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Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Caden’s POV When Raphael comes, he’s accompanied by Alex, some strong knights that I know, and the packdoctor. I finally shift into my human form and like I expected, the b a s t a r d under me uses that opportunityrunning again. He doesn’t get far when Alex has him pressed against a tree with his fingers clenchedaround his neck. “Do that again and that will be the last breath that you take?” Alex threatens menacingly. to start The idiot had the brain to take Alex’s words seriously and he raises his hands above his head insurrender. Alex pulls him away from the tree and pushes him onto the ground where he lands in a heapwith a whine. Taking my gaze away from them, I turn my attention to Alessia. Alessia who is naked in front of manywandering eyes. “Give me your shirt, I grit out through clenched teeth at Raphael. I hate to have another male’s scent allover her but my choices are slim to none here. Rapheal’s shirt is just going to have to make do. His brows pinch together but without any complaint, he shrugs off his plain white t-shirt and hands itover to me.

I walk over to Alessia, ignoring my nakedness, and drop to my knees by her side. I place a palm on hershoulder and she turns her gaze away from Jake’s wolf where he’s currently being checked on by thepack doctor. “He’s going to be ok, I tell her, even though I don’t believe my own words. The wound I saw wasghastly and possibly life-threatening but hopefully, the pack doctor and his skills will be able to help himpull through it. “It’s all my fault.” Her face crumbles, another wave of tears sliding down her face.

I keep quiet because what exactly do I have to say to that? “Put this on?” I drop the shirt on her lap and stop short when my eyes drop to her arm. It has asickening black color and smells like rotting flesh. I don’t know why I didn’t notice this change beforebut now that I’ve seen it, it’s all that I can look at. “What happened to your arm; It’s suppose to havehealed by now.” 1 grip her shoulder, pulling her closer to me to get a good look at the wound. She drags her arm out of my hold, her face still scrunched up in pain. “It’s ok. It’s just a little wound. It’llheal up soon enough.” She pulls on the cloth, whining throughout the whole process and making myworry deepen. “It doesn’t look like it’s healing,” I say, gripping her shoulder again and drawing the sleeve of the shirtup to see her arm. The smell and look of it isn’t reassuring. “It’s fine,” she bites out, s n a t c h i n g her arms out of my hold and biting her lips with pain etched onher face. Chapter 80 That’s it. “Let’s go see the pack doctor and have him take a look at your arm.” I’m already on my feet andreaching out a hand to pull her up. She ignores my outstretched hand, still sitting on the dirty ground, and shakes her head in defiance andstubbornness. “He’s treating Jake and he needs more attention than I do.” I clench my teeth in annoyance, the worry inside me heightening as her skin flushes, sweat breaking out acrossher forehead. The fact that her words are sounding slurry isn’t helping matters. “He will just take a quick look at the wound and that’s all.” One minute away from Jake isn’t going tolead to his death. “I’m fine.” She stands up and s t a g g e r s and I quickly reach out for her, wrapping my hands around

her waist and pulling her into my chest. Her head falls onto my shoulder, her breath coming out of mypants. “I j- just- “Alessia?” I call out, tapping her on her shoulder and getting no response. I lift her head to get a look ather face and find her eyes closed. “Alessia?” I caress her cheeks but still no response. Dread settles in my chest, squeezing the breath out of me. Panic like I’ve never felt before grips myheart. I lift her into my arms and start walking towards where the pack doctor is bent over Jake’s wolf. “She needs help too, I rush out, settling on the floor beside Jake and drawing up her sleeves. “I thinkit’s the wound they sustained. It’s not healing like it’s meant to and it’s getting worse.” As if it was possible, the wound now looks darker than it did before and the smell has also worsened. The pack doctor frowns, pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. “That’s the same thing thathelping with him. I’ve never seen anything like it,” His words make the dread in my stomach increase. “We need to move them to my house. I don’t have all the equipment that I need.” He reaches over toAlessia, pocking her flesh around her wound with concentration etches on his face. “I need to find theantidote for this. Hopefully, it’s not too late by then.” I balk, bile rising in my throat but I force the urge down. Now isn’t the time to barf and hide away. “I’ll take Alessia to the pack house,” I tell Alex and Raphael. “The rest of you will take Jake.” Therewere five of them and they should be able to handle one wolf on their own. Alex nods in understanding. His gaze shifts over to the man still curled up in a ball on the floor. “Whatare we to do with him?” My anger boils up. “Throw him into the dungeon. I’ll deal with him later.” As much as I’d love to spendhours craving into his flesh with a blade, Alessia needs me more.novelbin

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