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Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Alessia’s POV 1 watch as Caden takes a seat on the chair pushed over to the wall. Walking over to the racks lined up. I start browsing for anything that might catch my eye. As much as Ihate depending on someone for my basic necessities, I also hate wearing someone else’s clothes. Imight just so happen to hate the latter a little bit more. So here I’m, accepting Caden’s help and looking for new sets of clothes. I pick out random clothes offthe rack that happen to catch my eve Throwing one look back at Caden to find him still staring at me, I walk into the changing room and shutthe door behind me. In the privacy of the changing room, I peel off my clothes and put the first outfit on. It’s a cute sweatpants with a matching shirt. It’s a nice and comfy outfit that I could wear around thepack house. I try on all the outfits, sorting them out into two piles; the ones I was buying and the ones I was keepingback on the rack. Currently, the two piles were almost equal in height.

I pick up the last outfit and wonder why I had taken it off the rack. It was a pretty little black dress that had a scatt e r of gems around it. It’s the kind of dress you would wear to a fancy event or a dinner date. Thingsthat I would never be able to attend any time soon. So why did I pick out this dress? Opening the zipper, I pull on the dress and struggle to zip it back up. With a gasp, I admire the imagestaring back at me from the mirror. I don’t think I’ve ever had something this pretty. Or expensive. I run my hand over the bodice, marveling at how the light catches on the gems at all the perfect angles.It’s such a beautiful dress. Too bad I couldn’t have it. With a sigh, I reach behind me to unzip the dress to put it back on the shelf. I stiffen as the zipperrefuses to give out. No matter how much I tugged on it, it didn’t give way.

Anxiety starts crawling up my spine as I realize how screwed I was. With one last attempt, I try to getthe dress off by lifting it up my body and over my head. This just worsen my case and nearly got stuckon the way up. I push it back down my body and pant from a shortage of breath. The only thing I’vemanaged to achieve was to shorten my breath and nearly dislocate my arms. Dread slams into me as I realize what it is that I have to do. I need to call out to Caden and ask for hishelp. “Caden,” I whisper yell, knowing he’ll be able to hear me just fine. “What’s the issue?” Caden’s voice comes from the other side of the door and I close my eyes,breathing in deeply to prepare myself for the embarrassing moment about to happen. Chapter 17 “I-I’m stuck in my dress,” I whisper, wanting the ground to open up and swallow me. “Please come inand help unzip me. I don’t want to rip the dress I would have to buy it if that happened and the moneywasn’t a meager amount. The door squeaks open to show Caden with a confused expression on his face which lessens when hesees me in the dress I’m in. I turn around, mostly to hide my red face and also for him to help with the stuck zipper. “I tried it on andit got stuck. Could you help me out of it?” I feel his heat behind me before I feel his touch. His hand slides up the center of my back in search ofthe zipper and finds it at the top of the zipped-up dress, He pulls on it but it doesn’t make it less stuck. Caden’s hand reaches for my hair, his fingers brushing my nape as he moves my hair over to the side.Goosebumps break out over my skin at the graze and I hope that he doesn’t notice it. Though I doubt itwent past him. He doesn’t comment on it though. He tries again and this time, after a few seconds of him pulling on the zipper, I feel it slide down as Ifinally breathe freely without the tightness from the dress. I know my bare back will be exposed since I had taken off my bra while trying to get into the dress. Thedress had a built-in bra so there had been no need to wear one in the dress..

I hold the front of the dress and quickly turn around to face Caden. I stiffen as our eyes lock together. His pupils are blown out and I gasp at how dark they are. Clearing my throat, I pull my gaze away from his. Thank you for that, I mumble, waiting for him to moveout of the closet so I could pull this dress off me and shove it back into the rack where I found it. Caden’s gaze is still locked on mine as his eyes roan over my face and lower. One second he’s staring at me as though he doesn’t know if to kiss and then in the next second, thatlook completely disappears. “I’ll be outside,” he announces in a monotone. I nod, not knowing what other answer to give. Caden walks out and I quickly jerk the dress off my body. Adding it to the pile of things I wasn’t takingwith me, I pick up the two piles in separate hands and walk out of the changing room. Time to get this over with Tnovelbin

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