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Chapter 38

~Alexia~"How is she? Why is she still unconscious? It's been a full day," Alexia could faintly hear the familiar sound of her husband.

"She is okay, Alpha. She is probably just shocked from being taken. Give her time to rest. She has a few bruises on her arms, but from what I couldtell, these are held marks. So far, nothing serious. I don't believe they were able to touch her in the way you feared,” another person said, but Alexiacould not make out who it was.

"Mmmm. Kieran," under her breath, she called. “Kieran.”“Alexia,” she heard her husband say. Her eyes were still shut, but she felt his hand, anger, and sentiments.

Her husband was furious. His thoughts were going wild, wanting to go on a rampage and kill every rogue in the nation. He was upset about her state,and he felt heartbroken for her. Mainly, he blamed himself.

Because of the mark he gave her, he read his thoughts and felt every pain.

She noticed his rough hand holding her hand tightly. Finally, her eyes fluttered open, and she saw Kieran beside her. Seeing his handsome face,relief overcame her. She peered around the room and saw one of the pack’s doctors was there. Behind him was Rae.

"Alexia, Thank the Goddess, you are alright! We were so worried,” Rae said. She was in tears. Immediately, she embraced Alexia from the other sideof the bed. "I'm glad you are okay.”

Rae cried for almost a minute while holding her. Alexia didn't say a word but only relished in that embrace. She cried with her friend. Although therogues who took her got their punishment, their faces, their laughter, and their malicious looks haunted her. More importantly, she feared she wastruly cursed

After Rae let out her tears. She turned to Kieran and said, "I'll give you some time alone.” She got up and asked Alexia, "I'll go get some foodAnything else you like?"

"Wa -water," that was all she could make out.

Rae left to get food. Thankfully, water was readily available in the room. Kieran handed her a glass. Her throat was so dry, she felt like she could drinkan entire pitcher.

After quenching her thirst, Alexia thought deeply. Then, she remembered her companions, "Seth, Sheena. Kieran -”

“Don't worry. They are alive, but Seth is not in a good state. One of the king's warriors did not make it," Kieran revealed. “Sheena is recovering fast,despite getting stabbed by a silver knife."novelbin

Alexia’s shoulders fell. The new somewhat comforted her. She studied the room, and after realizing they were all alone, she said to Kieran, "Youfound me?"

Everything was so blurry the moment the rogues started to die. She wasn't particularly sure what happened next.Following her probing, Kieran nodded and pulled her into his embrace. He replied, "Yes, but I was too late. It looked like you took care of them -""Kieran, did you see?" She softly asked, utterly distraught. "Did you find me when they were gasping for air?”

Panic flashed across her face, worried about whatever her husband will think of her. She cried, saying, “I'm cursed, Kieran. I am cursed! I killed them,and I barely touched them.”

She let go of Kieran’s hald and looked into his eyes, saying, "You should have seen it. You would understand -"

"I saw it. I heard your scream, so I ran and followed your voice." Kieran admitted. “When I arrived, some of the rogues were already dead, but I sawhow the rest tried to approach you from afar, and they all went down on their knees before dying completely.”

"Kieran, I'm cursed -""No." Kieran stopped her. "They deserve to die!"

"When I found you, your pants were halfway down your hip. I did not have to guess what went on. Alexia, they fucking deserve to die!" Kieran firmlysaid. "No one is allowed to touch you. You are mine!”

"But Kieran, what if it's true? What if I am really cursed?" Alexia brought it up again. She did so repeatedly, and her husband kept brushing it off.

Kieran put his hands on Alexia’s face and said, "You call ita curse, but I think it is meant to protect you. Think about it, Alexia. When was the last timethis happened? With Beta Edward? With Drake? In all instances, they tried to put their hands on you!”

Alexia rested in Kieran's arms for another hour. They talked about how the rogues died, again and again, trying to decipher everything, and aftergiving it much thought, she realized her husband was right. She was being protected.

It had to be a form of protection!

It was unfortunate that the rogues had to die, but either way. Alexia understood, they would have suffered the same fate. There was no way Kieranwould let them live. She could feel it in her bones. How he bonded with her through her mark; it made her know precisely what he felt.

"I - I think you are right. Kieran," Alexia finally acknowledged

Kieran, on the other hand, returned to embracing Alexia. He pecked her cheek and said, "You are not cursed. Whatever it is that is protecting you, Iwill figure it out. Let me figure it out.”


