The Alpha's throne

Chapter 49 : Ancient Queen
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Chapter 49 : Ancient Queen

Dorothy was holding a silver spear while look around the area. Her heart thumps faster than a normalperson.

She’s wondering from one place to another. She’s hoping to see her friends especially Clona – her bestfriend. They known for a couple of weeks, Clona maybe a wolf but her kind and good nature help her tosurpass everything happens on her surroundings.

She was able to survive despite being surrounded by the enemies. It was Clona who save her from thebandits, she own her life to her.

She have a goals and that is to find her father who gone missing.

She flinched when she heard a loud bang at the left side. She raise her both hands and jump towardsthe branch tree, she grimly hold the tree branch them hurriedly climb at the tree.

She hides from the leaves then look below. She saw two witches wearing a pilleus cornutus – a 'hornedskullcap'.

She looks around but she saw nothing. She bends lower and listen closely. She sneaks a peakbetween the leaves and saw them talking something important.

A Long hair women, opens her mouth and say “Adam & Eve will reborn after the parade”. She frown fora while and mumble ‘adam & eve’ then she remembers something.

Inside the cage she saw a painting of a woman and saw a scribble ancient letter with a name ‘Adam &Eve’. Her heart thumps faster while listening to them.

She bends her knee and attentively listens to them.

“Our organization was trying to create an apocalypse” the long hair woman exclaimednovelbin

‘ organization? What’s that?’ Dorothy mumbles

“By waking Adam & Eve on their slumber” says the short hair woman

Both of them stop then sit beside the tree

“Let’s go after taking some rest” the short hair woman exclaimed while taking a deep breath

‘Where are they going ?‘ Dorothy mumbles while looking below

“Are you sure we are in the right place? “ the long hair woman asked

“Yes, I heard it was inside the cave”

‘Cave?, so they’re planning to wake up someone whose sleeping inside the cave’ she mumbles thensuddenly, she remembers something

‘but there’s a wolf inside the cave’ she thought

“Once Adam & Eve awake, this world will be ours” the long hair woman exclaimed while laughingsarcastically

‘Whatever their plan is, it was dangerous. I have no idea whose Adam & Eve but, these people try toawake an ancient queen. If I remember correctly a queen sleep on that cave’ she thoughtfully thinks asshe frown her forehead

She stood up and hurriedly hides at the leaves when she saw that both of them stood and look around.She holds her breath as she tried to stop her heart from beating

“I thought someone was here, sorry it was my imagination” the long hair woman say while look aroundthe area

“Geez~ you’re exaggerating. Let’s go”

Both of them hurriedly run towards the deepest center of the forest and she knows where those twowomen will go.

She jump below and look around if someone saw her. She took a deep breath. She will follow thosewomen secretly to find the truth.

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