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Chapter 40



Kieran was watching the seas by the southern coast of Taplean. He narrowed his eyes at the arriving speedboats. They were boats of Alpha Baxterand his warriors.

"Kieran." Alpha Baxter called as soon as he stepped out of the boat. He was in a diving suit, his hair still damped from having gone under the water.He said, "We did it. We changed the arrangements of the mines.”

"Good," Kieran acknowledged. "Another intel came in. It looks like King James of Eswen is joining the battle. He couldn't find a new General.”"Good, I hope he dies in our hands. Has Alpha Blazed and his men arrived yet?" Alpha Baxter asked

"No, he hasn't. I purposely gave him the wrong briefing schedule,” Kieran replied. "Still, I doubt that he will send his men on time. Remember thelast?"

"Fuck, yeah. He sent his men days after the initial attack! What a scum!" Alpha Baxter remarked.

"Kieran, if this works, you know what it means, right? Alpha Blaze could be a traitor," Alpha Baxter said.

Kieran saw the fury in his eyes. Among the packs, Alpha Baxter suffered the most loss. Thus, Kieran understood where his anger came from.Patting Alpha Baxter's shoulder, Kieran said, "We still need evidence to prove that, but I am with you on this. I had long suspected Alpha Blaze.”

"Remember the plan. We will let the enemies through the first row of mines, and once they are in the middle of the bay, we will set off the mines,"Kieran said, and Alpha Baxter nodded.

"Alpha Declan's men have arrived,” Alpha Baxter looked distantly and raised his chin at the arriving allies."Then, it’s time to brief everyone,” Kieran confirmed.

Days had passed since Kieran left the Stone Blood Pack's main territory. They had set up new traps while keeping the changes to their battle plan asecret among the trusted alphas.

Kieran's main goal was to end the war as soon as possible. Because for the past few days since he left the pack, he felt like rushing back to his wife.He missed her terribly. With how he felt, he was confident that Alexia was his true mate. She had to be. There was no other reason why he was socrazy about her that he let his guard down. He willingly allowed her into his life, despite the walls he built around his heart.

Before joining the rest of the alphas, he looked to the seas and pictured the war's end. He muttered, "Eswen, you are going down."

“During Eswen’s last attack, they masked their scents to some of our locals. At some point. we were confused about who our enemies were. I assumethey will do the same. It's a prevalent battle technique that even the rogues use to invade our packs once in a while," Kieran reported. He turned tohis companions and revealed, "Alpha Kai has given a very helpful suggestion."

Alpha Kai, the youngest alpha in Taplean smirked. He dropped a sandbag in front of the round table and said, "We are going to mask out scents too..with this little guy."

He pulled the sack and revealed a skunk."Fuck, no!" Alpha Declan complained."Shit!" Alpha Baxter exclaimed. “Please tell me we aren't."

Kieran purposely encouraged only selective alphas to join the front for the upcoming fight. However, almost all packs had sent warriors to representthem. Inside the tent, only Alpha Kai, Alpha Baxter, and Alpha Declan were to lead platoons of warriors. Alpha Kieran would command the war,overall. Behind them were the gammas, who were third in command

"I say we do it. It's a fucking disgusting way to catch them by surprise. Besides, we won't necessarily use the skunk's spray,” Kieran explained.

Alpha Kai laughed. He revealed, "I have already mimicked the skunk's smell into a liquid formula. It isn't as strong as the real one, but it will do thejob. I just brought the skunk as props.”

"Thus, we will still smell distinct because we will smell fucking awful,” Alpha Kai said. "Our enemies will try to smell like one of us, but we will smell likea skunk!"

"So if they don't smell like a skunk, be alert, identify and kill," Kieran described. "All clear?""Crystal," Alpha Declan said

"No choice,” Alpha Baxter said with a frown

"Yes, Alpha Kieran,” the gammas said simultaneously.

Two days passed, Alpha Blaze finally arrived. Kieran had another mock briefing. taking out vital information about the battle plan. He meant only toshare the skunk potion on the day of the fight itself.

Kieran had expected the enemy'sarrival the next day, but he wanted totest the skunk potion himself, so hevited Alpha Kai for a run. They bothaceda single drop of the liquid

behiad their backs before shifting


té their wolf forms. Conterit

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Alpha Kai was a massive brown and white. brindle wolf. When he shifted, he sniffed at Kieran's black wolf and said, “You stink, Alpha.""So do you,” Kieran said back. "Let's go and run around the coasts, see some locals, and test if they could identify us."novelbin

They both made it four kilometers out and met a few locals. None of them recognize their alpha auras or their natural scents. Kieran concludedeverything was going to work.

Kieran wanted to run for another two kilometers that they reached a wooded area. It was dark, and there were no locals around. They were about tohead back when they heard noises not far from them

"What is that? A skunk? Fuck, I hate skunks!"

"Let's move back!"

Kieran would have left them alone if not for one of them saying, "We can't! We have to attack the warriors by surprise, remember?"Kieran and Alpha Kai looked at each other. They slowly made their way to the source of the voice.

"The fucking skunks are coming closer."

"Just ignore it! It's just a skunk!”

Kieran and Alpha Kai shifted to their human forms and slowly made their way to the group of werewolves flocking in the area.

Sniffing around them, Kieran realized they had various scents like they did not belong in a pack. It was dark, and the werewolves hid by not lighting afire.

Kieran estimated their number. "They are about a hundred."“Rogues,” Alpha Kai whispered. "But how are they so many? What are they doing here? Who were they planning to attack?”

"They have guns,” Kieran said, and he could only assume the weapons had silver bullets.

"I think I have an idea," Kieran said. "Let's go back to the camp."~Unkewn Pov~3:00 AM. Near the Southern Coast of Taplean.

"Most lights are out. There are a few soldiers on guard, but that is expected,” a man reported. The same man was panting from his run, after he hadobserved the warrior's camp.

"Then, let's go." the group leader said.

They were all ogues. Their employerhad accumulated over a hundredrogues intwo months to join their ~cause. They did not care. All thatmattered most was how they wérepaid-Many of them would di ie-buttheif families could live years longerwith the money they left behind.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Hopefully, owever, they would havean advantage with the plan to attackat dawn. Moreover, they had gunswith silver bullets. They were >confident they could do enoughdamage for Taplean to losé the war.Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Should Taplean lose, they would have a place in the nation, for Eswen promised them refuge.

Their plan was simple. They were to eradicate as many warriors from King Balthasar's end so that Eswen would win the war. The fewer warriors atthe front would finally allow Eswen to breach the capital.

Slowly, the group of rogues made their way to the campsite. They regrouped at a safe distance, knowing that their scents would be recognized soon.“There's that skunk smell again. Why the hell are there so many skunks?” One of them complained."Fucking shut up, or they will hear us," one man said.

"We go on three. Ready?” The leader announced. "One." He stood up, looking back at his fellow rogues. "Two." He raised his hand and thenscreamed, "Three! Attack!”

Suddenly, growls of over a hundred werewolves could be heard, but they did not come from their group.

Their eyes widened in horror at what they saw. They were supposed to attack, but they found themselves completely surrounded

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