The Alpha's throne

Chapter 44 : His true self
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Chapter 44 : His true self

His hair started to grows faster and the tip of his claw grow longer and longer. He howl, looking at thesky as his tears fall down. Remembering what happened on the past makes his heart hurts.

He suddenly remembers on how the enemies sunk their ship.

When they were inside the ship and ready to escape, a group of bandits and two witches sunk theirship. He looks around and found their leader breathing at the corner while the group of bandits startedkilling the others.

‘How? How come the witch and the bandits tagging each other and helping them? How? ‘His mind fullof question as he doesn’t know what to do on this situation

His holding a baby when someone attacking him at his back. He shout when he feel little bit pain on hisback.

He jump towards the leader then step back “what should we do?” he asked

The leader was thinking on how to escape but he has no idea how. They were at the bottom of theocean and nowhere to run.

He looks around and saw a tiny boat beside. He took a deep breath. If the child can survive then hedoesn’t mind sacrificing himself.novelbin

He look at the moons brightness as his eyes started to change its color. His hair grow longer andlonger. He shape shift into an Alpha Wolf.

He looked at the baby’s whose crying loudly. He has extraordinary abilities that only his familypossesses.

“Take the baby and get out of this place” he mumbles towards their leader while pointing the tiny boatbeside.

“How about you?“

“I can manage my own” he answer directly

The leader take the baby then hold it tightly and asked “please survive; you’re the only one left”.

He raise his claws and with the tip of it, he gently poke the baby’s forehead and smile “be safe, I willcoming to get you” and push them away

He snap to reality when he feels someone presence attacking at his back. Now, he remember that hehave a fight with this person.

He wouldn’t forgive those people. They kill his brother and the others. They burn their mansion. Justremembering his past makes his blood boiled.

He manages to survive from the past and here he is right now. He needs to finds his brother’s child atall cost.

His dream is to establish his families again.

He shape shift into his beast form. His hair was getting longer and longer. He howls loudly then look atthe enemies. It seems, he can’t control his self.

Today is wolf parade, just once. Just once, he wants to break free.

‘Ah, It’s been a while since I feel this way’ he thought

He completely transform into a beast. His howl makes the other wolf bow their head as they feel thathis superior from them.

He wouldn’t forget.

His wants to take revenge. He doesn’t care what happen as long as he can take a revenge on them, itdoesn’t matter.

He gives a blank expression towards the enemies as his eyes change its color again. His head tilt thenlook at the enemy’s side and a simple noise makes him out of control.

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