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Chatper 156

Chapter 156 After Drake and Melissa’s arrival, a week went by without anything happening, and I hadn’t found theright time to talk to either of them about why Melissa hadn’t explained her reasons honestly to my mate. Yes, training and strict guarding began, although many were confused about why I ordered this, butthey knew how much I was worried about my mate in her pregnant condition, making excuses thatwould always be in their minds so that I could make a safe environment for my mate, yes, they werenot wrong, but also not 100% right and I did not want to correct or explain the truth, only Harry andDrake who were currently helping as advisers in training at the palace knew the real reason and theybecame the eyes and encouragement for all members to become stronger and better. The two of them also, with the help of the white witch, learned about the Demon’s weaknesses fromsome old and secret books in my library. The two of them sometimes spent a lot of time reading, something I never thought could happen butthis time I really saw with my own eyes that they were really reading. Wow!!! Drake Jr. Since his introduction and welcome to always be around my mate, never far from her. What we think is so cute but wish they were mates, well, maybe it would be so easy and fun if mydaughter was Drake Jr.’s mate and all this protection and stuff I’m doing wouldn’t exist. I hurriedly shook my head due to this disturbing thought, yes, I must not regret, this is all for the sake ofmy daughter. “So…” One night as I walked towards the bed where my mate was waiting I joined her asking me“Have you thought of a name?” “Yes, I did” I replied quietly and made her gasp in surprise.

“Really?” She asked excitedly and made me chuckle. “Yes, did you think I wouldn’t think of one?” I teased while flicking the tip of her nose. She laughed which made me melt by hearing those laughs “Tell me” She deman and she’s the onlyone who’d be able to order me like that, only her.

“I am thinking… Elisabeth..?”. “Like the queen??? No…” She laughed. “How about Mercedes..?” I try again. “What?? NOOOO..!!!” Hmm… I didn’t know choosing a name would be this much trouble? I thought. “Adelle? You like the singer” I tried to give her input but again she shook her head. “Not for my daughter’s name… Do you have any more?” She asked curiously and I couldn’t help butchuckle. “Do you have any?” I asked her back. She nodded her head excitedly “Of course and mine is awesome” She said proudly and made mealmost roll my eyes for making me think of this name when she had already decided on one. “Name yours” I coaxed but again she shook her head “Come on… I’ve already given you 3 names thatyou rejected, I don’t know anymore” I added and made her giggle in a very cute way. “Okay” Finally she nodded her head and made me wary of the name she was going to tell me “I wasthinking about… Alexandra…” My eyes widened because that was the last name I wanted to say. “Hey, I was thinking of the same name” I said quickly but the woman in my arms looked at me indisbelief which made me laugh out loud “What? It’s true!” I said behind my laughter. This peace and happiness that I feel is something I don’t want to lose. Yes, I really enjoy the time I spend with her, even if it’s just to choose a name but everything becomesvery wonderful because of her. “2.5 months away” She sighs as she hugs me and rests her head on my chest. Yes, this is our habitevery time we go to bed, she will definitely hug me tightly, well… I won’t complain about this because Ireally like how close we are right now “I can’t wait to meet her” While starting to stroke her hair I also put my lips on her head while inhaling my mate’s distinctivefragrance that has been mixed with the smell of my future daughter “Me too… Imagining her as youdescribed, I’m eager to meet her” I replied seriously and felt her head nodding. novelbin

I heard the purring and steady breathing of my mate as she fell asleep without us coming up with aname for our future daughter. I could only chuckle softly at the memory of today’s events and began to close my eyes to follow mymate into the peace of the dream world. Hoping that nothing bad will happen to this family of mine in my arms, that everything will be/okay, thateverything will go on as usual with happiness like today. However, just as the bad things will end, so will the good things, they will pass quickly before we canabsorb them. It was the month Gwen was nearing the birth of their baby girl, the daughter of the Alpha king whowould hold the throne, when something untoward happened. Oh well… Lightning strikes and wind rains like a warning of bad things to come, bad things to come into theirterritory. Titus and the others were alerted when they heard from the perimeter guards that there was a manwith large, long black wings walking towards the kingdom. Oh G od, no… thought Titus but knew that they had to be prepared to welcome whoever the Demonwas that came into their territory this time. Creak… The moment the main gate opened and Titus and the others were already waiting uncertainly whiletrying to digest who was coming. Within seconds he was about to ask the king for a favor, to untie themate, but knew it was impossible. Seeing the red eyes and the large black wings, Titus immediately knew that the Demon in front of himwas…. “Asmodeus… What brings you to this human world?” I greeted while bowing my head and kneeling infront of him.

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