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Chapter 55

~ Alexia ~

Tears flooded her cheeks, hearing the king's tale. He rejected her mother, which was why Avery had a second chance mate in the form of Roland."Alexia, please listen to me, child,” the king begged while reaching for Alexia's hand. "I made that decision, thinking it was the best for the nation."Alexia retreated her hand. Her gaze fell on Kieran, who looked equally angered by the king's tale.

"So, the queen poisoning you is good for Taplean? The queen practically throwing Kieran aside is good for Taplean? Didn't you ever think my motherwould have been a better queen?!" Alexia could not help but raise her voice.

She sniffed her tears away, realizing one more question remained unanswered. "So, am I your daughter?”

King Balthasar also wept, regretful for the choices he made in the past. He looked at Alexia and said, "I - I think not. I think you are Roland’s daughter,but I still helped you because I wanted to and felt responsible.”

"Regardless if you are my daughter or not, I see Avery in you, and I wanted to be your godfather at least," the king suggested. "Please, Alexia, don'tbe mad at me -"

"How do you expect me to be happy at what you did? You hurt my mother!" Although it had been so long since she last saw her mother, the king'stale said it all. Her mother was hurt, and she could not help but feel the same pain

“Alexia,” Kieran called. He reminded her, "The king is still the king.”

Immediately, Alexia realized how she was being rude. She said, "I'm - I'm sorry, My King. Please... please let me calm down for a bit." She bowed andsaid, "Excuse me, my king."

She ran outside the king's room, and Kieran chased after her. Alexia wanted to be as far away from the others so Kieran offered to take her to themountain nearby.

Kieran shifted into his wolf, and Alexia rode on his back. It was from a mountain cliff that they settled in with the view of the territory. They were farfrom the city; thus, there was more nature around them. Trees covered the land, and some of the roads remained unpaved.

Alexia was taking deep breaths. She was still crying after learning of what had happened to her mother. She asked her husband, "Why wouldsomeone reject their true mate?"

"Alexia, there are reasons for everything. Remember that if you turn twenty-one and I am not your true mate, we agreed we would reject our truemates. We are already married and committed to each other. That is one reason for rejecting a true mate," Kieran reminded her.

Kieran wrapped Alexia in his arms. He pecked on her head and said, “As for the king. you have to think about it this way, if he did not follow hisfather's orders, he would not be named king. Another Alpha would be called in to take over the crown.”

Alexia noticed how her husband paused, as if thinking. Soon, he resumed, "Do you know who else is the other eldest ruling alpha in the land thatcould have potentially taken the crown?"

"Oh, Goddess. Alpha Blaze?" Alexia asked before a sneer formed on her face.

"He could have been. Although, I don’t know if, at that time, someone else was more eligible,” Kieran answered. "I'm sure it was hard for the king tomake that decision. He did say that he never forgot about his true mate."

There was a long pause before Alexia spoke again. She weakly wondered, "What if that happens to us? What if I am not your true mate. Even if youreject your true mate, you might still think about her - "

"That won't happen,” Kieran said while tightening his hold around his wife. "We have formed a much deeper bond, and I have marked you. You mustmark me immediately when you can shift into your wolf.”

"As for the king, he never had thatbond with the.queen. They onlyStarted getting to know each otherafter theicmarriage. However, he 2partly comnected with his true mate.Based-on how he told the story theintimacy alone had already astrengthened their bond," Kieranstiygested. "Then, Queen Helen isnot the most likable person to love,Alexia. You have seen her. She treatseveryone coldly.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

‘It's unfortunate that this happenedto your mothér and the king, but it iswhat it is and now, we have to deal.with the current crisis. Don't hate theking. I gan see that he truly carés Foryou, Alexia, Kieran proposed. "Plus,giver our situation, there is, AO roomfer hate. We must be one ‘the fightagainst the queen." Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Alexia glanced in Kieran's way. She pecked his cheek and nestled into his chest. She said, "Promise me, we will not be like my mother and the king.""We won't be," Kieran swore. "I love you too much, Alexia. I am very much emotionally invested in you, and we have a child coming.”

"Listen to my heart. Feel it beating. You know I am telling you the truth because you can feel my emotions. With my mark on you, I could never lie toyou.” Kieran declared.

Alexia nodded and lifted her face. She asked for a kiss, and Kieran granted it generously.

At one peak of the mountain, Alexia and Kieran shared a passionate kiss. It ended after some time, with Alexia still thinking about her father. Shesaid, "The king is not sure if I am his daughter."

"Well, when we travel to the Cross River Pack, you can read the blood test result. It should have already arrived by now,” Kieren said. "That willcertainly answer your question.”

It took two days for Alexia to revisit the king in his room. She brought him his lunch for the day. When she entered the room, carrying a tray of food,she noticed how King Balthasar was already walking around, strengthening his muscles.

When the king saw her, he smiled, calling out to her, "Alexia, dear. I am so happy to see you. Will you stay and talk to me, child?”

Alexia nodded, saying. “Kieran is out to check the territory's borders with Seth and Ace, so I can spend lunch with you, My King. If that is okay withyou.”

"I would love to,” The king replied.novelbin

Alexia set up a small coffee table inside the room. She prepared the king's food and set her own plate. They ate together in silence. In the middle oftheir meal, however, the king asked, "Alexia, I'm sorry for how I hurt your mother. Can you forgive me for what I have done in the past?”

She did not know why, but Alexiacried. She criéé-so much that shefound it haretto breathe. She sniffedaway hertears, saying, "You did nathurt me, My King, but it certainlyfted the pain when you askedsformy. fergiveness. Thus, I give you myie) orgiveness, even if it is netnine togive. I certainly hope thatwhen youmeet my mother again, she willforgive you too." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Wait." The king stilled. His eyes widened as he asked, "Your mother is alive?”“Yes. Yes, she is,” Alexia faintly replied. "At least, I think she is."

"Where is she? Where is Avery?” The king asked.

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