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Chapter 109

Chapter 109

We finally landed at Geneva’s Cointrin International Airport when I opened my eyes and met a pair ofeyes looking at me with a small smile on his lips.

“The princess has finally awakened” He teased as he kissed my forehead.

I breathed out then realized I was on his lap.

“Did you keep me on your lap throughout the flight?” I asked in surprise and tried to get up to sit on theseat next to him, but failed because he didn’t let go of his embrace and instead tightened it so that Icouldn’t go anywhere.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him with annoyance “You did that on purpose?”

He groaned and deliberately tightened his embrace “It will be difficult to do this eventually, just leave itfor now” I blinked my eyes a few times in disbelief that this matter of acting like a brother still make himfeel uneasy too, and for some reason I was pleased to hear it.

Hopefully there won’t be any problems during the time there, such as women being attracted to him.

Everyone started to take off their seatbelt to stand up, I also got up and stood up when Titus let go ofhis bear hug.

Ugh… I was a little weak from being asleep for too long and had to hold on to the chair to stabilize mybody so Titus quickly and swiftly helped

1. me.

“I told you to let me carry you” He grumbled but I just smiled and shook my head as we started walkingdown the plane.

Alexa was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs with a thick scarf “Since you’re like a human, I haveto keep you from freezing, my queen” She said as she put the scarf around my neck.

Everyone’s attention brought tears to my eyes.

My parents smiled as they saw me walking alone and my mom held me as we walked through theairport to the lobby where the car was waiting for us to take us straight to the hospital while I saw therest of the guards heading in different directions to collect our luggage.

“We don’t seem to have had a long talk, but one of the things I hope for when I recover is to be able toremember you” I said to my mom who



wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we continued walking.

“It will be… I’ll wait for you.” She said softly.

“I’m sorry for troubling you all.” I said again and made her widen her eyes before shaking her head.

He kissed my forehead “Nonsense, I’m so glad I still have you in my arms, what’s life withoutchallenges, right?”

Her kindness and gentleness warmed me, yes, since I came and met her she only showed mepatience and a warm heart, making me proud to call her mom.

“I love you, mom” I whispered softly and made her stop her footsteps before giving me a tight squeezewith a big smile.

“This won’t be our last time together, you’re going to get better, okay?” she responded firmly and Inodded my head before we started walking together again.

Yes, everyone must be very worried, wolfsbane poison treatment is not an ordinary treatment, besidesbeing dangerous, it is also heavy. Melissa explained the side effects or permanent effects that couldoccur if this failed.

Not only will I lose my wolf, I could also lose my life because my brain won’t be able to heal as quicklyas my wolf, it could get worse due to the drugs that Jack gives me, which has the effect of losing mymemory, so I could be like someone with severe dementia.

Right now simply forgetting all of them is a terrible thing, I can’t imagine having to forget themcompletely or even not being able to recognize them anymore.

What will happen to me?novelbin

It’s like living in a soulless shell.

God, please don’t let that happen, I really need your help…

This time I rode with my parents and Titus rode with the others, it seemed that our pretense of actinglike siblings had begun.

I sigh and my mom just smiles, she seems to understand how I feel right now, away from my mate.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m also a werewolf? However, this feeling for Titus is very constant and fillsme up.

Would I have these feelings if I were human?



My heart raced as the car stopped and got out to look at the building in front of me.

The cold was starting to make me uncomfortable and my mom had to add another thick jacket to keepme from shivering in the cold. When I asked her why she wasn’t cold, it turned out that it was becauseof her wolf. Yes, wolves‘ heat makes the cold weather not really affect them, but they still have to wearjackets and act like normal humans.


Very dangerous if

Yes, even though the world has evolved, it would be humans knew that werewolves are real and notjust myths.

There were 4 nurses waiting for us in the lobby and a wheelchair.

Ugh… Do I need to take a wheelchair?

“Hello, Alpha Blake and family, welcome to St. Patrick’s Hospital, I am Maria, the head nurse” Greetedone of the nurses who seemed to be the senior nurse here before looking at me who had been carriedby my mother since getting out of the car “This must be Gwen, let us help you” She smiled as shetalked to me before helping me walk towards the wheelchair that had been provided.

I let out a long sigh as I sat here, because indirectly I feel like a sick patient even though that is thereason why we are here.

Titus patted my head and startled me so I looked back at him who gave me a smile while nodding hishead, it seemed that he also understood what I was feeling right now.

Everyone seems to understand me so well, I should be accustomed to their attention, but it alwayswarms me to know that they really care so much about me.

“The VIP room has been prepared and the room next to it has also been prepared for the waitingfamily” Maria explained as we all started walking towards our room on the 3rd floor.

My mom had explained to us on the way from the brochure that the 3rd floor was a VIP room with only3 rooms for patients and 10 extra rooms if there were families waiting for them and she also explainedthat we would take an entire hallway next to my room.

“Won’t it be very expensive?” I asked innocently which made everyone burst out laughing.

Turns out it was all Titus who paid.



I knew he was an Alpha king, but never thought he was that wealthy.

Well, having lived for more than 400 years, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a lot of wealth.

My eyes widened in shock as the door to the room opened.

Wow… It’s more like a hotel, not a hospital, but from the smell of

disinfectant, it’s definitely not a hotel.

Then I was more surprised to see a balcony with a beautiful snowy forest in the background, I guessthe forest is for the wolves when they need a change and need to stretch their four legs to run.

“You can change into the provided clothes and get some rest, tomorrow doctor Wendy will come for thefirst check up” Maria said kindly before pointing towards the nurses next to her “These are nurse Hanaand Leila, they will be helping you on this floor until their shift is over” She explained and the twonurses bowed politely before they left us all.

“Thank you” My parents and Titus said to them before closing the door to the room while Alexa andKurt made their way to the other 3 rooms for the standard checks that needed to be done for everyonewaiting next to my room.

Titus and my father went around my room to check everything as I changed my clothes in thebathroom.

It wasn’t long before Melissa and Alice came in as the men came out “Gwen, this is my friend Polly,she’s the nurse here that I told you about yesterday” she said explaining and the nurse named Pollybowed her head politely to me.

“I’m sorry to hear what happened to you, but I hope for the best knowing that Dr. Wendy is the best”she said with a comforting smile that I returned.

My mom shook her hand “Thank you for your help for us, Melissa explained that you registered andprepared everything for us” Alice walked towards me and took my hand with a smile.

Yes… I have to get better, everyone here has been very supportive of me, I can’t let anyone down.


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