.

He jumps towards the branch then look around. He saw a small movement at the bush. All of them arelooking at him and asked “something wrong?”. He paused for a while and shakes his head “Don’t letyour guard down. Everyone must alert at their surroundings”

He sat beside the branch of the tree as he wants to take a nap. He took a glimpse at the corner andsaw a familiar figure. He looks around and saw everyone was minding their business.

He jump from below and says “Need some refreshment” then continue to walk towards the bush. Hestop for a while when he heard Eva’s voice “What are you doing? Is everything alright?” she asked

He paused for a while and took a glimpse at the bush. He turns his back and says “Nothing, just asmall animal”. Eva smiles for a while and cling at his arms and says “Let’s go. Let’s take some rest,okay leader?”

He chuckles when he heard the word leader from her. He took a last glimpse at the bush and thought“Why are they following on us? Those guys are here again!”

- On the other side of the bush -

Clona was holding her breath as she was afraid to find out. Ryga can sense that Clavio knows thembut he was taking a blind eye at them.

He was puzzled at Clavio’s action but this save him multiple times. He looks around and saw Mr. Tomclosing his eyes and ready to take a nap while beside him was Dorothy leaning her head against Alice.

He took a deep sigh.

It was an accident; they accidentally saw them at the deep forest talking each other about the so calledAdam & Eve.

The five of them are on their way to find Adam & Eve when they accidentally hear their conversations.All of them nod and follow them.

Alice twitched her eyes as she can feel someone beside them hiding and following Clavio’s group. Shegently closes her eyes as she doesn’t care about anyone aside from them.

Clona lean her head towards Ryga’s shoulder and close her eyes. She yawns as she feels asleep.Everyone was asleep except him. He was ascertain that Clavio notice them.

He doesn’t want to put his guard down. He look took a peek at Clavio’s group and saw all of them areasleep.

He took a deep breath and tried to close his eyes when suddenly they heard a large howl from thedistance.

All of them open their eyes and hurriedly grab their weapons. Mr. Tom stood up then look above andsaw the moon changing into a blood moon.

“No way ! Why it suddenly change? The wolf parades are over” he exclaimed

Clona’s heart skips beating. She was in pain as her eyes twitch and turning red. She can’t control herwolf form.

The moon changes it appearance. Alice hurriedly put a barrier. She was alarmed when she took aglimpse at the moon; she saw a shadow standing beneath.

Clona was shouting from pain, as her wolf form tried to overtake her body. Her claws started to appear,her ears started to grow while face started to change. She shout from the pain as she keeps on holdingunto her breath.

Ryga bite his lips as he keeps on looking at the moon. He grabs his jacket and hurriedly huggedClona’s body. He covers her eyes with his jacket while trying to calm her down. His body started tofeels hot, he can hear them scream.

Mr. Tom tap his shoulder and reassure him.

Alice barrier couldn’t hold any longer. A powerful force tried to break through the barrier. She looksaround and saw a large wolf howling from the distance.

Mr. Tom’s eye widely opens as he looks at the wolf. He step backward while pulling at Ryga’s back shirtand says “It’s not a wolf. It is their pet”

Ryga took a peek and saw a large dog with a wolf form. He suddenly remembers “Adam & Eve arenear this area”

“I know it” Alice mumbles while looking at the shadow beneath the moon. The ground suddenly crackedopen.

Ryga grab and held Clona’s body tightly as he jump at the tree branch while Mr. Tom was so quick thathis able to back flip and jump at the other tree branch while Alice was holding at Dorothy as she flip atthe midair.

Some of clavio’s group couldn’t able to escape the shaking and opening of the ground. Some of themare eating alive inside at the ground.

Clavio took a glimpse at Ryga’s side and jump towards it and asked “Why are you following us again?”.Ryga tried to respond when the ground suddenly shakes and cracked open. The tree branch split intotwo while the ground shakes aggressively, it suddenly split into two.

The forest split a large hole was made. Ryga couldn’t able to balance, he accidentally drop Clona’sbody at the ground.

Alice was too quick she was able to catch Clona with her magic but Ryga was too slow to move that hewas separated from them.

Ryga was regroup at Clavio’s group as he look below and the ground split. He looks around and sawMr. Tom with Dorothy and beside is Alice holding Clona’s body as they tried to balance.

Ryga tried to jump towards them but Clavio manage to hold his body. He was on tears when he sawClona and the others separated from him as the ground suddenly dropped.

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