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Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Alessia’s POV We’re on one of our runs that has now become my reward after a good day of training. If I happeninflict some pain on Caden then an extra hour is added to our running. Today, I managed to land apunch to his jaw and I swear I heard something break. That entails an extra hour of our evening run. Our wolves play around together for what could have been hours or merely minutes. It’s fun to watch abig black wolf playfully chasing a much smaller wolf and looking like he’s thoroughly enjoying himself. Then we lay out on our usual spot in our usual nudity and talking about our usual topics- anything thatcatches our fancy. Today, I have a new topic that I want to talk about and I ponder how to stylishly bring it into our conversation. eyes Right now, Caden is talking about Lucy and how he raised her from when she was little. As he talks, his literally sparkle and shine with love and adoration. So f u c k n g adorable. I didn’t think that adorablecould be a word used to describe a six feet, four inches monster but that’s the only word that comes tomind as I look at him. Completely and absolutely adorable. “That’s cute,” I comment as he tells a story about a mischievous four-year-old Lucy who tried gettingaway with the fact that she was the one who snuck into his office and broke his vase. I’m sure she didn’t find it cute when I grounded her for a week.” He sighs, his hands folding behind hishead as he uses it as a pillow, making the muscles in his forearms bulge out.

I hold in a whimper. I’d love to be using those arms as a pillow. I shake my head to pull myself out ofthose dirty thoughts and focus on what really matters here. It’s not about how much I’ll love to run mytongue along those veins that are popping out on his arms. I pull my gaze away from his delicious-looking arm and back to his face to find him staring at me whowas just ogling him. “Is everything ok?” He asks, barely keeping a smirk concealed. It slips out when I level him with a glare.

I clear my throat. “Who are the new guests?” I ask, trying to pull it off like it’s just curiousity. 3 Caden visibly stiffens for a moment and just as I’m sure that I’ve screwed up, he relaxes. “My latemate’s family. Her father and sister.” “They came to visit?” I ask innocently, leaning forward like I’m genuinely curious. In a way, I’minterested in knowing what they’re doing here but that’s not the main reason for bringing up thisconversation. “There’s an issue that her father is helping me figure out.” At those words, I perk up, suddenly very interested in where this conversation is heading. “Whatissue?” I add, hoping that Caden doesn’t suddenly decide that I’m being too nosy and cut me off. Ineed him to 1/3 Chapter 69 MM MB BBB B keep talking. He looks like he’s having a debate with himself but then he sighs and sits up. “We have a lead on therogue attack that wiped away half of the pack. I find myself following his movement and sitting up too, my head whirling from his words. This is f u c k in g huge. Definitely a bigger new than complaining to him about how I think his late mate’s sister hasthe hot for him. “That’s why they’re staying over?” I ask quietly, not wanting to spo o k him and have him stop feedingme this information. “Yes. Hopefully, it won’t be long before we find out who the mastermind is. In the meantime, they’regoing to be living in the pack house,” he explains. I know that my plans have been screwed but that isn’t what is at the forefront of my mind. “What areyou going to do if you catch them?”

A dangerous glint appears in his eyes, sending a shiver down my spine even though it’s warm out here. “I’m going to give them what they deserve,” he responds darkly, his eyes turning pitch black as a snarltears out of him. I reach over for his hand and settle mine on top of him, just touching him and hoping that it will beenough to draw him back to the present. “I can’t wait for you to get them,” I say when his eyes get back a bit of the forest green color that I’mused to. Thanks.” He doesn’t pull his hand out from under mine and I take it as a win. The issue that I wanted to bit c h about now seems foolish in light of what I’ve just learned. If Veronica and her father staying here will help Caden get closer to finding those b a s t a r s then I’mjust Kims to have to put on my big girl pants and suck it up. “Is everything ok?” Caden echoes his earlier question, turning his hands around so that our palms arefacing. His fingers slide through me and he gives my hand a light squeeze. “It looks like you’ve got.something on your mind. What is it?” My heart is racing a mile a minute all because of that contact. All my senses are hyper-focused on that.hand on mine. “I’m fine,” I answer, sounding breathless even to my ears. Hopefully, he will attribute it to the race thatwe had. I mean, I could definitely still be experiencing a shortage of breathe even though that raceoccurred like thirty minutes ago. He doesn’t look like he’s buying it but he doesn’t press me to tell him what the issue is. He shoots onelast doubtful look my way and gives my hand another squeeze, causing my traitorous heart to leap outof my chest.novelbin

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