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Chapter 37: Helping Alvin

Peter's POV:

I was in the middle of a meeting with the employees from our European branch.There were someproblems that needed my personal attention.

Suddenly, my phone rang and the screen showed Camille's name.Until I answered her call, I would nothave even known that she was going back to France.

Honestly, I was glad to hear that news.

Camille and I did have a relationship before, albeit short-lived.

I was afraid that if she stayed here any longer, Serena might find out and overthink it.

Camille requested that I drive her to the airport.

At first I didn't think it was a good idea, but then I decided that I could just use that opportunity toofficially close things with her.

I could not deny that my heart ached when I saw her cry.

However, it was not wise to show too much sympathy for Camille.

I didn't want her to misunderstand and think she still had a chance with me.

Camille and I parted before she boarded the plane.

I left immediately because I did have a lot of work to get back to.I became busy throughout the wholeday.I wasn't able to come back to the Maple House until late at night.

On the way back, I passed by a small bar within the territory.

Alvin was by the entrance with two she wolves in revealing clothes who argued with him.

"No, let me go.I'm just here to drink!" Alvin shouted at them.

"Stop pretending, Alvin.The two of us can make you very happy tonight.Besides, it's been so long sinceour last threesome!" I used to go to bars in my younger years, but I stopped when I got older.

Alvin, however, was known to pick up girls in this area.

Recently, he seemed very depressed and went to drink a lot.novelbin

What was ever stranger to me was to see him openly resisting those she-wolves just now.

Alvin would never refuse girls.

"Go find somebody else.Get away from me! I'm not repeating myself another time!"

Alvin roared at the two ladies.The she-wolves looked at each other in shock and ran away from Alvin,back inside the bar.

Even I was shocked by Alvin's behaviors.I had never seen him treat any woman like that.

"Well, look what we have here.Our Alvin is drunk on the sidewalk alone? I wonder what's making himso upset."

I spoke in a slightly mocking voice, walking up to him.

"Peter, I already found my mate.But I think I'm going to get rejected..." Alvin said with his face down.

"Really now? Which unlucky girl has been assigned as your mate?"

"Stop being so mean to me, Peter," Alvin whined and then sighed heavily.

"It's Tessa.I know, I know.She's such a nice girl and I don't deserve her at all."

"Oh, don't be so defeated yet, Alvin.You're my Beta.Also, I won't let this opportunity pass to say thatI've told you so! A man's reputation is very important.But buddy, answer me truthfully.Are you seriousabout her this time?"

"Of course, I am! But I don't know what I can do."

"Well, you are right that Tessa is a very innocent girl.I want to remind you that you must not even thinkof approaching her if you are just going to trifle with her feelings! Or else Uncle Justin will never forgiveyou."

"No, I don't want to mess around anymore! I know I can't change what I've done in the past.But thistime, I'm serious about Tessa."

Alvin looked like he was about to cry.

Perhaps it was the alcohol that was making him too emotional.

"Well, I can ask Serena to put in a good word for you when she talks to Tessa.On one condition,though.You have to prove yourself to Tessa."

"Really, Peter? You support me in this? That would be so helpful if Serena did that.I need all the help Ican get.Hold on, Tessa! I'm coming to you with the grandest romantic gestures!"

"That's more like it, Alvin.Come on, I'll drive you home."

I shook my head at this drunk Beta.

On the way home, Alvin started to sober up and he updated me about some new information.

They were able to rescue the other werewolves who had been captured by Henry.

After they had been sent back to their homes, their respective packs were immensely grateful to us.

When I got back to my room, I caught myself still thinking about what happened to Camille today.

It was better that I explained to Serena right away.I was afraid she would misunderstand this.

"Honey, I'm home."

"Hi, Peter.Did it go well at work today?"

"Of course, it did."

"Did you see Camille off at the airport?"

"Yes, I did.Wait.You knew? It hasn't even been a minute since I entered the room.Did you already readmy mind?"

"No, not really...Good news, though.After a lot of practice, I think I can finally control my mind readingpower!"

"Well then, how did you know I saw Camille off at the airport? Did you get a new super power orsomething?"

"Not exactly." Serena shrugged and showed me the photo on her phone.

"What the fuck? Who sent you this picture? Is that supposed to be a dirty trick they're playing on us?Are they trying to get us to fight over that?"

The photo looked convincing.

It looked like I was hugging Camille, since our bodies were very close to each other when I caught herbefore she fell.

"Honey, I'm not sure what happened between you and her there. But I trust you."

Serena kissed my cheek gently.

