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Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Alessia’s POV ?

FUZN 82% 12:33 “Focus on our opponent. Don’t be distracted. One wrong move can cost you everything!” Caden yells,throwing a punch that I narrowly miss. Thanks the goddess for that because it was headed to my face. 1 st a g g e r on my foot and nearly go crashing to the ground when Caden wraps his fingers aroundmy upper arm to pulls me back up. “Focus on your footing,” he says, letting go of my arm. “What’s up with day? Gett the cloud, otherwise you’re going to get yourself killed.” head out of His words hit me and I hide a pout by turning my gaze to the ground. I have to admit that for the pastfew days, I’ve managed to suck so bad. Almost as bad as when I started training and that’s sayingsomething because those days were terrible.

“Maybe you aren’t getting enough sleep,” he says pointedly, eyeing me with a knowing look in thosegreen orbs. No, it’s impossible. There’s no way that he knows what I’ve been doing alone in the dark for the pastfew days. Absolutely no way. My mouth falls open and no words come out as I stutter. Does he know? He smirks at the look on my face, definitely enjoying seeing me squirm under his gaze. “I get enough sleep. I manage to push out the words that feel like chalk on my tongue, too scared tothink of the possibility of him knowing. I won’t be able to live with myself if he does. How will be able tolook. him in the face again if that happens to be the truth? “Is that so?” He arches his brow in question. “You don’t do anything that take up your time before goingnovelbin

to bed?” The question seems too specific for him to be going out on a limb here? Does he know? Did he hearsomething last night? That couldn’t be possible, I always make sure that my voice is low. There’s noway he heard it up in his room…unless he was standing directly outside my door. “That’s it for today,” Caden says, stopping my train of thought. “We’ll continue tomorrow. Hopefully,you’ll be well rested by then. I expect a better performance tomorrow.” He throws one last disapprovingglance at me before walking away to meet f u c k i n g Julianna who’s waving her hand widely in the airto get his attention. Why does that bit c h always need his help? At this point, she might just be worse than me. I roll my eyes hard enough for it to get stuck behind my head as Caden wraps his arm around her toshow her how to throw a punch at the punching bag in front of her. Isn’t that what she still wanted theprevious day? MBGM Chapter 44 itI turn my gaze away from them to prevent myself from doing something I’ll regret. I wouldn’t put pastmy wolf to take control and rip the bit c h’s head off her neck, then parade it around the house like it’s atrophy. My wolf howls at that idea trying to get me to see the bright side of it. It seems Julianna brings out theviolent side of my wolf. I shake my head and start making my way out of the training grounds to head to the pack house andtake a much-needed cold bath to help loosen my sore muscles. In the pack house, a few people are roaming around but most of them are either still at the traininggrounds or in school. I passed through the house undetected with no one stopping me to ask whereCaden and I had been in the previous weeks.

Those occurances have been happening far more than I like. I obviously knew that rumors were goingto arise after our disappearance but I never expected it to get to the extent. And I thought for sure that itwould have died out by this time. Instead, it seems to have intensified. I’m actually getting stopped bypeople that I’ve previously never exchanged a word with. Sneaking into my room, I close the door behind me and breathe out a sigh of relief at my successful escape. I walk into the middle of the room and grip the end of my skin-tight shirt to pull it over my head whensomething comes to mind. If Caden wasn’t standing outside my door then the only other way he would have figured out what I’vebeen up to is if- My hands drop down, pulling my shirt back on as I look around the room with wide eyes. Did Cadenbug my room? I glance around the room, looking for anything sticking out of a wiring or behind a picture frame.Basically anything suspicious or standing out of place. When I come up short with nothing, I shake my head, pushing away that idea out of my head. I wouldlike to think that I would have noticed if I had been watched. I definitely would have…right? My paranoid mind doesn’t let me strip down in the room though. Instead, I go to the bathroom and getnaked there with the door locked. I want to shake my head at my silly self but the question of ‘what if”hangs at the back of my head, hovering just out of reach. I soak up in the bathtub for what could have been hours and insanely, I wrap a towel around my bodyand walk into the room to pick out what to wear. Then I walk back into the bathroom to get dressedthere. At dinner, I sit with Jake, and like usual, I try to ignore Caden’s gaze digging into the side of our head.By the time dinner is over and I’ve headed back up to my room, all thoughts of a hidden camera in myroom. are gone.

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