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Chapter 53

Chapter 53 H 2 EN 12:36 Alessia’s POV I’m waken up by bright lights streaming in through the blinds. I squint my eyes open, wondering why Ileft the blinds open. I always make sure to close them every night before going to bed. Did I forget todo that last night? I sit upright on the bed and that is when I notice that the king-sized bed with grey duvet isn’t the oqueen- sized bed that I’m used to. That’s when everything starts rushing in. Along with the memorycomes the realization that I’m the only one present in the room. Caden isn’t anywhere around thepremises of his room. Did he leave me alone in his bed? Anger follows the crushing embarrassment that builds in my the twoof them sink deeper into my stomach. chest and If he was going to abandon me the next morning then what was all those talks about me being his andhis alone? I fall back onto the bed, blinking away the tears trying to fall from my eyes. Caden doesn’t deservethose tears. I wipe my eyes with the back of my palm and stand up from the bed to search for myclothes. Finding them neatly folded on a chair somehow seems more embarrassing than finding them in a heapon the floor. It looks like I’m seeing the evidence of my s lu t i n e s s through Caden’s eyes. I quicklypull them on and move for the door, cranking it open with just enough space to peep out into thehallway to see if anyone is passing through. Finding the hallway empty, I quickly walk out of Caden’s room and rush down the stairs to mine. Doing

the walk of shame drains a lot out of me and I couldn’t have been more grateful by the time I see thedoor

to my room. I quickly open the door and slide in before anyone can see me. I get to my room undetected but thefact that everyone already seems to be at the pack house probably played a role in that. That anger comes back hotter this time. I can’t believe he didn’t f u c ki n g wake me up. Did he thinkhe was doing me a favor by letting me sleep in his bed like a baby while he went to the traininggrounds? I don’t care if my anger is unwarranted. All I know is that I’m going to make Caden pay for this whennext 1 lay my eyes on him. Stripping out of my yesterday’s outfit, I jump into the shower and wash last night’s event away from mybody and down the drain. Once I’m cleaned up, I jump right out and hurriedly change into some workout clothes then I rush out ofthe pack house in the direction of the training grounds. On walking in, I see that everyone is already immersed in their workout routine and no one paysattention. to my entry. That may be due to the fact that Julianna isn’t anywhere to be seen. Thank theMoon goddess for small miracles. I couldn’t have dealt with another confrontation. 81% 12:36 Chapter 33 Caden is sparing with Alex in one corner and Raphael is acting as some sort of referee. Throwing a glare at him, 1 head over to a free space and do my warm-ups. Then I move over to apunching bag and start my own workout routine consisting of fifty punches. Afterward. I head over to the barbells and do my normal rounds. Panting, I look around the trainingground not knowing what else to do. Now is the time that I would usually start my sparing session with Caden but there’s absolutely no waythat I’m going to go to him and ask for his help. Not when I’m still seething mad at him.

A tap lands on my shoulder. “Need some help there?” I flip around to find Jake standing beside me with a smile on his face which I return. Ever since thebonfire, Jake and I have stop spending so much time with each other. It didn’t seem like it would be fairto keep being all over him when I knew how he felt for me. And I know I can’t reciprocate the samefeelings for him. “Yes” I sigh. “I need a sparring partner.” I look over at Caden who’s occupied with some group o “Do you want to spar with me?” He asks, shrugging like it’s no big deal. of boys. I’ve never sparred with anyone other than Caden and Raphael that one time when Caden was too busybeing petty. It would be nice to have another opponent and maybe learn some new techniques. “Ok.” I nod, accepting his offer. Jake smiles brightly like I’m the one doing him a favor and not the other way around. We move over to a space in the middle of the room, wide enough so that we don’t cause causalities inthe process of our fighting. open space We circle each other, looking for an opening in the other’s defense. I find one in the form of an openbetween his shoulder and neck. A place that he was foolishly keeping open. I take the opportunity, to throw a punch with the target in mind. Out of nowhere, he steps to the sideand closes a hand around my fist which he twists to my back. I gasped as pain shot up my arm, nearly bringing me to my knees. The pain intensifies as he puts morepressure on his grip, enough to make me let out a little cry. 3 “Did you really think that it was going to be that easy to fool me?” Jake whispers in my ear. I open my mouth to answer his smart a s s with a sarcastic response but I’m cut off by a loud thunderingvoice. “Get your hands off my f u c k i n g mate!” Caden yells, stalking over to us with murder in his eyes. novelbin

Wait. Did he just refer to me as his mate? Does he realizes what he just f u k i n g did? NBBN M .. 12:36 Every body in the training grounds has their gaze on my mate as he rushes over to my side. Andeveryone has different degree of shock on their faces. We’re so f u c k e d. Chapter 83

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