"Before she boarded, Camille asked me to..." I was about to explain everything, but then Serenashushed me.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Pet.I have let it go."

"Wow, I am so lucky to have such an understanding mate." I wrapped Serena in my arms.

"Oh, one more thing, baby.My father finally decided that it's time for me to take on the position ofAlpha.My Alpha Ceremony and your Luna Ceremony can be held together! The elders told me that theceremonies must be held on the day after tomorrow.What do you think about that?"

Actually, my father had wanted to make me Alpha for a long time now.

It wasn't that he doubted my capability at all, but he was only worried that I would be an Alpha without aLuna.

But now that I had Serena, he could be confident to give the position of Alpha to me, and live apeaceful life of retirement with my mother.

"I'm a little nervous, to be honest.I can't imagine being the center of attention in a room with thousandsof people, confessing our love to each other!"

"Aw, honey.Just be yourself! Besides, Patricia, Anita, and Tessa will all be by your side, too.Don't worrytoo much about it."

"Speaking of Tessa, she seems so preoccupied lately.I'm not sure but I think Alvin has something to dowith it."

"Well, well, well, you probably don't even need your mind reading power anymore.You are already sogood at reading people just by how they act."

"Stop teasing me, Peter." Serena poked me playfully.

"Do you know anything about this? Tell me."

"It turns out that Tessa and Alvin are mates.But she is acting so cold towards Alvin.Perhaps she hasfound out about Alvin's infamous playboy reputation."

"To be honest, I don't think Alvin really has a chance, too.He is such a wild, promiscuous guy.Tessa is anice and innocent girl.She deserves someone better than Alvin."

"But the Moon Goddess has arranged it.There must be a reason.Alvin told me that he is now veryserious about Tessa.If Tessa refuses Alvin then...It's going to break him."

"That's interesting.Hmm...Since the Alpha believes in his Beta so much...I will trust your word.Lookslike I'm going to have to put in a good word for your Beta."

Serena's POV:

When I saw the photo that was sent to my phone, I! was initially shocked.

But even if I didn't have my mind reading power, I knew that I would still choose to trust Peter.

He was a loyal man who didn't lie about his words.

Although, I was curious about who took the photo and sent it to me.

Could it have been Kate? Was there anyone else who would benefit if Peter and I had a conflict? Iwasn’t sure who it could be.

But whoever it was, they had completely underestimated me.

Did they really think I was going to believe whatever information I received? Did they think that ourrelationship was so shallow that photos like these could break it? One day, if I would ever meet thisperson who was behind this, I would flip them off with my middle finger.

Peter was so sweet, trying his best to explain what had happened today with Camille.

But for me, it wasn't really necessary anymore.

While we shouldn't hide anything from each other, there was also no need to exert energy explainingissues such as these.

That was probably what it meant to be each other's mate.

We were not only connected physically, but we were also soul mates.Speaking of mates, I decided totalk to Tessa about Alvin.

I thought it was still early, so I went to Tessa's room and knocked on the door.It was Patricia whoopened the door.

"Serena, why are you here.I'm selecting dresses for Tessa.The day after tomorrow is your Lunaceremony.Tessa said she didn't want to embarrass you."Said Patricia.

"Are you ready? Let me have a look."

I walked in and saw Tessa in a white evening dress.She looked gorgeous.

"I'm afraid our Alvin is going to fall in love with him." Hearing me mention Alvin, Tessa blushed instantly.

"Do you mean Alvin? What happened? Tell me now.”

"Patricia shouted loudly. Yes, Alvin.He Is Tessa's partner."

"No way! Alvin, that playboy.I can‘t let him hurt my good friend.I'll beat him up tomorrow.Let's see if hedares to mess with Tessa again."

"Patricia, don't hit him."

Perhaps she thought that Patricia would really teach Alvin a lesson, Tessa slopped her in a hurry.

"Patricia is right.I support Patricia." I just want to see Tessa’s reaction.

"Serena, don't do that.He didn't do anything to me.It's the moon goddess's idea to have a partner."

Tessa’s voice trailed off as she lowered her head.

"Tessa, you care about him, don't you?" I asked softly.

Tessa didn't answer my question.

Her face was getting redder and redder.

She grabbed the hem of her dress with both hands and looked very nervous.

"Alvin is a dissolute man.But that was the past, and the past could not be changed.He was not bad innature.She was kind, brave and responsible.Anyway, give him a chance.You can investigate him for aperiod of time before making a decision.No matter what decision you make, we will support you.Afterall, it's up to you whether you want to be your partner or not."

I patted Tessa on the shoulder.

Tessa is younger than me.

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