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Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Caden’s POV. Alessia’s fingers sink into my hair, pulling on the end strands as her legs wrap around my waist. I deftly slide a hand under her head, holding her still and taking what I need. I explode every mouth,sliding my tongue in and tangling it with hers.. corner of her She’s the one who pulls away from the kiss with a gasp, drawing in air through her parted lips. Unableto 1 place one last kiss on her lips and start heading down her body. Skimming my nose down her cheek to her neck, I slide my hand under her body and lift her lips to lashonto her breast. for up my With a moan, she arches her back, practically feeding them to me. I take the invitation, sucking harderon the nipple in my mouth. I swirl it on my tongue and release it with an obscene pop sound. Notmissing a beat, I go to the other breast, sucking, biting, and rolling it between my fingers until it’s hardand identical to the other. Alessia is a hot mess beneath me. Her moans and gasps are getting louder and her hip is buckingwildly under me.

Most of the pack members will be at the pack house and the kids will be at the pack school, meaningthe house is practically empty at the moment. Though, I’m sure that my absence is being noticed at thetraining grounds. I quickly sent a quick message to Alex through the mind link, telling him that an issue occurred then Iquickly shut off the mind link before the questions could come. I’m sure Alex will be worried at myvague. explanation but I can’t find it in me to give a dam n. Not when Alessia’s perfect body is spreadout under

me. Digging my hands into the bed, I lift my body off hers and take a leisurely long look down her body,storing everything away. Alessia is watching me through half-open eyelids with a dazed look in her eyes and her pink tonguepeeks out of her mouth as she pants. The blush in her cheeks goes all the way down to her chest andeven further down to the top of her gorgeous breasts. My gaze slid down further past her belly and then to the middle of her legs when a patch of black curlsrest neatly. My wolf rises to the surface as I stare down at her sex where her cl i t stands erect. Before I know it, I’mreaching down and cupping her there. Alessia gasps and her legs spread wider, opening herself up for me without any hesitation. I chuckle, pressing my palm firmer and Alessia lets loose, bucking her hip into my hand and seekingwhat she so badly needs. Chapter 31 UZN 12:31 “Do you want to come?” It’s a stup i d question to ask but I love the way Alessia nods her headfrantically with a tiny moan. With a smile. I lower my head over hers, taking her lips again, unable to get enough of it. Then Icontinue my earlier path down her body. I take my now sticky palm away from her sex and grip her legs, draping them on my shoulder, wantingher completely opened and exposed. My nostrils flare as I breathe in her arousal. 1 dive in, heading straight for her cl i t. Teasing her will cause me more pain than please. She moansjust as I let out a groan at the taste of her. I could easily spend my days between her legs without anyissues. Holding her hips down to stop her frantic movement, I take my time exploring her depth. My tongueslides into her and another groan leaves my mouth as she constricts tightly on my tongue. It brings tomy mind thoughts about how tightly she will grip my c o c k if it was inside her.

Just as quickly as the thought enters my head, I banish it away before it can take root. Having ideas ofmy c o c k buried in Alessia’s sex isn’t going help my case. Shutting down my head, I focus on bringing Alessia pleasure and she thanks me with high pitch moansand gasps. I reach up for her breasts, kneading it and pinching her nipples until they become hard pebbles. Iunrelently suck on her c l i t and f u c k her with my tongue, mimicking the movement that I would loveto be doing with my c o c k. Alessia’s back arches on a strangled moan and her legs clenches around my head as her pu s s yclams down. on my tongue. She screams, clenching my hair in her fists- hard enough to give me a bald patch- and riding her o r g as m. As her thrusts slow down to soft jerks and her fingers fall out of my hair, I slow down my movement tosoft strokes with my tongue, savoring her sweet taste and already wanting more. I pull away from her and climb up her body, licking my lips as I go. I take her parted lips in a kiss andknowing that she’s tasting herself on my tongue nearly undo me. I’m out of her arms in a second and rushing into her bathroom. Without two seconds, my pants arearound my ankle and my c o c k in my fist. Playing what happened in the past five minutes my head, Ibring myself to an o r g a s m and when I fall over that cliff, it’s Alessia’s name that’s on my lips. Washing my hands and cleaning myself as best as I can, I walk back into the room and find Alessiasleeping with a sated expression on her face. It won’t last long. In a few hours, she’s going to wake upand start seeking another release. Sitting at the edge of the bed, I push away the hair on her face and tuck it behind her ears. I need toget her out of this house. What would have happened if I hadn’t gotten here just in time to see Jakeabout to pounce on her? MBB M Chapter 31

QM II * N 83% 12:31 My hands clenched into fists as my mind wanders into dark places. Mind linking both Alex andRaphael, I explain the situation to them as best as I can and tell them that the pack is in their care whileI’m away. Of course, questions get asked but I explain the urgency of the situation to them and though they aren’tsatisfied with my answers, they don’t ask any more questions too. I already have in mind a place where I’m going to be taking Alessia.novelbin

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