“Your highness, I'm afraid. I suspect you have a traitor in the palace,” Kieran suggested. He was speaking to King Balthasar about Alexia'skidnapping

"Whoever tipped the palace about the assassination attempt, probably planned to divert my attention. I ended up failing to protect my wife. She wastheir target all along. Maybe, nobody tipped anyone. May I know exactly how the intel came to your guards?” Kieran sought.

King Balthasar hissed on the other line. He replied. "I swear, Kieran. I never wanted this to happen. especially not to Alexia. How is she?”

Kieran explained how she was doing fine. He described, "We are at the hospital. She could not rest without seeing Sheena and Seth. It's in hernature to worry about others."

“What a good child,” the kingremarked. "Anyway, Kieran, the intelcame frometny wife's quards. One ofthe GoldefrEye Pack warriors :supposedly heard a visiting — -werewolf talk about killing you fromone‘ot the local bars. The samewafrior said that he chased after thevisitor but lost him at thé’bar's backentrance.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"I will have my men look inte it further," the king offered

"Thank you, Your Highness," Kieran said. "I would appreciate that.”

“And Kieran, I know you havesecurity matters to worry about inyour pack, Wut this i is urgent. Wehave heagthfrom our spies in Eswen.It appears ‘that our enemy is —preparing to strike again. This time,they-are bringing more menvahdrogre ships," the king revealed. "Theyare bringing more firearms too -guns with silver bullets." Content

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Kieran shut his eyes. The thought of leaving his wife gave him discomfort. He asked, "When are they planning to attack?"

“Our contact said they would leave in two months. They are still waiting for the arrival of their weapons," The King revealed. "I have also procured thesame weapons to even the odds.”

"We can do more. I'll train my warriors to have tolerance against silver. It will be hard and may not entirely save us from the inevitable result, but itmay reduce side effects," Kieran suggested.

"Good, Kieran. Your decisions are always wise. I'll speak to you again at our next meeting,” the king said.

"My king,” Kieran stopped him from dropping the call. He suggested, "May I suggest keeping this information a secret? I trust Alpha Declan and AlphaBaxter. I also trust Beta Ford, but please excuse me for saying I don't trust Alpha Blaze."

"There may also be people in your palace that cannot be trusted," Kieran suggested.

"I understand, Kieran. After the incident with Alexia, I certainly doubt that warrior from the Golden Eye Pack, and even my wife's guards," the kingreplied

"For the sake of Taplean and my people, I will be more careful,” the king said. "I thank the Goddess for your service, Kieran.”~Alexia~

Thick fog sizzied around Alexia. Her hair blew up, following the flow of the mist. She felt indescribable power engulfing her, pricking her skin. Shesensed a knocking pain in her head, as if someone was trying to enter her brain.

Then, out of nowhere, she saw a pair of emerald eyes through the mist, and the same thick air slowly faded. The pain in her head stopped altogether.

"She is not cursed,” the lady said with a smile. "She doesn't have a spell around her, either. And no, she has nothing to hide in her head, no blockedmemories in there.”

Kieran had taken Alexia to one of histerritories dawn north, where thepack's eldenwas said to be the =~wisest afd most potent half-witoh>The lady'did not look old at all butwastold to be over a hundrectyearsoldsShe had green hair, beautifulskin, and stunning emerald eyes.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Then what is protecting her, Morgan?" Kieran asked.The half-breed witch sucked in a breath. She replied, “Something more powerful.”Alexia gulped. What could be more powerful than their kind? Or her husband? Or the king? It was truly baffling to Alexia.

Morgan quickly sniffed Alexia. She smelled every corner of her frame; her neck, arms, back, and hair. She said, "She smells different. Have you evernoticed how she smelled of snow?”

“Hmmm,” Kieran acknowledged. "She dees have a unique scent.”"I mean, it's not like we live in Azenna where it snows all year round,” Morgan remarked.

"I can't paint a finger to it now, but I'll try to remember where I had picked up the same scent in the past," Morgan said. She smiled at Alexia andlightly lifted her chin, saying, “For now, rest easy and be assured that you are not cursed. In fact, I think you are gifted.”

Just when Alexia thought she had some superpowers. the lady said, "You are definitely gifted to have Alpha Kieran, the stone-cald alpha, fall in love.”She smirked and added, "You are a true luna - his luna."

She bowed before Alexia and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Luna Alexia.”

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