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Chapter 32

~Alexia~The jealous Kieran was impatient. He was so demanding that her jaws were already wet from the carelessness of his kiss.

As she responded with the same fervor, they found themselves on top of the bed, getting their bodies tangled, their hands recklessly touching eachother's skins.

She heard Kieran groan while he ground his hip against hers. He pulled away, saying. “Please, let me have you - I want all of you.”His eyes became hooded as he asked, “No more cold showers today, Alexia.”

Alexia gulped. She had been preparing herself. That was the purpose of sleeping in the same bed as Kieran. Since Alexia moved into his room, theyhad been taking it slowly, making out every day and progressing where they stood intimately. She was getting used to his touch, scent. and hotkisses. Around Kieran, she felt absolutely safe.

She wasn’t afraid of Kieran. nor did his touch bring her back to the night when Beta Edward tried to assault her. Kieran had not been asking if shewas ready to go all the way, but she supposed jealousy made him express what he earnestly craved.

Hearing Kieran’s plea, she sensed her heart raced. Her face burned as she replied, “I want you, Kieran. I want you too. I’m ready, but, be gentle withme, please.

A low growl escaped his lips. He sat up and took off his shirt. Then, he carried Alexia in his arms, saying, "Let's shower together, little wife.”Inside the bathroom, Kieran had undressed first.

Alexia felt the heat crawl to her ears, seeing him fully naked. Immediately, she sensed tingles down her core. She saw how he was already hard, veryhard. Not only that, she saw clearly how big he was. She doubted if he would ever fit her.

When she noticed him stare at her, she nervously gave him her back and took off her clothes. She could feel him watching her, his eyes burningthrough her frame.

“Fuck,” she heard him say, and he let out several erotic sighs. The next thing she felt was his hand squeezing her butt cheek. “I can’t get enough ofyou.”

His touch gave her goosebumps all over. When she turned to see him, she witnessed how he was palming himself. Up and down, his hand fondledhis own member.

“You look so fucking beautiful,” Kieran said. “And you are mine.”‘In the shower,” he instructed.

As they bathed together, Kieran’s hands were restless, and it was the same for her. She never thought one could feel so much pleasure from a meretouch, but she assumed it was because she liked Kieran. Heck, Alexia might even love Kieran at that point. Gone were her previous fears. All she feltwas happiness - the pleasure of Kieran’s touch.

Kieran was lathering soap all over her body from behind, her back resting on his chest. As he did, he often kneaded her breast gently. He kissed hercheek and whispered, “Alexia, I won't be able to hold back. Promise me you are okay with this.

“Mmmm.” Alexia’s eyes were half closed from having relished the electrifying sensation of his touch. I want you too,” she admitted. “Ahhh - Kieran!”

The next thing she felt was his fingers fondling her clit. She was so embarrassed by what Kieran was doing, but at the same time, it brought her toanother level of high. ‘What is this feeling?’

They continued to spoon as they showered. While Kieran touched her breasts and peach, he littered kisses all over her face and neck. He was mainlyfocusing on the slope of her neck, which all the more made Alexia nervous. ‘ls he planning to mark me?’

If Kieran would mark her, that would confirm his feelings towards her. Real couples - true mates and chosen mates mark each other. Kieran couldmark her now, but what about her? For as long as she could not shift, she wouldn't be able to do the same. It would be a little unfair to her.

Thankfully, Kieran saved her the trouble of worrying about the mark for now. He left her neck alone. Instead, he stopped whatever he was doing andasked her to wash his back.

They both took turns helping each other in the bath. When they were done, Kieran carried Alexia to the bed. He gently settled her against the sheetsand climbed up on top of her.

Again, they returned to kissing. Itwas differentfrom the previousnights o Faking out; for this time,»they weréskin to skin. Excitementfilled Alexia’ s heart, sensing Keiran’schegton her bare breast, his todpoking her unclothed abdornen, andth@ir naked legs intertwinéd. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

While their tongues were dancingtogether, Kieran’s hand played withher nipplesNAe was rubbing each ._raisin bud with his fingers, makingsthem hard. Sometimes, he wouldfully tteld one breast and trapnipple between his fingers.. fraddedté-the flames of her desire:that shefelt her rose becoming wet. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

“Fuck,” Kieran let go of her lips to say, "I can smell your arousal.”novelbin

He smirked and added, “And thank the Goddess, that's all because of me.”

Soon he climbed down to her chest, covering the peaks of her breasts with his mouth.

“Ahhh - Kieran.” Alexia could not help but moan. He was sucking her breasts, sending waves of pleasure all over her body.Next, his fingers experimented with her entrance. He dipped two of his fingers into her hole, testing her wetness.

“Kieran, that's so shameful,” Alexia turned red. She covered her face with embarrassment.When she opened her eyes again, she was even more shocked. Kieran licked his fingers and said, “You taste so sweet, my little wife.”

He continued to play with her core, using his fingers that Alexia felt she would lose her mind with all the bliss she was experiencing. When shethought she had had enough, Kieran disappeared between her legs!

Her eyes widened in horror when she felt his tongue on her rose. "Kieran, no - Aaah!’‘What is this feeling?’ Alexia was panting. She unwittingly touched her breasts while her other hand reached for his hair. “Kieran - Kieran.”

Her husband was licking her clit. and it felt so damn good she thought she would explode in no time.

“Oh, Kieran!” She screamed, recognizing her orgasm.

Alexia’s eyes were still closed. Her body weakened from all that unknown feeling of pleasure. She was still chasing her breath when she noticedsomething hard was poking into her entrance.

When she opened her eyes, Kieran was holding up his manhood. He rubbed the tip of his rod against her rose and said, “Il want to enter you now.He went halfway, and Alexia moaned. She bit her lip and threw her head back, feeling his size. "Oh, Kieran. Kieran!Her core was stretching, accommodating his impressive size. The feeling was a mix of both pleasure and pain.

When he pushed all the way in, a tear fell down her cheek, but she turned her head, trying to hide her discomfort. Kieran was so big Alexia felt shehad been filled completely, and not a space was left inside.

“Alexia,” he called. Alexia could tell he was worried about her.Kieran was about to pull away, but Alexia said, “Don’t. Don’t, Kieran. I can handle this. I want you. Please... Please don't stop.”

He remained inside of her while he leaned down to kiss her. For seconds they drowned themselves with the taste of their mouths until Kieran let goand asked, “Can I move?

Alexia’s eyes turned dreamy. She looked straight into Keiran’s eyes and responded, “Move.”

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