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Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Caden’s POV The chainsaw in my hand slips and falls onto the ground and I completely ignore it, already turningaround on my heels and walking towards the door. ‘Get the fighters ready. We’re going somewhere, I hurriedly mind-link to Alex, praying that he does thatorder swiftly. Time is of the essence. Alessia’s father might die if we’re too late. If Jude has caught wind of what happened- that his mastermind plan has failed like all his other plans-he’s going to just kill off her father and use the power he gets to come for Alessia. I can’t let thathappen. Stepping out of the dungeon, I nod swiftly at the guard stationed outside the room. He knows the drill-keep an eye on the prisoner at all times. He nods back at me and reaches into his pocket to bring out the key for the door. I turn around, assured that my prisoner is going to be right where I left him when I come back, and startheading for the pack house. I stalk towards Isiah’s room, knocking twice and dropping my hand down to my side as I wait for him toanswer the door.

The door falls open, showing Isiah with sleepy eyes. I guess I should have expected that seeing as it’slate in the night and every normal person iss already tucked into their bed. “What is it?” He asks, opening his door wie and stepping out of the room, probably making out the expression on my face as urgent. “Didsomething happen?” “We found him,” I simply state and watch the changes that take place on his face. The sleep in hiseyes. disappears and his shoulders stiffen, his body going on alert.“Who is it?” He asks, looking anxiously at me for the answer. “Jude. The Beta of Silver Wood Pack,” I answer quickly, wanting to speed up this process so why cango on. to finding that b a s t a r d?

His breath catches, his eyes a conflict of emotions- happiness, anger, disbelief, and…peace. I feel each and every one of those emotions within me. At long last we finally found the person behindthe attacks. The person that caused all these pains and suffering in our lives. “We’re going to go get him right now. Come with us.” He deserves to be right beside me when I snapJude’s head off his shoulders. “We don’t have time on our side. He’s poisoning Alessia’s father andmight decide to kill him anytime soon.” His brows pinch together, the confusion is obvious on his face. Chapter 83 “I’ll explain everything on our way there but we have to start moving now, I rush out. “Ok,” he nods hurriedly as he realizes the urgency of this situation. “I’ll go get changed.” I almost tell him to forget about putting on a change of clothes but the man is standing in just a boxerand I guess he’s going to need to be properly dressed when we confront Jude. “I’ll be waiting downstairs with the fighters,” I tell him, turning around and heading for my room that’stwo doors away from his. Opening the door softly, I walk in and close it behind me. Walking further into the room, I stand by theedge of the bed and look down at my sleeping mate. Her brows are furrowed together and she lets outa soft moan every few seconds, experiencing pain even in her sleep. My teeth clench together as my fingers curl into fists. I’m going to make sure that Jude pays for all thehurt he has caused my beautiful mate. I’ll get you the revenge you deserve,” I whisper into the silent room, squatting down by the bed andplacing a lock of her hair behind her ears. Cupping her cheeks, I smile as she leans into my touch, seeking more of it. Lowering my head, I placea soft kiss on her lips, pulling away and running my gaze across her features. She’s so beautiful and Ihate that I’m part of the reason why she’s lying on this bed. I should have tightened security. I should have made sure that the patrol team patrolled both the woodsinside and outside my pack. I shouldn’t have talked to her the way I did before she ran away. I shouldhave told her that I ripped Veronica’s hand away from my body and warned her never to mention suchnovelbin

propositions to me again. I should have ran after her and apologized. I should have- I sigh, dropping my head down on the bed. So many things that I should have done, but there’s no wayto turn back time so I’m just going to have to do right by her. I’m going to start by getting the revengeshe deserves and cutting the head of the person who has tormented her all her life. Dropping one last kiss on her head, I straighten up and draw the blanket up to her chest to keep herwarm. Her temperature has been fluctuating all through the night. Throwing one last glance at the bed, I step out of the room and close the door behind me. I walk down the stairs and out the front door, finding Alex, Raphael, Isiah, and the best of my fightersstanding outside, waiting for my orders. My chest tightens as I stare at them all, glad not for the first time that I have these awesome peoplearound me and by my side. I walk towards them, nodding approvingly at Alex at his choice of fighters. If we’re going to ambushJude, we need to be ready for anything, If he had a spy in each pack then word might have alreadygotten there to him and he might be ready to face us. “Let’s go get him,” I say, fire coursing through my veins.

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