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Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Alessia’s POV I blink, my eyelids feeling heavy as I force them open, immediately closing them when the bright lighthits my eyes. I squint them open one at a time to get used to the blinding light and the throbbing headache that isn’t.ceasing. Groaning. I try to sit up and fall back onto the bed as a weight pulls me back down. Furrowing mybrows, I take my gaze to the space beside me and find Caden snoozing away on the pillow with hishand draped across my stomach. That’s the weight that pulled me back onto the bed. Blinking in confusion, I try to piece this puzzle together. How did I end up in Caden’s bed and why he iswrapped around me like a leach? I clutch my forehead, trying to get my memories back. All I get is an intensified headache. Gasping atthe pain, I close my eyes, feeling like a thousand needles are being pierced into. my head. “Alessia?” Caden sits up, his hand falling away from my waist.Without the weight pulling me back down to the bed, I attempt to sit up again but fall again when I plantmy hand onto the bed. I whine, cuddling that arm to my chest. The hand that got maimed. It still hasn’thealed yet?

“Shit! Are you ok?” Caden voice sounds like his face is directly beside my ear and when I open up my eyes, I realize why itsounded that way. It’s because his face is actually right beside mine. I pull away, putting some distance between us, and trying to sit up again, this time using my good handto lift from the bed. I succeed and press my back against the bed frame with a sigh sliding out of mylips. My headache has reduced but the dull throb is still present. “What happened?” I ask, looking oyer at Caden who is also sitting straight. My head has a lot of blankspaces that I can’t fill up.“You don’t remember anything?” He arches a brow in surprise. “The night in the woods. Our fight?”

I whine at the memory of my wolf throwing herself at Caden and getting a brutal rejection. That’s onememory that I actually won’t mind forgetting forever. “I remember our fight but I don’t rememberanything after that?” “You really don’t remember anything?” Caden is starting to look a little worried and that increases myanxiety. I shake my head, wondering what exactly it is that I forget. All I remember is- 1/3 Chapter 87 The memories start rushing back, one after the other. Each painful and terrifying memory makes itsway back into my head, hitting me with a sense of dread as I remember the most important part of thatnight. “Is Jake ok?” I ask anxiously, wanting to know the answer but also wanting to remain oblivious. If Iremember correctly, his wound had been very severe and the pack doctor did not help in making ourworries lessen. “I-is he a-alive?” I stutter, scared of what the answer to my question will be. My hearthangs in my throat. Caden nods his head. “He’s ok. He’s bedridden and his chances aren’t looking all that good but he’salive,” he simply states and my heart sinks into my stomach. I’m happy that he’s alive but I hate the factthat I’m the one that put him in this position. “I want to go and see him.” I need to apologize and beg for his forgiveness. I don’t deserve it but I’mgoing to keep begging for it. “Right now?” He arches his brow in surprise. “You just woke up and you’re not supposed to strain yourmuscles. Your wound isn’t completely healed yet.” I ignore every word that comes out of his mouth. “I need to talk with him.” I push the cover away andswing my legs out of the bed, planting my feet on the wooden board. I stand up and immediately regretthat decision as I place a hand on the wall to steady myself. Caden rushes around the bed to my side and wraps his hand around my waist, holding me upright. “Itold you that

you shouldn’t get out of bed but you never listen to me.” “I just got dizzy for a moment there because I stood up too quickly,” I lie, pulling away from him andignoring the way my vision blurs. I’m sure it will get better with time. Right now, the most important thingon my mind and finding Jake and finding out what condition he’s in. Caden sighs, sounding resigned. “I’ll take you to his room.” He pulls me back into his arms and bitedown a sigh at that sweet feeling of being held in his arm. “First, you have to take your shower and eatsomething. Only then will I take you to go and see him.” I open my mouth, ready to protest his clause when he shoots me a death glare, effectively silencingme. I also have to admit that taking a shower and putting something in my stomach isn’t the worst ideaat the moment. I definitely won’t mind having a hot bath to get this dirt off my body. I scrunch my noseat the feeling of my clothes sticking to my skin from what I’m sure are days of sweat. “How long was I asleep for?” I ask. The stiffness in my joints has me wondering just how long I wasasleep. “Two days,” Caden answers and I come to a halt, inevitably also making him stop walking. “What’swrong?” He asks looking at me worriedly. “I was asleep for two whole days?” I ask incredulously. If that tiny wound had caused that muchdamage to me then how is Jake faring?novelbin

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