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Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Caden’s POV “Three,” she says breathlessly, her thighs quivering uncontrollably. Another one. This time in between her thighs. She clenches her legs together, whimpering andsquirming on my lap. “Just one more,” I whisper. I’m not a heartless b a s t a r d. This is the first time that I’ve taken heracross my knees and I’m not going to exhaust her. Maybe next time, I’ll add an extra ten strokes. I shake my head at that thought. I just promised myself that I was going to put an end to all this buthere I am, already planning when next I’ll get to span k her. I’m so screwed. Her red hot bottoms now bare my handprints, turning me on more. I place my hand back on her a sscheek and she flinches. “I’m not going to span k you anymore,” I promise, watching as the stiff muscles in her back relax. “Youwere such a good girl.” I massage her a s s, palming and kneading it in hope of alleviating her pain.She’s going to feel this pain for the next few days to come. That knowledge brings me immense joy. She sighs, her head dropping down onto the bed. My hand continues its movement until her sighs turn into soft moans of relief and quivering slows downuntil it completely stops. Amidst all that, her legs which have been clenched together fall open,revealing her perfectly pink…we t p us s y.

F u c k! Did she get wet from my s p a n k i n g? Did she enjoy it? My finger slides down to her wetness and I groan at the feel of it. Alessia gasps, her legs falling apart,letting me get a peek of that soft flesh. I push a finger inside her and my coc k weeps in my pants, picturing itself in there instead of my finger..Picturing that tight heat clenched around it the way and wondering if it will feel just as tight around thecoc k the same way it feels around my fingers. Alessia’s fingers dig into my thighs through my pants as I add another finger. She moans loudly, herback. arching off my lap as she pushes her a s s into the air, basically begging for more.

I chuckle, pushing my fingers deeper in and c o c k i n g it. She dam n near bolts off my lap as shemoans. loudly, her voice definitely reaching others in the other rooms. “Sheesh. Someone’s going to hear you.” I slide my fingers out, ignoring her whimpers and words ofpleading. “Please, don’t stop, she begs, wiggling her a s s on my lap. “I’ll be quiet.” I ignore her words, picking her off my lap and dropping her on the bed. Her eyes fill with something akin

Chapter 74 to irritation as she watches me stand up from the bed. That irritation fades away as I startpeeling my clothes off my person. I stop at just my shirt before removing any more items will just beunwise. my knees at “Turn around. If you need to scream, burying your face into the bed,” I instruct,getting onto m the edge of the bed, my mouth already watering as I imagine her taste. I probablyimagined how sweet it was because there’s no way that the memories I have can be real.

Alessia hurriedly gets onto her knees, her legs hanging out of the edge with her a s s pushed out. I inch closer and bury myself into her pus s y. A lie. Every memory I had was a lie. None of them didjustice to just how sweet this pus s y is. Gripping her a s s cheeks in my hands, I drag her closer to me, sliding my tongue up and down her slit,collecting her wetness. Alessia is a hot mess; moaning, gasping, and whimpering. Thankfully, she has her head buried deeplyinto her mattress. It might not really do much for us with all the heightened hearings around us but it’s better than lettingher bring down the roof of this house with her screams. My tongue slides in, slowly with my eyes closed as I savor her taste. This might just be the last timethat I get to have that taste on my tongue and I’m going to make sure that I make the most of it. My fingers slide up her soft thighs and in-between her legs. I press down on her cl i t with my thumband it sets her off. She pulls away, her screams m u f fl e d with the thick duvet. novelbin

I drag her back, holding her in place with a firm grip on her hip. I continue running my tongue up anddown her slit, and suck her c li t between my lips. When she finally stops screaming, I pull away withone last lick. I can’t believe that this may have just been the last time that I’ll get to touch her in this way. Alessia falls onto the bed and I pull away, adjusting the painful hard o n in my pants. While she’s stilltrying to catch her breath, I pick up my discarded shirt off the floor and shrug it back on. I look over at Alessia to find her on her knees and staring at me. Or rather at the ha r d- o n in my pantsthat’s still trying to make its presence known. Her gaze finally drifts back to mine and she blushes whenshe meets my arched eyebrow. “Do you want me to…” She trails off as she reaches for me, her hand running up and down my hard on. With a strength that I didn’t know I possessed, I pull her hand off my body and her face turnscrestfallen. “We need to talk,” I start, ready for this to end. No matter how much I want to rush through this and getit down, I know that is important and how I face it will determine the outcome. Her brows furrow. “About what?” SEND GIFT Chapter 74 “I think we should put an end to this.”

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