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Chapter 35


"After the ball, Kieran, why don't we, the men, have a drink at the club across the street?" Alpha Blaze suggested. "Bring your male warriors too. Nowomen allowed, please. Let's have some time alone - us men.”

That was the third time Alpha blaze suggested that he leave his wife behind, but that would never happen. Alpha Kai and the other single alphas canparty with him, but nothing would be more rewarding than to be with his wife.

The strange thing was how he and Alpha Blaze never got along, thanks to the matters of the war. Why was he suddenly asking him out for drinks?"No, thank you," Kieran said. "I'd rather stay with my wife.”

Kieran exited the room where all alphas had gathered for a quick huddle. Many alphas had already left, including the king, but Kieran remained todiscuss privately with Alpha Declan. Some other alphas also had private discussions of their own, which was why Alpha Blaze was still there, enticingmany to drink with him at the club.

Alpha Blaze may have convinced the others, but he did not persuade Kieran.

When Kieran returned to their table, he noticed Alexia was silent. He mindlinked with her, ‘Something wrong?’

‘I'd like to talk to you privately about that.’ Alexia said. ‘Luna Beatrice spoke with me earlier - about getting marked. She suggested I should wait it out.'‘She should not be poking her nose where it doesn't belong,’ Kieran said back, mindlinking

Since the king and queen had already left, Kieran decided there was no reason to remain. All of his warriors did not find a mate in that evening'sgathering, and he thought it was best. He ordered everyone back to the hotel

At the hotel, Kieran learned what Luna Beatrice had suggested to Alexia

They were on the balcony of their room, covering alphas and lunas who were not fated. While sitting in front of an outdoor coffee table, Kieran said"Alpha Baxter and his wife are not true mates, but they are happily married with three pups.”

"Alpha Max and Luna Susan are both cheating on each other. They are not true mates," Kieran described. "Maybe it's true. Luna Beatrice and AlphaBlaze are not true mates, but I don't know much about their married life. In fact, I nearly forgot he was married. He never brings his wife along to anyof our meetings and gatherings. This event may have only been an exemption since Luna Beatrice arranged the entire time. The lunas know betterwhen it comes to the matters of other people's marriage.”

"Anyone else I could positively compare to?” Alexia asked with a frown, and she wound up biting her finger.Kieran sighed. He replied, "I don’t know if it's any good, but the king and queen are definitely not true mates."Silence fell upon them. Alexia shut her eyes and softly answered, "Gosh, Kieran. Not the best example."

Kieran raked his fingers through his hair. He sucked in a breath and said, "I know. They seem civil on the outside, but I don't think either of them is.happy. The queen married the king for power. He married her to appease the former queen and king.”

A hiss escaped his lips, and low growls followed. Kieran was utterly disappointed that Beatrice spoke to Alexia. Now, Alexia was having secondthoughts about him marking her before her twenty-first birthday.

"Are you upset with me?" Alexia sought. "I wanted to talk to you about my reluctance in all this -""Does it change the way you feel about me?” Kieran asked, his voice showing a hint of dismay."No," Alexia admitted. "Honestly, it doesn’t. but fear sneaked into my heart.”

“Kieran,” she said, "I've never been so afraid of losing someone. When my father hated it, it was painful, but I fear losing you would be moreheartbreaking."

She flushed and then admitted, "I think." Her voice faded when she affirmed, "I already love you. Kieran. And they say the ones who you love are theonly ones that can hurt you the most -"novelbin

He cut off her words by kissing her. He was quick to lean to her side, grab her by the neck and crash his lips into hers. When Kieran pulled away, hesaid, "Finally, you said the words I langed to hear. I thought I would never get a straight answer from you.”

"What?" Alexia reacted. “Answer?”

"I have already told you that I love you,” he revealed

He saw her puzzled expression and how her brow raised. She asked, “When? When did you tell me?”

Kieran cleared his throat. He coughed against his fist, looked at the city lights of Hamlan, and said, “Over a week ago? The first time we had sex.”

‘The first time?’ Alexia did not say it, but she mouthed the words silently. "Il swear, you did not. I love you is a very important set of words, Kieran. Iwould have remembered it!"

"Probably because,” he said. He still avoided Alexia’s gaze when he revealed, "I think I might have said it while you slept."She asked, "Did I hear you?""I don't know,” Kieran answered, his eyes wandering in every direction except at Alexia.

"Kieran, look at me,” Alexia asked. When he finally looked into Alexia's honey-colored eyes, she said, "How am I supposed to know if I did not hearyou?"

"I." Kieran said, "Showed you.”

Yet again, silence stretched betweenthem. Then Kieran heard his wifechuckle: She rose from her seatandsat onhis lap. She wrapped herarms-around his neck and setd, "Yousure did." Content belongs.toNovelDrama.Org ”

She leaned down and kissed him, which he happily returned. When she pulled away, he showed his contentment. "Hmmm."“Though,” Alexia said. "Telling me again would be nice.”

She pecked his cheek and pleaded, "Tell me again, Kieran. Please." Next, she kissed his neck, which she had never done before.‘Fuck. My wife is becoming a seductress!’ He screamed in his head. Oh, how he loved it.

"I propose a trade," Kieran suggested. "I will tell you those three powerful words every day of my life if you let me... mark you.”He smirked.

She chuckled.

~Alpha Blaze~

In a luxury home in Hamlan, within the Golden Eye Pack, Alpha Blaze stormed into his wife's room. He said, “Didn't you talk to luna Alexia like I askedyou to?”

"I did as you asked,” Luna Beatrice said while removing her jewelry.

"Then how come they still went home together? You did not cause enough doubt in her head!” Blaze berated.

"Trust me. I said enough," Luna Beatrice answered. "Not my fault that they are very much in love. Maybe they are fated, after all. Who knows."“Argghh!” Blaze slammed his hand on Beatrice's table and threw all the contents on the floor.

He stormed back out of the room, saying, "Useless!"

Beatrice cried. "I hate you! I hate you! And I fucking hate your mistress!"

Blaze continued to ignore his wife and left the house. In the car, on his way to his real love, he called her, "Kieran would not leave Alexia alone, mylove."

"Then we are left with no choice. Let's have the rogues attack them on their way back to the Stone Blood Pack," the woman on the other line said."Are you coming?"

"Yes, my love,” he said

"Good," said the woman. "I miss you.”

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