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Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Caden’s POV Alessia gasps and her eyes shut close. Her face is scrunched up in pain as a lone tear trickles downthe side of her face. That tear is like an arrow laced with wolfbane that pierces me right in the middle of my heart. I hateseeing her in pain and I hate being the cause of that pain. “That hurts,” she whispers, her legs falling from around my waist. “It gets better,” I promise, sliding my hand between our bodies and seeking out that tight bundle ofnerves. She gasps and clenches around my c o c k, squeezing the life out of it. I grit my teeth, reminding myselfthat I can’t f u ck her the way I want to without hurting her. Sliding out slowly, I push back in with the same pace, keeping my gaze locked on her face andstudying every new emotion that crosses it. When the pain written across it morphs into a look ofwonder, I breathe out a sigh of relief. Sliding my hand out from between our bodies, I grip the back of her knee and place her leg on myshoulder, stretching her open for me. Her eyes widen and her lips part open in a breathless moan. They beg for my kisses so I comply,lowering my body onto her and seeking out those lips. My tongue slide into her mouth, mimicking the same movement of my hip. It doesn’t take long forAlessia to start whimpering and digging her nails into my back to draw me closer. Soon our kisses turn s l o p p y. I pull away and instead focus my attention on peppering her neck andchest with h i c k e y s. Any open space that my lips can reach isn’t spared. I want everyone to seethose marks on her body and know that she’s mine. A drastic change from how I felt a few weeks back but it’s an uncontrollable urge that I can’t curb.

“Caden,” Alessia moans softly, her eyes glassy and her pupils blown out. Absolutely breathtaking. “Yes,” I answer, breathing the words against her parted lips.

“Please, l-i-” Her nails drag up my back, leaving a dull throb behind. Combined with the sweat drippingdown my back, that dull throb turns into an ache. An ache that I welcome because it shows just howmuch I’m driving Alessia crazy. “What do you need?” I ask, reaching for her breast as I quicken my pace. Alessia cries out and her pus s y clamps down my c o c k as her eyes shut close. The heel of her feet dig into my a s s and her cries of pleasure are a melody to my ears. My thrusts quickens and my rhythm flutters. Alessia doesn’t seem to care or notice though. She’s toobusy digging her nails into my back and raising her hip to meet my thrusts. “Oh G o d!” I’m mesmerized and unable to tear my gaze away from Alessia’s face as her lips form a perfect ‘o’shape and her face lights up in wonder. Chapter 102 +5 “That’s it, baby. I’ve got you.” The endearment falls out of my mouth effortlessly and I can’t find it withinme to regret how easily it slipped out. → A telltale tightness appears in my balls and I grit my teeth to try and hold it back but it’s like fighting alost battle. I manage to do one, two, and three more strokes before I slam into her and hold still. My c o c k jerks and-c r a p!I didn’t wear a condom. Alessia is in heat- a time when she is most fertile- and I forgot to wear a f u c k i n g condom. She’sgoing to kill me. My train of thought comes to an absurd end as her p u s s y clamps down on my c o c k, milking it foreverything it’s worth and draining me completely. I manage to roll off her before crashing on the bed beside her. I force myself off the bed before my limbs decide to give up, and drag my feet into the bathroom.Running a towel underneath the tap, I squeeze the excess water out of it and head back into thebedroom. novelbin

Alessia’s gaze locks on mine as I draw closer to the bed and she quickly looks away, her cheeks tintingpink. I hold in a chuckle that’s trying to make its way out and lower myself onto the bed. My grip on her thighs grabs her attention and turns her gaze back to mine. “What are you doing?” She whispers as I reach between her legs and wipe away the blood on herthighs. “I’m taking care of you,” I state simply like it’s an obvious fact. “Why?” Her eyes are clouded with confusion. “Because I want to.” I reach up and place a soft kiss on her lips, silently any further query that shemight have. I’m not ready to answer her questions. Partly because I don’t have the answers to them. I rise from the bed and head back into the bathroom, ditching the towel on the counter and making amen t a l note to take care of it later. All I want to do right now is to slide back into that bed with Alessiain my arms. I walk back into the room to find Alessia trying to derail my plans. She’s wearing her clothes except her T-shirt which I’m sure is what she’s looking for underneath mybed. “What do you think you’re doing?” My voice echoes in the otherwise quiet room, and I instantly regret itas Alessia startles from the sound and hits her head on the edge of the bed. She whines, rubbing her head as she rises to her feet and pins me with a deadly glare. “I’m looking for my shirt.” She drops her hand from her head and continues scurrying the room. “What do you need it for?” I’m not an idiot but I want her to spell it out for me. “To go to my room?” Her answer comes out as a question as she arches a brow at me. Then sheshakes her head like she can’t even be bothered with me. “Just help me find it.” I pull her into my arms. “You don’t need it. Not if you’re spending the whole day in here.” As the wordsfall out of my mouth, I’m reminded of the workload waiting for me outside of this room but none of themmatters in this moment. W Chapter 102

45 Alessia’s lips part open to utter what I know is sure to be a rejection of my offer. I press my lips againsthers before a word can come out. “Come back to bed with me,” I whisper against her lips. She nods obviously in a daze and bringing asoft smile to my lips.

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