The Alpha's throne

Chapter 1: The starting point : Lona
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Chapter 1: The starting point : Lona

A thunderstorm arise ~

A dark night where a full moon shine's brightly , a pack of people fighting each other . A fittest survivalthat only the strongest can rule . With a strongest wind and pour down of rain ; the lightning strikes atthe branch of a tree .

In a middle of nowhere there's a man holding a child wearing a red hood , as he tried to escape fromthe enemies . The man stops for a while and tilt his head above as his red eyes reflecting the moonlight. He can hear the voices of his people fighting each other . He can feel their agony , anger anddispleasure . He flinch and jump towards the tree branch when he feel that someone targeting him . Helooked below and saw some of his men fighting the enemies . He jump below and look around , one ofhis men nod at each other and surround him as they are ready to die for the sake of the child .

All of them stop for a while and look above the sky's ; as the moon starting to change its color - a redmoon . A red moon which indicates that their true power will unleash , as they started to shape shiftinginto a werewolf . Their eyes become wide as they change into a pack of wolf .

A man holding a child suddenly change into a big wolf with a golden fur while some of the wolf changeinto a black and a white fur . All of them have the same eyes - red as blood as their canine sharp teethclenching each other . All of them howl as they look at the moon .

The man who become a wolf , slowly approach the baby whose crying so loud . He bite the corner of itsclothes as he look at his men and nod each other . He turn around as he wave his tails and startedrunning faster .novelbin

He can feel that someone was chasing him . He looked around to find a safe place for the child as hetried so hard to escape and avoid the enemies attack . He looked above and saw a birds nest , he jumphigher while looking around as he gently put the child at the bird's nest .

He jump below and started running towards his men . With his claw that was sharp as blade , he attackthe black fur wolf as he howl so loud . He look around and saw one of his men bleeding , he runtowards his men and attack those enemies . The man can identify his allies from the pack of wolf as allof his men have a tattoo from their back and all of them was wearing a golden pendant - the onlyidentity that they belong to the Monsieur Family's .

He howl and look at the enemies as some of them step back and look at him . The difference betweentheir size which grows the enemies to back down . He flinch ang jump at the side when he saw one ofthem attacking him .

He clench his canine teeth and looked furiously at them as his red eyes shines brightly . He run andjump towards the enemies as he slash his claws . Some of the enemies started to retreat as they canfight him on one on one . One of his allies with a black fur started to shape shift into a human form andask him " where's the child ? " . He look at him for a while and howl then started to shape shift into hishuman form and say " in a safe place " .

Another allies with a white fur shape shift into a human form as he cough and say " we still have anenemies here " . Both of them look at him and say " but some are backing down " . Some of theenemies started to shape shift into their human form as they're started to step back without saying asingle word .

" The moon shine's brightly , as if it gives a favor on us " says the man while looking at the moon . Ashe started to reminiscing where this fight was started . One of his allies replied " I hope they're fine " ashe referring to their master .

He look below as he started thinking that this war was started a week ago when a black witchannounce about the book of prophecy that was found on the deepest enchanted forest . As theprophecy say " A new ruler's will born with a greatest power to unleash and change the world " thus thewar between the werewolf started .

A thousand year's have passed since the last King died . The werewolf pack have no ruler since thenand some of them want to lead the pack and thus the fight between the werewolf started , as they wantto become a new ruler of their clan . They want to become a new ruler who can lead the pack ofwerewolf and who was looked up by the others but there are some of the werewolf who doesn't care asthey are enjoying their life but all of it was change when a black witch announce about the book thatthey found on the deepest enchanted forest ; and thus the war between the wolf begin .

A conflict between the families emerged when some of the werewolf interpret the books as ' only thenew ruler can unleash the greatest power ' . A bloody war between a werewolf started - which todetermined the rightful ruler of the clan , as they interpret that the wolf who have a blood line as theprevious King can become the ruler of the clan thus they started fighting each other , even if you're acommoner whose ancestor have a blood line of a previous king can become a new ruler of the clan aslong as you have the King's blood run in your veins .

A families that split into three group was known since a thousand of years with a grace of the goddessdeity's and the King , they are known as the strongest families as they are a pack of Alpha with a betaand omega's servant . The Alpha wolf who have known with their golden fur and the Beta wolf whohave known with their black fur and lastly the omega wolf who goes into heat during the first quarter redmoon which only happens twice a year - as for their fur it is white as snow .

He snapped back when he feel pain at his back . He didn't feel the presence of this person . He tilt hishead and look above and their he saw the red eyes werewolf with a golden fur .

" An alpha wolf , I wonder which family they belong ? " he asked himself

He look at his blood as he smirk at the enemy's . He smile and look at the red moon as he started toshape shift into a wolf . He clench his canine teeth and howl louder as he jump higher and bite theenemy's ear . Both of them started fighting when his allies howl and as they point at the back .

He step back and nod at them as they started running fast . The golden fur enemy started chasing himbut he look at his men and nod at them . All of them nod each other as they fully attack the golden furenemy .

He run faster until no one can catch him . He look around and jump higher towards the bird's nest . Helook at the child and howl then shape shift into a human form . He slowly and gently pick the child andjump from above while holding a child to the ground and started to whistle on his men .

He look above the sky and saw the red moon starting to fade and saw the thunder strike to the birdnest . He run faster while trying to catch his breath and covering his wound . You can hear the child'scrying voice and the pack of wolf's howling each other , as he run faster trying to escape the baby .

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