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Chapter 1

Nicolette was born 1336. She is 683 years old and an orphan. Her father is a hybrid between a werewolf and a vampire. His mate is her mother whois a pure-blood witch. So which makes Nicolette a half witch and the other half is a mix of vampire and werewolf. She like to be called Nicole.novelbin

When I say Canines, I'm referring to werewolves and when I say to fangs, I'm referring to vampires.Eyes


> Were&Vamp Orange


> Vamp&Witch Purple


> Were&Witch Green

When Nicolette brings out all three, her eyes will be Silver.Werewolves are in packs.

Witches and Vampires are both in covens so you'll have to read around the word to figure out which one I'm talking about.She has a wolf she can shift.

Witches has two types of ways they can do spells. Harder spells require saying them out loud. Sometimes simple spells you can just flick your armHer powers are all heightened










Heightened senses



Drinks fram blood bags


When you bring two of her sides out.

Chapter one:

Nicolette's POV

I run swiftly on the forest floor. My heavy breathing was seen in the cool winter air. I felt the chill upon my skin as I kept running. I heard their paws onthe ground. I heard their heaving breathing as they chased me.

I stopped running and watched them slowly. I examined their movements and lifted my hands at them. I mumbled a spell and they stopped moving. Iheard their bones start to crack as I start to force them to shift back.

My eyes began to glow blue and they were fully shifted back on the ground. I heard them let out a growl“What the hell are you,” the first one growled. I dropped my hands and let them free they ran at me trying to grab me. Take me. Test on me.

I grab both of their necks and slam them against two trees. They let out a gasp as they tried to take in air. I let my eyes glow orange as I push harderinto the tree.

"I really hate to do this but I can’t have anyone finding about me," I say. I drop one of them and break the first ones neck with my vampire strengthand then swiftly break the other ones.

I let out a breath as both bodies fell limp to the ground. I always hated doing that but I can't let anyone find out about me. My power was drained and Ifelt worn out. My house was about a mile from here.

I felt my wolf begging to be released.It's been abeltt a week since I last lether out so gave in. I don'tlike = =>letting her out and she knows that: Ican easily hide her scent whend'm inmy.swn body but when she shifts Icant use my powers. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org

It attracts Sther wolves to me. I'mnot part ofa pack but I was also notbanished from a pack so I smeltiikea regutar wolf. My demon is harderto hide. She's always out waatingfresh blood but I limit on blood bags.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

My witch is evident but I can easilypass of as harman. I let my wolfcome forward and come out of the~cage of fesh. She comes out .~happitwand stretches. She rollsaroutd a few times in the dirtandletsher fur get dirty. Content

bélongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

"Let's get out of here before their pack comes looking for them," I told her. She quickly stood up and started sniffing

She turned and started running west. She zipped through the trees. Enjoying the winter find flow through her fur. I could sense the snow comingsoon. I need to get my herbs before they all freeze over.

My wolf enjoyed every bit of release she got. She never pulled out our demon for extra speed. She liked having her own power. Her own speed. It'shard having a demon and a wolf. Always fighting or dominance.

I always keep them equal. Use the equal amount of power and strength. No one else is stronger than the other. I train with them equally. My powerson the other hand towers over them.

My strength with my powers are impeccable. I could be taken as a pure-blood witch. My mom trained me a lot before she passed. My dad helped mecontrol my demon and wolf,

My wolf came up to a large opening and my wolf slowed down. I found my clothes easily behind a tree and shift back into my human form. I put on myclothes and walked through the invisibility border.

My small cottage came into view. My small garden was starting to freeze over.I said a quick spell and the frost on it started to become into small water droplets.

An intricate spell hides my home. I've stayed here for 500 years and no one has found it. I don't like to move. If someone walks into the pasture allthey'll see is field of grass.

There is one werewolf pack near here but I stay clear from them. There are no vampire or witch covens near here. A few rouges pass by through hereevery once in awhile. Only I can pass through the barrier.

My wolf felt satisfied after her run. She always has thoughts about mates but never really begged me to find one. I open the door and immediatelyremembered I needed to get herbs.

I let out a sigh and shut the door. I walked over to my counter and picked up the list I wrote everything on. Most of it was for spells but some was forcooking.

I read through the list and groan. Most of these herbs are a few miles from my house. I fold the list and stick it into my skirt pocket and walked to myroom

I grabbed a small basket and looked at my calendar and there was two more dates to remember for the rest of the month. My birthday and myparents death day.

110 years and so many more to go. November 28, 1446 was yesterday, my actual birthday. I haven't aged since I turned 21.

My parents came home a day later. They went on a trip to go look for a new place to move to. We suspect that someone has been sneaking aroundhere.

I waited outside for them. Waiting for them to come back and be with me. From the forest I saw two faint shadows and they appeared with arms wideopen.I ran to them and into their arms.

"Happy birthday darling.” my mom said wrapping me in her arms.

"110 years you've grown too fast," my dad chuckles. My mom pulls something out of her satchel and handed it to me. It was a book.

"All my spells from when and before you were born,” my mom explains. I flip through the pages in awe. All of my mothers spells. I place it in my bagand thank them

I heard a howl in the distance and all of our heads shot up. My parents’ face morphed from happy to worried. I saw hundreds of wolves appear fromthe forest. The scents coming from the overwhelmed my senses.

"Nicole I want you to run the opposite direction now," my father ordered. I looked at him like he was crazy."No I'm staying here I can help,” I told him. He let out a frustrated growl as they got closer.

"Nicolette Dawn Knight I swear to you if you don't leave I will make you," he growls again. His eyes glowed orange letting me know his demon andwolf was out

I stared at him wide eyed as the wolves started to get closer.

"Nicole leave,” my my shouts at me. My breath hitched and I turned around and ran. My walf whined in my head. For me to stay and fight for myfamily but their commands were from two powerful people.

I looked back and saw the wolves attaching my family. I let out a cry but kept running away.I let out a sniffle from the memory and sigh. My finger traced the frame of the only picture I could find after I went back.

I pick my boots off the shoe rack in the corner of my room and zip them up. I shut my door and walk outside of the invisibility border. I looked backand my house disappeared.

I needed to find these herbs quickly before it got dark. I mumbled a spell and leaves started to stir from the ground to the left of me.

I brought out my demon and started running through the forest. The trees moved past me in a blur. I saw a tree come up in my path. I jumped up intothe air and clung onto a branch.

I swung on the branches enjoying the air. I saw the herbs I was looking for down below. I stopped swinging and dropped down landing on my feet. Ilet out a breath and brush my skirt off.

I look around the small area and see two out of the 7 herbs I need. I lift my hand to the plants and I felt my eyes turn blue. The healthy parts of theplants plucked itself off of the plant and went into my basket.

I walked deeper into the forest and did the same to the other plants. I needed one more herb so I wandered through the forest a bit moreI came across some berries and picked some. I picked bunches of them and placed them in my basket and continued walking.

I heard a slight rustle of leaves behind me. I flick my head back and see a man peeking behind a tree. A werewolf. My wolf let out a growl. I mumbleda quick distraction spell.

There was a loud bang behind him and he turned around. I quickly swing up on the branch above me and climbed higher. I squatted down on thebranch watching him slowly.

He turns back around to where I was standing and was confused. He looked around him with confusion written on his face like a book.

He let out a huff and walked away. He was part of the royal pack. I recognized him from when he wandered upon the large opening where I live. Hewalked through a normal pasture while I saw him walking through my house.

Beta Lucas White. Almost as old as me. 532 years old. Beta of Alpha King Malcom

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