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Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Caden’s POV 3 She’s at it again. I don’t know why she’s so determined to drive Alessia away with her weird peopleskills. “What are you doing here?” I make sure to not let it sound like a rude question or like I don’t enjoy herpresence but I’m very sure that it comes out exactly in that way. “I want to talk to you,” she grits out through clenched teeth, causing me to experience a wave ofconfusion. I’m sorry, but who exactly is the one who’s meant to be annoyed in this situation? Is it theperson who keeps appearing uninvited? Or is it the unsuspecting victim who has to deal with theseunexpected visits? “Let’s go to my office,” I suggest politely. It’s so far off from what I actually want to say. Which issomething along the line of- Please, spare my mate and leave the poor girl the f u c k alone! She looks down at Alessia who has been watching the whole conversation with a confused look on herface, and smiles at her. “I’ll be back soon. We’ll continue the conversation from where we stopped off.” Not if I have anything to do with that. My poor naive mate simply nods. “Ok,” she whispers, throwing glances uncertainly between the two ofus. Does she think that one of us is going to end up killing the other?

I sigh, leading the way into the pack house, up the stairs, and into my office. When we get there, I openthe door as a gentleman and wait for her to walk through it. She marches for the chair facing mine and settles into it. “Please, make yourself feel at home,” I mumble sarcastically and I’m answered with a glare. “Watch your mouth, child, she warns, earning an eye roll from me. I round the desk and take my seat opposite hers. “What were you talking about with Alessia?” Maybe ifI know the topic, I’ll be able to do some damage control. “I just came to meet your mate and then I had a lovely surprise.” A pause where I wonder what

nonsense she’s about to spew next. “Apparently, I also found out that you two aren’t together. You’refated mate and yet you aren’t really together.” She c o c k s at the head to the side and gives me aninquisitive stare. “Pray tell, how does one have a fated mate and yet not really be with them?” I grit my teeth hard enough for it to cra c k. “So that’s what you two talked about?” It’s worse than Iimagined. It’s the absolute worst-case scenario. I was busy worrying about Alessia when the personactually i n d e e p s h i t is me. Sadly, Alessia isn’t around to save me. that’s “What are you doing?” She asks, looking genuinely curious and confused. “Do you even realize whatyou’re doing?” Her question annoys me. What does she mean by if I know what I’m doing? I’m the Alpha of thebiggest A&MMM BBB BBGW Chapter 71 pack and I definitely know what I’m doing. “Of course, I do,” I answer dryly, hoping that will put an endto her interrogation. “If you know what you’re doing then why are you screwing up big time?” She folds her arms over herchest and levels me with a serious look. “You’re hurting her. “Excuse me?” My brows furrow together, confusion welling up in me. “What are you talking about?” “You don’t see it?” She asks incredulously, her eyes doubling in size when I give her a blank stare. “Youreally don’t see it?’ she echoes. “See what?” I ask, feeling snarky and tired of this guessing game. I hate when people beat around thebush. Just give it to me straight and don’t leave me on hold. She shakes her head, still looking shocked and still grating on my last nerves. “You’ll figure it out foryourself. I sigh, ready to put an end to this dreadful conversation. “Well, we have nothing else to talk about. Timeto gel her out of this house and away from Alessia. This meeting has dragged on long enough. Time toput an end to it. “You’re more than welcome to stay over for dinner or…” I let my words trail off, lettingnovelbin

her fill up the blank space with whatever she wants. She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to spell it out for me.” She raises her hands in mock defeat. “I canread. the room. I’m going to let myself out.” Holding in a sigh of relief, I throw her a smile. “We’ll love to have you over at anytime.” She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to do all that. I already said I’m going.” She stands up and startsheading for the door but pauses as her fingers close around the door kn o b. She turns around, lookingat me. “Don’t hurt her and don’t end up hurting yourself.” She’s speaking in riddles and I’m not going to bother asking. It’s just going to create a whole newconversation that I have no intention of starting. 3 Even without a word from me, she notices my confusion and continues, “You’ll understand very soon.Hopefully, it won’t be too late by then.” She throws a sympathetic smile my way and exits the room, locking at the door behind her afterthrowing one last glance my way. 1 I sit in my chair minutes after she’s left, still pondering over her last words. I’m having a fight withmyself over what those words mean. Somehow, I think I understand what she meant but I’m not readyto accept it. So, I do want I always do. I do what always works for me. I push it away and ignore it, shoving it to the back of my head. I have other things to worry about.Things that require my complete focus. Those are what I’m meant to be thinking about. Th Al App

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