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Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Caden’s POV She wants me to train her. I wasn’t such an idiot that I couldn’t put two and two together. Her wanting to learn how to defendherself only meant that she was planning something stup i d in that head of hers. Maybe she wasplanning to find her mother’s murderer or was planning to run away as soon as she could throw a fewpunches. Either way, I wasn’t going to be helping out in executing any foolish plan of hers. If she was working on getting herself into trouble then she sure as hell was going to be doing it on herown. Her crestfallen face pinches at my heart but my resolve wasn’t going to wither away just because shefelt hurt. She was going to thank me when she still had her life. “No?” She echoes. “Why not?” I breathe in deeply, willing this conversation to be over already. “I don’t want you to go and dosomething stu p i d.” She throws her hands up into the air.” I just want to learn how to fight,” she exclaims exasperatedly.“How is that doing something stu p i d?” “I know you’re going to try to get back at the people who killed your mother.” I might not know Alessiafor that long but I did know some things about her. One of them being that she never backs down. She crosses her arms over her chest defensively and huffs. “How would you know what I’m going todo?” She asks with her chin jolting out stubbornly. The whole stance gave off a more adorable lookthan the defiant one she was probably going for. I force down an involuntary smile. “I can see the look in your eyes,” I say, giving her a knowing look.

Another thing about Alessia that I’ve picked up on is that she is a bad liar and by bad, I mean sweatypalms, stuttering, eye twitching kind of bad. “I-I wasn’t planning on doing that,” she stutters, her voice going high and low in several pitches.

Just like I said. A very bad liar.“I don’t believe you,” I tell her, curious to see just how hard she’s going to try to convince me otherwise. “Caden, please.” She holds my hand, shocking me with the touch. “Help me out here and I promise Iwon’t try to run away again.” I narrow my eyes at her. “You already promised me that,” I remind her. She groans, stomping her feet on the ground. M & J M BBBBBBBBBB Chapter 11 96% 11:22 I roll my eyes at her childish behavior and brush past her. “So it’s settled. You aren’t leaving my packand I’m not going to help you get yourself killed.” Getting the last word in, I open the door and exit her room before she can declare that this war isn’tover yet. I climb up the stairs to the top floor where my room is located. Opening the door, I shrug off my shirtand trousers, doing all that in the dark. Thank goodness for werewolves’ heightened senses. Then I climb under my sheet and stare at my ceiling, my thoughts going back to Alessia like they seemto be doing nowadays. What exactly was I doing with her? I wasn’t planning to keep her as my mate but I still haven’t rejectedher yet. Thinking about these things led me to emotions that I wasn’t ready to decipher. You like her, Xavier taunts. That’s why you haven’t rejected her yet! ‘I don’t like her,’ I snarl, even as my heart ski s a beat at my words. I also wasn’t about to decipher thereason for that. In fact, I wasn’t ready to decipher anything. ‘Which Alpha do you think could be her father,’ I ask, changing the subject away from my feelings for Alessia. There’s no way of us knowing. Her mother ran away so it’s possible that the Alpha in subject doesn’teven know he has a missing daughter.” novelbin

Another angle to it. If that’s true then this situation just got a whole lot messier and complicated. “We aren’t going to let anything happen to her, Xavier tells me. ‘We’ll protect her.” We haven’t agreed with a lot of things since Alessia fell into our life. This was one thing we both agreedon. “Yes, we will, I reassure. I close my eyes, willing my brain to quiet down and let me get some much-needed rest. If I’m going to deal with Alessia’s continuous nagging tomorrow then I need to get some shut eye. At five am, I’m off my bed and sliding on my workout gear. Then I go downstairs to find,my packmembers surrounding the dinning table and munching on a banquet. “Alpha,” Alex says, nodding my way as a form of greeting from the seat where he sat with his armaround. his mate’s chair. Scarlett smiles at me and I give them both a curt nod in acknowledgment. I head to the table, grab an apple off it, and continue my path to the door without talking to anyone else. I like heading to the training grounds first to get a head state before others start pilling in. The quietnesshelps ground me and calms me on the inside. dd MM BBBBBBBBBB Chapter 11 ZN 96% 11:22 After a few minutes of doing my usual routine, people start milling in. Ever since the increase in rogueattacks, I have made it mandatory for everyone above the age of eighteen to have a session of trainingat least twice a week. If anything unfortunate should happen, I want them to be able to protectthemselves and the young. Pouring my frustrations onto a punching bag, I keep my front to the entrance to take note of the peoplewalking in. My punches slow down and I barely stop the bag from swinging into my face as I fix my gaze on whojust walked in. It’s Scarlett and chatting away beside her is…my mate.

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