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Chapter 42


"They are here. They are at the border," Rae revealed, and Alexia immediately dropped whatever she was cooking. She gazed at Lydia and ordered,"Finish up here."

"Yes, Luna. Go meet our alpha!” Lydia exclaimed.

"I'll wait for you in the driveway.” Rae said with a wink.

Alexia immediately ran to the room she shared with Kieran. She thoroughly bathed, lathering soap all over her body.‘Where are you?' Kieran mindlinked with her, proving he was already near.

She chuckled and replied, ‘Bathing. I'm going to meet you halfway."

‘Or you can stay there because I fucking wanna be buried inside you right now,’ Kieran suggested.

Yet again, she laughed. Alexia said, 'Behave. The pack is throwing everyone a celebration party. You have no idea how many dishes I cooked todayfor your arrival.’

‘You are all the meal that I want,’ Kieran suggested.

Alexia was already done with her shower. As she walked into the closet. she suggested, 'We will have all the time we need after the party. Besides,you have guests! It's going to be a very busy evening for the pack.’novelbin

After two months of being away, Kieran and all his men finally returned. Their last battle with King James’ men only lasted for three weeks. However,the negotiations, the medical treatments for the wounded warriors, and the rehabilitation kept them from coming home, especially Kieran and theother alphas.

Now, everyone was finally back, including those who had been keeping watch on the coast for months. Kieran and the warriors deserved acelebration party, which was why she worked hard to arrange the event.

‘I can't wait to see you,’ he said.

‘Me too,’ she replied. 'I love you.’

‘I love you,’ he said back.

‘'m heading out,’ she revealed. 'See you in a few minutes."

Alexia wore rubber shoes, tight jeans, and a white-sleeved crop top. She wanted to be comfortable, running towards her husband while tempting himwith the feel of her bare tummy.

When Alexia made it inside the car, Rae stepped on the gas. She was as excited as Alexia, saying, "I so want a godson.”"Shut up!" Alexia exclaimed. "Why haven't you and Jaxon made one, anyway? Don't push the pressure on me."

The two of them laughed, but soon Rae replied, "The truth is. we were waiting for this fucking war to end. I seriously hope King James will not changehis mind.”

"We could already have a child now, but I ain't married yet!" Rae pointed out. "I don't have a rock on my finger.”Alexia laughed. She suggested, "He will probably pop the question anytime soon - woah! Be careful! You almost hit a tree!"

Rae simply chuckled at her, but she adjusted her pace on the road. Soon, the streets became crowded. Many of the town's pack members wereoutside their homes, waiting for their loved ones to arrive. Some were in tears, while a few, especially the children, were jumping up and down,excited to see their fathers, older sisters, or brothers.

It became difficult for Rae to drive through with the crowd. Thus, they both pulled to the side and began walking.“Luna, Alexia! Alpha is almost here!”

“Our Luna is the most excited!"

Luna Alexia! My dad's coming home!" A little girl said to her.

Up ahead, Alexia saw Dean and Melissa, together with their families. Like the others, they were ready to give flowers and gifts to the warriors.Melissa screamed at her, “Alexia! Your husband is here! You must be so happy!"

"I am," she replied, hugging Melissa

"Go ahead, Alexia. I'm sure the pack members will let you through," Dean suggested.

Her face burned at what she was about to do, but she also could not contain her excitement. She said, “Here I go.""Go!" Rae and Melissa said almost at the same time:

"Go, Alexia!" Dean echoed.

She walked over and announced, "Stone Blood Pack, will you let your luna pass and be with your beloved alpha!”Alexia laughed at her actions, but the crowd was more amused.

“Let Luna Alexia pass!"

“Chase after our alpha, Luna!"

“Let our luna through!”

Finding a clearing, Alexia ran. She did not count the minutes. She simply looked forward to seeing her husband. Soon, she saw rows of cars, trucks,and warriors on foot.

“Luna Alexia is here!""Alpha, the luna is here!”Everyone was guiding her to Kieran. It took less than a minute for her to find him. He was standing, waving his hands on top of a pickup truck.

It was as though he sensed her presence. He took a big whiff of the surrounding air, and his eyes landed on hers. She smiled while his eyesnarrowed.

Kieran efficiently jumped out of the car. His muscles flexed as he strolled across the road, his feet slowly picking up the pace.

Hoots could be heard around Alexia. seeing how their alpha was headed her way. She laughed as she ran in his direction, her arms lifting bythemselves.

When Alexia was about a meter away from him. she leaped, and Kieran caught her by the waist. He embraced her tightly, smelling her profoundlyand kissing her cheek.

"I fucking miss you so much," he whispered in her ear.

Kieran spun her around, and when he landed Alexia on the pavement, he cupped her chin, saying, “All mine.”They kissed, and the people howled for their alpha and luna

"Are we going to have a young alpha soon, Alpha Kieran?” one said.

Kieran had let go of Alexia. He turned to his people and declared, "Soon. After the honeymoon. There will definitely be one!"

Alpha Kai and Alpha Declan hadjoined thegathering, along with afew of their warriors. The StoneBlood-Pack's territory was along thewayrto their packs that Kieraninwited them over. Content. belongsto“NovelDrama.Org -

The alphas told stories about theirfights, ant the tales enthralled =>many. Paired with beer and Alexia'sdelicigus dishes, the celebration ofthe warriors arrival went pastmidnight. Content belongs.toNovelDrama.Org

When Alpha Declan surrendered to exhaustion, asking to be sent to his hotel, everyone else followedFinally, Alexia and Kieran had time alone.

They hastily ran to their bedroom, kissing and groping each other from the stairs up. When they reached their bedroom door, Alexia struggled to openthe lock.

"Wife, you better hurry up, or I'll do you right here!" He ordered, hissing as he cupped her breast beneath her blouse.Alexia chuckled and remarked, "So impatient! Here, the door is open - Ahh!"

Kieran carried her, princess style. He closed the door and locked it behind them, throwing Alexia to the bed

She laughed as she bounced on the sheets, saying, "Easy there."

"Did Mara give you prescriptions?” He asked while taking off his shirt. He was referring to the town's midwife.

"Yes, she gave me fertility herbs and some vitamins,” Alexia confirmed while lazily taking off her blouse.

When they were both fully naked, Kieran climbed on the bed and asked, "Mrs. Stone, are you ready to bear me a child?"

‘I honestly don't know if I am, but."She softlyadmitted. After all, shewas stiftwenty years old. She wasyoung-"But for as long as yourarewithxme, I can be prepared foranything." Content belongs.toNovelDrama.Org “

Kieran smirked. He pecked her lips and asked, "Do you trust me?”

While wrapping her arms around him, she replied, "Of course."

"Then I'll take care of you," he replied.

Alexia was about to answer when she felt fingers caressing her core. Instantly, she moaned.

He whispered, "I'm going to make you cum over and over again. Prepare for a sleepless night and many more to come when we leave for ourhoneymoon.”

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