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Chapter 67

I growled inwardly in annoyance when she called my sister a fool, but at that moment I dared not show any expression that would give away my true identity. She truly hates my sister but could still keep her alive, which means there might still be bit of importance she still attached to her, but for me, death was the only thing she wished for me.

If in any way she finds out my true identity, there would be no need for me to bother myself trying to escape, fight, or beg for a second chance. My death will come immediately.novelbin

Ahuge smile almost slipped my lips as I watched the door open. The anticipation and bubbling urge almost shot through my skin as I fought hard to control it.

There she was, my beautiful, loving sister who is after my heart, a girl that I see as both my mother and sister. She was sitting there on the bed, her head resting back on the wall while she closed her eyes

She was well dressed and didn’t look oppressed in any way, which made me so happy.

A bit of tears formed in my eyes the moment she opened those eyes when Diana yelled her name. Her gaze fell on me first, and I couldn’t help smiling at this point. I just hoped the smile appeared as casual as I wanted it to be, so Diana wouldn’t suspect anything.

“Is that the replacement? Her voice was barely audible as she asked and shrugged, moving her eyes away from me and facing Diana.

“Yes, that’s him. For your information, he is new in this pack and won’t be a joke like the first one you stupidly fell in love with. You know why I’m telling you this, so just focus on your training, study the map, and if you need any help, tell him, and he will help you out.”

“Help like what? He is useless to me, and I don’t even know why you insist I get a bodyguard. What exactly will they do for me?” She hissed, sounding so pissed out, but Diana doesn’t even care what it was that was irking her.

“I have my reasons why they are here, and it’s better you don’t know. Just stick to the plan and don’t try to be smart because I won’t take it easy on you.” She warned with a stern voice, her face mean and dreadful, before she shifted her gaze to me.

“After you both have made a brief introduction, we will discuss. There are a lot I want you to keep watch over and inform me once there is something fishy.” She said that, and I nodded.

Sure. I replied.

“You both will share the same room. I don’t care how you sleep. Meanwhile, her name is Ria, and she is stubborn, but I IMUSE say this. I trust you. I don’t know why, but immediately I saw you. I just believe you are the right person for this job who will handle her well.”

Just then, she paused, as it seemed she got a message through the mind link. Without saying anything else, she hurried out of the room, her heels making a quick knock on the tiles.

Immediately after she got out of sight, I rushed to the door and locked it while Ria stared at me with her lips down and turned to a sneer.



“Why are you locking my door? The fact that you are staying with me doesn’t in any way give you the right to lock Stop acting like you’re anything!” She huffed at me, rolling her eyes. “And I don’t know how I will cope with staying in the same room with you.


I burst into laughter, roamed my eyes through every corner of the room, and as soon as I saw where the cameras were, I turned my back on them.

“Ria, you are now really harsh. I wonder what she made you go through–that everything irks you out.” I spoke with so much pity and care, looking at her face as she faced the ground begrudgingly.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” She scoffed, looking up at me, and I smiled.

Chapter 67

“Do my eyes strike any resemblance? I know the concoction I took distorted my voice a bit, but does it ring anything to you? Like, what does it sound like to you, sister?”

Immediately I called her sister, her eyes squinted at me. She stood up from the bed in a rush, her eyes scanning me from head to toe as if she were measuring my height and checking on every possibility of what she was thinking in her head.

“Can I know why you are saying such a weird thing? We just met, and…

“I am here already. Like I said in the letter I sent to you, My baby, this is Stan, your brother.” I whispered, the tears I had been holding falling down my checks as she froze in shock and disbelief, her jaw dropping

“Stan?..” She gasped, blinking and walking closer to me as her eyes got wet with so much emotion. We both gazed into each other’s

‘s eyes while she drew forward, and so quick, she pulled out her shoe and acted like she was flinging it at me, so I dodged, and it went straight to the camera, handing at the high end of the wall behind me, breaking it immediately.

*Stan!!” She squealed, jumping and hugging me tight while I pulled off the mask, seeing she had broken the camera.

Leaning back from the hug, she looked into my real face and shed tears, her lips quivering, and I could literally hear the pounding of her heart against her chest as she grinned and pecked my cheek.

“You actually came back for me! You didn’t abandon me even after I was the one who caused all this to myself. I was stubborn and deserved it all, but you really fought your way to come here. I am so happy Selene didn’t kill you.” Her excitement was exuding in every word she spoke, as she even fought to make each sentence with the same amount of joy in


Her body hugging around me gave me so much warmth, joy, and peace. Seeing she was fine, healthy, and sane was all I needed to feel on top of the world.

“Yes, I am here now, and we must find a way to not only escape but also kill that evil woman” I whispered to her while putting my mask back on because we didn’t know when she would return to the room.

If she comes back and sees the door locked, her suspicion will begin, and I don’t want to take any chances. I am in her territory, so I have to be very careful, or it will be the end of me.

“There is something she told me to do, which is to bring the ancient sword to her so I will regain my freedom. Should I do it? I had agreed to do it because I could bear being stuck with her. What do you suggest?

“I suggest you do just as she says: continue being normal while I send a message across to Selene. We will attack her when she least expects it.”

“That’s fine.” She beamed.

“So, how is Selene’s father? She is concerned about him and wants to know if he is still sane and healthy because she is planning to take him away from this hell. I questioned.

She sighed and shook her head sadly.

“I hope he will be alive the next day because his life has been sh*t. He is now a dead man, walking with no choice of his own, toying around, and needing permission to do everything. He is the alpha, but even an omega has more relevance than him. Diana had destroyed his life and everything he had.” Ria explained with a deep sigh.

“I am here now. We will set things right and help Selene destroy that evil woman and her entire crew.” I said it into her ear, and she nodded with a huge smile.

I trust


A knock sounded, and my heart skipped a beat. What explanation will I give Diana as to why the door was locked? It wasn’t locked when we entered, and now that I was with Ria, it got locked. Shit!.

Ria swallowed hard, anxiety building up as the atmosphere grew intense when I headed to the door to unlock it.

As I opened the door, I began to apologize, but hissed on seeing it wasn’t her.

Mort o May


Chapter 67


“Fuck! Who are you?” I seethed at the young man in a warrior uniform standing at the doorpost. He sneered at me, squinting as if he were looking for my identity.



“I should be the one asking a stranger like you who you are. What are you doing inside this room?” He was almost shouting as he peeped into the room, like he was checking up on Ria.

“Who are you?

“Let him in!!” Ria shouted from inside, and I gave way.

Dave! I miss you!”

They both ran into each other in a tight hug and kissed while I watched in surprise.

“Who is this guy? Diana fired me. Is he the replacement already? Someone else to…”

“Yes, he is, but the fun is that he is my brother in disguise”

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