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Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Rolf Titus Point of View “HAHAHAHAHA… She didn’t recognize you!” Jack laughed loudly and sounded satisfied as he knew the woman who was my mate and was here nolonger knew me. Yes, that seems to be his main goal. Blood flowed violently out of Gwen’s body and I took two quick steps to catch her limp body that waslosing blood and collapsed in my arms. Gwen… What did he do to you? Oh my G*d, Gwen… Gwen… I continued to embrace the figure of the woman I loved so much, knowing that she had suffered all thistime and Destine was dying because of a man who claimed to be my uncle. Carrying the figure of the injured woman in my arms, I walked up to the man who made me ashamed ofhaving the same Osmund blood and was my father’s twin. Kurt held his body with one of his wolf legs, so he couldn’t do anything against me. I’ve let him do all the bad things that happened for too long and he’s lost too many victims because ofit. Now he’s using my mate and making her like this. It’s time we put an end to this. “Kill him Kurt, make him in pain and bleed out so he can realize what he’s done to everyone” Kurt, inhis wolf form grinned happily at my order and Jack, who didn’t expect that I would order such a thing,looked shocked. Without caring or thinking about my father, I turned to leave them and let Kurt do his job of torturing theman who was my 10-25

The Alpha King’s Fated Mate +5 vouchers former uncle. A car pulled up and I was shocked to see Alexa and Dee driving it.Wordlessly, I entered the car and put on the clothes they gave me. Quickly, Alexa drove the car to one of the largest hospitals leaving Dee who would check the carbrought by Gwen to look for something there. I didn’t know that Gwen’s two loyal bodyguards were following us, I didn’t even smell their scent. It seems like what Kurt said, that my existence will never be able to escape the throne that belongs tome, that there are many people who are loyal to me and will do anything to help me. Alexa took us to a nearby town that I knew was Alpha Hugh’s territory. I quickly got off as we pulled up to the nearest hospital and shook the hand of Alpha Hugh who wasalready there. “Kurt tell you?” I asked and he nodded his head. “Your members explained everything to me,” Alpha Hugh replied and I couldn’t tell him how grateful Iwas to Kurt. Staring at my mate being brought into the room I explained about the poisons Jack hadgiven my mate. Alpha Hugh and the doctor who was going to help Gwen looked shocked when they heard the thingsgiven to my mate so far, but they still said they would try to help her. I just hope Gwen doesn’t panic when she wakes up… They knew it was useless to drive me away while they were trying to treat Gwen, because theseparation made it impossible for me to leave my mate even for a second. Wolf, who was currently feeling vulnerable and fearful of 2/4 10-25 The Alpha King’s Fated Mate novelbin

+5 vouchers losing his mate, prevented me from daring to leave her in front of us. Holding our unconscious mate’s hand and hearing her heartbeat was comforting to us, knowing that even though she was unconscious, she was still alive. 1 day.. 2 days.. 3 days… Everyone came in to tell me to rest and eat, but I couldn’t take my eyes off my mate who was stillunconscious. And Kurt…. Apparently he’s still trying to quench his thirst for torturing Jack because he hasn’t come yet. Yes, I don’t care what he does to that man, torture him as cruelly as possible, I don’t care that he is myuncle. He’s gone too far and it’s time for him to feel the consequences. Knock… Knock When I turned around and saw that this time it was Alpha Hugh who entered the room, I knew that thiswas a request from Alexa and Dee who knew that I was staying here. “Your members told me that you were here all the time, Alpha” He smiled as he noticed my eyes onhim. I exhaled “How do they think I’m capable of swallowing something knowing my mate is in this condition”I said tersely and took her hand again. He just laughs, because he probably knows that knowing your mate is sick is such a horrible thing thatyou can’t do anything about it. “The wolf is dying so she’s healing like a normal human” Hugh commented and I just sighed againwhen I heard it. “She didn’t recognize me when we met” I told him and he 10-251 5 vouchers

didn’t say anything. Yes, knowing that she was given drugs and poison for almost a month it was no wonder that the effectshad gone that far. “When the news spread that you found her and were here with your mate, I got a call from someAlphas who were your alliance back then” I raised my head to meet his gaze in shock at hearing that“They hoped their queen was okay and asked me to help you guys” he added and smiled. “Their queen?” I muttered in shock. How could they still call Gwen their queen? Do they still consider me the Alpha king? “Don’t blame yourself, my king Alpha. You’re the best Alpha king we’ve ever had” Again Alpha Hugh’swords startled me and I could only bow my head in respect and pleasure at his words. All that remains is for Gwen to regain consciousness and return to health. That’s all I need before taking everything back. Gwen by my side again…

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