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Chapter 65: Revenge

Serena's POV:

This was my first time to ever investigate on someone, but I was determined to succeed because of thegrudge I held in my heart.With my mind reading powers mastered, it was only a matter of time that Iwas able to gather information on Tyler with Peter's help.

I was disgusted at the information we were able to dig up.It turned out that Tyler had done all kinds ofevil things.

The devil himself would be ashamed.At the top of the list was selling free werewolves as slaves.

Often, he would have his men capture homeless werewolves and sell them to the slave traders for ahigh price.He was also found to be in cahoots with a group of dark wizards, allowing them to set up ashop in his territory and sell illegal magic medicine.

Worst of all, any werewolf that opposed him or made him upset would always be killed in secret.

These countless crimes were all grave offenses.According to law, Tyler would be sentenced to death atleast ten times.

Collecting evidence for his crimes was another obstacle, which I was able to overcome after sometime.

Once it was completed, I handed it over to the Werewolf Elder Council.My accusation had shockedthem all.

They never expected that a former Alpha would be capable of committing so many crimes.

Immediately, Tyler had been summoned by the Werewolf Elder Council.

At first, he was acting arrogant, swearing at everyone in the room.

"What? You don't believe her, do you? Don't let that bitch Serena fool you.She has a grudge againstme, so of course she'll try to slander my name!"

But when the elders began to enumerate each piece of evidence that I found, Tyler's expression hadchanged.His arrogance had turned into sweating and fear.

"Tyler Trump, these pieces of evidence seem to be clear as day.Do you admit to your crimes?" an elderasked Tyler while glaring at him.

All color on Tyler's face had been drained out.

Once he admitted to his crimes, he knew that he would surely be sentenced to death.

He turned to me and shouted, "You little bitch! I might have sold you as a slave, but look where you arenow.novelbin

Aren't you safe and well anyway? Yet you still take revenge on me and try to kill me?"

"I didn't do all this to get back at you for selling me as a slave, nor for the trouble you caused Peter'scompany.There's a deeper grudge I hold against you."

I stared Tyler down with a cold expression.It was difficult to hold back on my words at this moment.Icouldn't tell Tyler about the crime he had committed on my parents in front of the Werewolf ElderCouncil.

"A deeper grudge against me? What is it?" Confusion was evident in Tyler's eyes.

"Think about it, Tyler.Look back.You still have some time to figure it out before they sentence you todeath."

Tyler's lips slowly turned into a pale blue shade at the mention of his sentence.His eyes watered andhe started to quiver.Finally, this man showed fear in the face of death.

When I was still in the Black Moon Pack, he had always looked down upon me.

Now, the tables had turned.

"Serena...No matter what I did to you before...I was wrong...Please...Just withdraw your accusationagainst me.Tell them your evidence is false...You and Brandon...Don't you love each other? Why wouldyou want to kill your beloved's father? Think of how Brandon would feel…” Tyler staggered and hiswords were already incoherent.

In a moment of total desperation, he had forsaken his image and knelt down before me, tugging at thehem of my clothes.I stepped back and looked down at him.

The mighty Alpha Tyler turned out to be a coward, just like his son.

Here he was, in the face of death, kneeling down before me and begging for my forgiveness.

If only he had shown mercy to my parents.

The other Alphas that day were uncertain and didn't have the heart to kill my parents, but Tyler tookgreat delight in their slaughter.

Proving the innocence of my parents was a mission for another time.

But for now, I could avenge them with Tyler's life.

Ask for my parents’ forgiveness yourself when you see them.Although, I don't think they'd be in hell likeyou will, I said to Tyler in my head before turning around and leaving him in the hands of the WerewolfElder Council.

Peter's POV:

After she had successfully avenged her parents, Serena was finally relieved.It was as if a big weighthad been lifted off of her shoulders.

March had arrived, and so had Patricia.She was back with the pack for her spring break.

Patricia was complaining that she had too much homework this year.Serena couldn't help but smile ather.

"You know, Patricia, I actually envy you.Even when my parents were alive, I had always beenhomeschooled.Later, when I was at the Black Moon Pack, I had to study on my own with whateverbooks I could find.In all my life, I realized I have never been in a classroom even for a day."

"Serena...Would you want to try going to college?"

It suddenly occurred to me that college was a possible option for Serena.

I pitied her story about never experiencing the life of a student.

Now that she was safe and capable, I hoped that she could at least experience the campus life.

"Well, can I? I have no way of proving that I ever went to middle school or high school because I onlyread some books I found at the Black Moon Pack."

"I'll help you out.There should be a special application process for your case.Besides, you still havethree months before the admission exam in June.I'll hire some private teachers for you to make up forthe subjects you missed.With your independent studying skills, I believe you'll pass the exam."

Serena squealed for joy and rushed up to kiss me.Patricia smiled at us.

Ever since that had been decided, Serena had busied herself with studying for the entrance test.

Three months was a short time to catch up on everything, so Serena usually studied all day and wouldeven stay up until late nights.

It was hard not to disturb her, being that we couldn't spend much time together.

But soon, Serena's efforts had finally paid off.

June had arrived, and Serena was able to successfully gain admission to her chosen university.

That day when Serena received the letter, she ran into our room, waving it in her hand and shoutinghappily.

She launched herself at me and we fell onto the bed.

"Pet, I did it! I passed! I really passed the exam!"

"I'm so proud of you, baby! Look at you, you're going to be a college student!"

This period of her life truly made me admire Serena even more.

Despite not receiving any formal education, she was able to pass the exam after just a short time ofstudying.

"My first term begins in two months.I'll have to stay in school.That means we won't be able to see eachother every day."

She pouted her lips.

I turned over so that my body pressed on top of Serena.

"Well, then we will have to maximize our time together now.You were so busy preparing for yourexam.I've been feeling lonely for a while now, you know."

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry for neglecting you.Don't you worry, the Luna will reward you now." Serenapinched my nose.

She then hooked her legs around my waist and pulled me closer, making my dick grow hard in aninstant.

For months, I had been holding back my sexual desire.

Now, this enchanting siren of mine was calling for me.

I leaned down and kissed her passionately, while my hands got busy stripping off her clothes as fast asthey could.

Our bodies were intertwined and we rolled violently on the bed.

The bed's frame and springs creaked loudly under the strength of our fierce movement.

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