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Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Alessia’s POV I throw the bag on the bed and watch as it content in it doesn’t spill out onto the floces from the bed and onto the floor. Thankfully, theThrowing myself onto the bed, I pick up a pillow and press it on my face, using it to muf fl e thefrustrated screams that tear out of me. Why is Caden such a hardhead? How could such a wonderful week take a drastic turn and end onsuch a bad note? Rolling onto my side, I look at the picture of my mother on the bedside table, missing her more thanever. If she were here, she would know what to do. She always had an answer to every problem. I blink rapidly to stop the tears gathering around my eyes from falling. I’ve already cried enough and Ipromised myself not to do any more of that. The only thing left to do is get revenge and avenge herdeath. I’m going to find those ba s t a r d s and when I do, they’re going to be wishing that they nevercrossed paths with me or my mother. I sit up on the bed and gaze out the window, seeing that it’s starting to get dark out. It will be time fordinner soon and then the awkward moment of looking for where to sit starts again. I need to look forJake and apologize tu save myself from that awkwardness.

Standing up. I pick up the duffel bag from the floor and shove it into the closet, making a menta l noteat the back of my head to put away the clothes in it. Then I head out of my room and start scouting forJake. I don’t find him anywhere around the pack house but I do receive some curious stares and hushwhispers. My mind runs wide, trying to figure out where he could be. Then it clicks and I’m leaving the house andheading into the woods without giving it a second thought. Just as I suspected, Jake is sitting at the edge of the cliff and gazing down into the water below when Iarrive. His head whips to me at the sound of my footsteps and turns away from he sees who’s approaching.

/sink down and sit beside him, maintaining the silence. We sit together for what has to be minutesbefore I decide to be the bigger person and start what is going to be a dreadful conversation. “I’msorry,” I whisper. “Caden had the wrong idea and he-” I pause not knowing what else to say. I can’t saymore without giving everything away. “He is your mate isn’t he?” He states matter of factly, not really asking a question. “He’s the one you’rethinking of rejecting. I knew telling him about that was going to come back and bite me in the as s one of these days. Howdid he figure out that Caden is fny mate? Were we that obvious to the extent that he saw through ourbulls h i t or is he just observant and a good judge of character? MBGM Chapter 42 II 12:33 I open my mouth to deny it but then stop. What use would that be? For him to have come to thatconclusion, it means that he’s sure about it and I don’t think a few lies will make him doubt himself. Neither denying nor accepting the accusation, I keep quiet and gaze down at the beautiful body ofwater. What will it feel like to be this calm on the inside? No turmoil. No thoughts of revenge orvengeance and no thought of a mate that drives one to the brink of madness. Jake laughs. “I wasn’t really sure about that theory but it seems I was right.” Disbelief etch in his words.“You’re thinking of rejecting an Alpha? The strongest Alpha in the region?” He asks incredulously. 1 fear the understanding I developed with him is now gone. Of course, he won’t get or understand menow that he knows who my mate is. He’s probably going to think I’m crazy. “It’s not what it seems like. We don’t even acte we’re mates. We avoid each other and almost alwaysend up fighting whenever we try to have a conversation.” This afternoon is proof of that. Caden and I are farfrom a perfect match. “The beating I received sure did feel like it was from someone’s enraged mate,” he cups his jaw. “I cannovelbin

still feel the punches.” I whine, throwing him an apologetic grimace. “I’m sorry about that. It was my fault that Caden pouncedon you when you were just trying to help me out.” “It’s ok.” His hand drops away from his face. “I kind of deserve it.” Before I can ask him what that statement meant, he’s talking again. “Are you better now?” He asks with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t smell anything so I’m assuming that…”He trails off his words for me to continue.“Yeah, it’s gone.” My cheeks feel hot as avoid his gaze. Lately, I’ve been having a lot of embarrassingmoments. “So, are we friends again?” I ask, looking up at him with a hopeful expression on my face.“Of course we are.” He sounds surprised at my question. “Why would you ever think that we weren’t?”Caden beating him into the ground flashes into my mind as a very good reason but I shake it off. If hewants to bury everything under the rug then I have no right to refuse the kind gesture. I sigh in relief and fall onto the grass, gazing up at the sky as my mind wanders off to the places itusually goes to at this time of the day. Places where Caden resides in. No matter how hard I try, I cannever get him out of my head and senses. NON M

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