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Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Alessia’s POV My throat closes up as I stand in front of the big black door. The only thing standing between me andmy father. A man that I’ve never met yet has influenced every area of my life. I stall, anxiety curling up in a ball inside of me and making my knuckles stop mid-air. Through the door,I pick up the scent from within the room and it curls my stomach, making me feel like I have to throw up. Howdoes a person who’s still alive have the smell of someone dying? “You don’t have to go in if you aren’t ready,” Caden mutters softly behind me and places a hand on myshoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze. “We can come back at any time. It doesn’t have to betoday.” We both know that to be a lie. It has to be today. From the little Caden has told me, my father is severely ill, and postponing this meeting any further isout of the question. Apparently, Jude has been feeding him the deadly venom in tiny dosages eachday, killing him slowly. They found the pack doctor that had been working for Jude but the irreversibledamage had already been done.

My father barely has a week left to leave and if I don’t do this now, it may be too late by the time I finallymutter up the strength to go through with it. “I’m fine. I can do this.” I nod determinedly and knock twice on the door, holding my breath as I wait tohear the sound of my father’s voice for the very first time. “Come in,” a sickly voice says and it ends in a cough. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I didn’t expect himto sound that bad. It sounds like even that small sentence has taken a lot out of him. “Alessia.” Caden turns me around with a hand on my shoulder. His face softens once he sees theunshed. tears in my eyes. “You might not like what you see on that bed once you walk in and I wantyou to be very sure that you can handle it.” In what state is my father for Caden to be giving me such a heads up? I ponder over his suggestion for

a moment but then shake myself out of it. I can’t keep putting this off. It has been going in for days nowbut today is the day I plant my feet in the ground and say no more. I’m just going to walk in there, talkto the man, tell him what I have to say, and then walk back out of the room. “I can do this, I repeat, adding strength to my words so that I can believe them myself. Caden looks at me skeptically but drops his hand away from my shoulder and points to the door. “Yourfather is waiting for you in there and I’ll be right out here. We’ll leave when you’re ready to go.” I nod, appreciating the kindness and support that he has been showing to me ever since he droppedthis bomb on me. A surprise, given that he probably has his crises that he’s battling himself. Finding outabout Jude didn’t only turn my world on its axis. It did the same to Caden. I can’t even imagine how hemust feel to have found out that Jude got away. The man that he had been chasing for half his life wasso close to him but yet managed to slip through his fingers. ? ? M M MB B B B B B M Chapter 91 80% 11:43 We haven’t talked about the other thing he said that day. No words have been mentioned about howJude is the same man who ordered the attack that had his previous mate killed. He took away his firstmate and drove a second mate into his arms. It’s a blanket that hangs in the air and covers over us. Ihaven’t brought since then and we both came to a silent agreement to ignore the connection betweenour lives. itup “I won’t stay in there for long.” I tell him. I plan on just going in there and telling Thomas- I found out hisname from Caden- that I’m happy that we’ve finally met but I don’t plan on building a relationship with him. I know it isn’t his fault that we were separated- according to what Caden told me, the man had no clueof my existence until a few days ago but I don’t think I can form a relationship with him and have himtaken away from me a few days later. It will kill me. So, I’m going with the safe option here. Meet him

and tell him to his face my reasons for not wanting to get closer to him. “You can take however long you need. We aren’t in a rush here.” He smiles softly at me. “Don’t hurry.” Well, that is one advice that I’m not going to be taking into consideration but I nod anyways and pushthe door open, bracing myself for what is going to greet me. The room is pitch black but thanks to our supernatural powers, I make out the figure on the bed. A man with a head of white hair and protruding bones. It’s so bad that the muscle on his face is almostcompletely gone, leaving just skin and bones. I cover my mouth with my palm as I choke on a s o b. This is worse than what I ever imagined. It’s likehe’s withering away right there on the bed.. I don’t think I’m ready for this. Is it too late to run out of this room and try again another day? The cough that he lets out answers my question and I close the door behind me.novelbin

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