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Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Alessia’s POV A condom! We forgot to use a f u c k i n g condom the first time and we were five seconds away from committingthe same mistake again. “We didn’t use a condom!” I holler, trying to pull away from him. His arms around my waist make myeffort futile. “First, take your voice down a notch,” he states, tightening the grip around my waist and pulling mecloser, making the head of his bare c o c k slide through my opening. I moan, forgetting about the consequences of our actions. A consequence that will have ten toes andfingers. A consequence that will require a diaper change every few hours. That snaps me out ofwhatever spell Caden has over me. “Stop that,” I reprimand, leveling him with a hard glare. The b a s t a r d smiles- freaking smiles at me. “Why do we need to use a condom?” He asksinnocently.

I stammer, my head going blank. Is he trying to put a stop to my heart? “I don’t want to get pregnant,” Irush out, still trying to get off his lap. That just makes our situation worse as my movement helps his c oc k slide inside me fully. I gasp as he groans, rocking up into me. My head falls to his s h o u l d r, unable to hold itself up again. “Caden…condom…” The single braincell in my head pushes that reminder to the forefront of my head. His lips graze my ears. “It feels so f u c ki n g good without it.” As though to punctuate his sentence, helifts me and slams me back down, his c o c k stretching me out. “But I’ll never force you into doinganything you don’t want to.” I’m on my back in the next second with Caden above me. I stare up at him in a daze and confused. “I’ll be right back,” he answers the confusion probably written across my face.

He slides out of me and I have to hold in a whine at the feeling of emptiness that overcomes me. I wanthim back between my legs and inside of me.

I turn on my side to watch as he walks stark naked to the bedside table and pulls out the drawer. Hereaches in and brings out a condom which he uses to sheath his c o c k. As he walks back to the bed, Itry not to think about the woman who made him purchase those condoms. Was it Julianne or maybesome other girl? He climbs back into the bed and back into my arms. “I can hear the voices in yourhead from a mile away,” he sinks between my legs. “I’m not going to lie to you and say that I’ve neverbeen with another woman since my late mate passed away.”

My heart sinks to my stomach as an irrational and unhealthy amount of jealousy bubbles up in mychest. Of course, he wasn’t going to stay celibate throughout those years. Yet, even the sensiblethoughts swimming in my head don’t stop the green-eyed monster from doubling in size. “But I can say that I’ve never even entertained the thought of welcoming another woman into my bedever since I came across you,” he finishes, lowering the lower half of his body onto mine. My heart s k i p s. My eyes searched his to detect anything that would suggest that the words he justuttered were anything but the truth. I find none. I open my mouth to express the feelings within me but I don’t get any words out as Caden slides intome without any warning. My eyes widen as the words on the tip of my tongue morph into a moan. Like he said, it’s not the same feeling as with his bare c o c k but I’m already at a point where I don’tgive a d a m n about the differences. I just want him to keep doing whatever it is that he’s doing. As though hearing my thoughts, he grips the back of my knee and places it on his shoulder. The firsttime he did this I had felt completely and utterly exposed but now, I’m clawing at his back and trying toget him deeper. It’s hard to believe that the first cenario was just this morning. F u c k,” Caden groans into my ear, making goosebumps break out across my skin. “You have no ideahow f u c k i n g amazing you feel wrapped around me.” Each word is ?unctuated with a kiss on any s pa r s e of flesh that he can reach. The words falling out of his mouth shouldn’t have this effect on me. They shouldn’t nake me never want

to leave his arms or his bed. His words invoke dangerous feelings vithin me. 13 Chapter 105 His hand slides between our bodies and reaches for my breast, cupping it and pinching the hard pebblebetween his fingers. My back arches off the bed, offering myself to him like some kind of sacrifice. A sacrifice he accepts bylowering his head and sliding that nipple into his mouth, His c o c k pistons in and out of me at a maddening pace; slow and deep. I groan, wrapping the leg not draped on his shoulder around his waist. My hands snake around hisneck and I use that as an anchor to push myself up to meet his thrust. Soon, we form our rhythm. That rhythm is what pushes me over the end. I’m moaning and crying out as Caden slams into meharder, turning me into nothing more than a hole for his pleasure. Caden groans as his thrust flutters before coming to a halt. We’re both panting heavily and drippingwith sweat. Caden manages to slide off the bed and dispose of the condom before sliding back in anddrawing me into his arms. I wake up early the next morning and find Caden fast asleep beside me. I slip out of his bed, manage tofind my clothes at several odd places, and then sneak out the door. This way there’s no awkwardmorning talk.novelbin

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