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Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Alpha Roland's Bargain~Kieran~This was the first time that Alexia had taken the initiative. Over the past weeks, Kieran had to use sly tricks to get a kiss from her.

It was funny how he used the contract to keep Alexia away from him at first, yet, he used the same agreement to oblige her to kiss him in public.Fortunately, they were past that damn first contract.

Kieran made sure to show his intentions. He did not know how to express them in words. Rather, he wasn't used to it. This was the first time Kieranfelt for a woman. He certainly hoped that Alexia understood what he wanted. They were not true mates, at least, that has yet to be revealed, butKieran hoped that Alexia would stay with him in their marriage.

The two were still at it, making out in bed. Alexia and Kieran had utterly forgotten about packing their things.Their luggage was on the floor. Some of their clothes had scattered around the bed and on the carpet.

Kieran was on top of Alexia, pressing his weight against her. He could not help but rub his angry rod between Alexia's legs. He held her right thighand urged her to wrap her leg around him, and she did.

As he savored the taste of her mouth, his desires became inflamed. As his hands crawled beneath her blouse, he craved more of her. His hands wereslowly clasping to her waist, all the more, when he heard Alexia moan.

When Alexia let go, their eyes met. He saw a hint of pleasure in the way she looked at him. He was pleased. He was definitely happy to get thatreaction out of her.

His hands began to climb up to her chest. He was fired up at the idea of feeling her bare breast, but as he grabbed her undergarment, he noticed hershiver. Desire faded from her eyes, and fear replaced them.

"What's wrong?” He asked.

"Nothing, it's." She smiled and explained, "It's different when you touch me. It's gentle.” Alexia placed her hand on his face and said, "It's not like - likehow Drake and Beta Edward tried to -"

She stopped herself and then added, “Don't mind me. I'll get over it. It's just that when you touched me under my clothes, it brought me back. It didnot happen the last time we kissed - it must be because we've been staying here for too long.”

Immediately, Kieran understood. For a person who had trauma, touching made them recall the past. He got up and hid his dismay. He said, "It'sunderstandable. I'll take a shower first.”

"And about Dean and Melissa's family? They can go with us tomorrow," Kieran added, and Alexia smiled."Thank you, Kieran," she replied.

Kieran's brother down there was in pain. It needed release, and the only way he could take care of it was in the shower. It was frustrating, but morethan his needs, Alexia's state of mind came first.

When he came out of the bathroom, Alexia was already asleep. He put on his pajamas and lay next to her. He kissed her forehead and saidgoodnight.

~Alexia~"Alexia, I'm coming for you.”

Yet again, Alexia had that same dream. A winter-grey wolf called out her name, but this time around, her vision zoomed in on the wolf's face. Tearsrolled down the same wolf as it repeated, "Wait for me. I'm coming for you."

Alexia gasped as she got up from the bed. Her chest heaved dramatically, and her forehead creased

She noticed a hand crawling up to her upper back, and she jerked, turning around. She saw Kieran frowning at her.

"What happened?" He asked.

It took some time, but eventually, Alexia found the words to say, "Kieran. I've been dreaming about a winter-grey wolf.”

She lay back down, resting on her side as she said, "Always in my dream, the same wolf tells me I'm coming back for you.”"And you haven't met a winter-grey wolf?” Kieran asked.

She shook her head and answered, "No. I haven't."

Keiran then shared his knowledge about the winter-grey wolves. It was no different than what was told in the book, but there was one thing he knewthat was unique to what she had previously discovered.

"They say the direct descendants of Adira Elsher can use special powers from the Moon Goddess, but from what I know, it comes with a price,”Kieran said.

Alexia was silent for some time. Then, she came up with an idea, "I think I should speak to my father -""No. No fucking way," Kieran outright rejected the idea.

“But Kieran, what if he knows something?" Alexia suggested

"What if he doesn't and toy aroundwith the fact tat you are seekinginformation2Wwhat if he uses it to .ask for freedom?" Kerian pointed <out. "Besides, the winter-grey walvesare known for their kind nature-Theyare.good wolves. They don'tdike ourkind - regular wolves, but they do notharm us either - of cours@, nounless we attack them first."

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"Whatever it is in your dream, it must be harmless," Kieran suggested.

Alexia bit her lip. She stared into Kieran's eyes for a second. ‘Could I let this go? She was already there. She might as well ask her father.’"I wanna try. Come with me tomorrow, and you can evaluate what he says," Alexia proposed. "With you there, I'll feel safe."

Kieran immediately groaned, but eventually, he replied, "Fine."


First thing in the morning, Alexia and Kieran gave the good news to Melissa’s and Dean's families. Kieran gave them a few hours to pack theirclothes. After which, the couple visited the underground prison hidden in the forest.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Roland immediately said, seeing his daughter before him. He was locked up in a single cell, doing nothing.Roland turned te Kieran and then suggested, "Let me guess, you haven't touched her. That's why you are still alive, Alpha Kieran.”Alexia shook her head, somewhat regretting her decision.

"Do you know that she is cursed?" Roland suggested.

“Enough with your nonsense and answer my wife’s questions,” Kieran ordered. "Make it quick and precise!”Roland returned his attention to Alexia. He scoffed and asked, "What do you want?"“Father, do you know any winter-grey wolf?" Alexia asked, and instantly, she got a reaction from her father.

Roland paled. Then, he quickly frowned. His body trembled, and his hands balled into fists. Without warning, he charged at the prison bars, shakingthem and threatening to be free. "Let me out! Let me out of here!"

"Father, I don't understand!" Alexia screamed. “Explain it to me!”

Alexia repeatedly tried to get information from her father, but it was useless. Roland had become frantic that all he did was repeat the exact words."It was your fault!"

"You took my wife away from me!"

"I wish they took you instead!"novelbin

"Father, please. Tell me! Make me understand!" Alexia begged.

After some time of throwing the same plea, Roland hushed. He laughed and laughed. Then, he suddenly bargained, "I'll tell you if you set me free.”

‘Damnit!’ There was no way Kieran would agree to his terms.

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