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Chapter 67

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 67

I had managed to manoeuvre myself off the bed and was currently sitting out back with a coffee. Hewas out cold and I didn’t have the heart to wake him.

Although I was starting to get hungry.

I loved that his back garden was all open, the forest went for miles. I couldn’t wait to see what itlooked like covered in snow.

Finishing my coffee I went back inside. I had no idea how long he was going to sleep for but Icouldn’t stay to late. I still had school in the morning.

Rummaging through his fridge I jumped when arms circled my waist. I hated that I could never hearhim approach.

“Your smell”. He growled pulling me against him. “I can’t wait until you’re mine”. Placing his lipsagainst my neck my eyes closed when I felt the wetness of his tongue. “I can’t wait to see my markon you”.

“J-Jake I-…don’t”. I whispered turning in his embrace. He couldn’t keep doing that. He had no ideathe effect he had on me. “You can’t keep doing that”.

“Doing what?”. He smirked his hands moving lower, resting against my bum.

“You know what”. I glared. “Stop touching me like that”. With my hand against his chest I pushed.He didn’t move, not even a centimetre.

“Gotta push harder than that baby”. Moving his hands to my waist he picked me up placing me onthe counter top. “I like touching you”. His voice had changed, his tone lower. “I like how I make you

feel”. Both of his hands rested against the tops of my thighs.

My body was burning with need. The need to feel him, the need for him to touch me. My stomachwas in knots my lower region throbbing.

“Sto-….” He placed his lips against mine and all was forgotten. My hand slipped into his hair pullingwith the need to have him closer. Opening my legs he fit perfectly into the gap between.

I kissed him back……

Our tongues met, a moan escaping my lips. I wanted more, to feel him, to taste him. The tinglesspreading throughout my body, every part of me awakening. Catching his bottom lip between myteeth a moan escaped his lips as he pulled me off the counter and into his arms. Wrapping my legsaround his waist I licked his bottom lip with my tongue.

I needed him now. I couldn’t wait for the full moon.

I was horny and needy. I wanted to feel the weight of him on top of me. I had never felt this turnedon ever. We had been caught up in a few situations like this before but every time he stopped orsomeone interrupted.

Not tonight.

Placing me back onto the countertop he nudged my legs open as he popped the button on myjeans. He was finally going to give me something.

“Touch me please”. I needed something, just a little to take the frustration away. I needed to come,to feel the release. The wait was almost painful, hearing the zipper of my jeans I couldn’t contain thebutterflies in my stomach. I was like a starved woman.

Slipping his hand inside my panties my body jerked when his finger rubbed over my clit. Closing myeyes my head fell back as he dipped a finger in.

I already knew I was wet.

“Damn baby you’re soaking”.. I knew his wolf was present, I knew his eyes would no longer bebrown. “This what you want princess?”.

“Y-yes”. I moaned. I could already feel how close I was and he had barely even touched me. Myeyes snapped open as he removed his hand. Watching him lick my juices from his fingers I sunk myteeth into my bottom lip.

That was hot.

“Just as I thought”. He growled. “You taste like a little ray of sunshine”. Placing his hand under mychin he gripped tightly. “That’s mine princess”. Nodding my head yes I couldn’t break the stare. Iwas too turned on to care what he was saying.

I wanted him to touch me more.

“I’m going to taste you properly baby. Lay back for me”. And I did, I basically threw myself onto myback causing a dark chuckle to fall from his lips. “Easy princess we’ve got all night”. Hooking hisfingers into the top of my jeans he yanked them from my body discarding them onto the floor.

I could barely contain my excitement.

“I like these”. He whispered running his finger tips over the lace on my panties. Hearing a rip a gaspfell from my mouth. Did he just…… “A keepsake for when I’m away”. He winked as he slipped theminto his back pocket.

I hadn’t seen this side of him, only scratched the surface but I loved how playful and dirty he wasbeing. He brought out something inside me that had never been done before.

He brought out the naughty side.

“Jake, Leah are you-…Oh OH god”….. Hearing her heels against the tiled floor I threw my arm overmy face. “Foods at the bottom of the stairs”. She yelled before I heard the slamming of the frontdoor.

How embarrassing.

My face scarlet, I couldn’t stop the little giggle from escaping my mouth. If his mom was five minuteslater god knows what she would have walked in on. I could only imagine what I looked like rightnow.

“Put them on”. Handing me my jeans I noticed the bulge still evident in his pants. “Come on youmust be hungry”. As he helped me down I pulled on my jeans.

“Are we just not going to talk about that?”. I asked taking a seat at the table. It was the first timesince coming here tonight that I noticed the small gift bag.

“You really want to talk about it?”. He laughed.

“How am I going to face your mom again?”. I could feel my face heating up just thinking about it.novelbin

“Babe she doesn’t care about that-….”.

“I do”. I groaned. “If she was five minutes later she’d have been scared for life”. He burst into a fit oflaughter causing me to glare. This wasn’t funny.

“She’ll get over it. Let’s eat I’m starving”.


When I woke the next morning he was wrapped around me like a vine. Never once did I wake upthrough the night and that rarely happened.

Grabbing my phone from the bedside table I had woke 5 minutes before my alarm was set to go off.Untangling myself from his embrace a growl tore from his lips as he held me tighter.

“I need to get up”. I whispered. He didn’t move, if anything he held me tighter. “I have school Jake”. Iwasn’t skipping today.

He rolled to the other side of the bed mumbling something under his breath before I heard the softsnores coming from him.

Pushing the covers off I got up remembering my bag was still at the bottom of the stairs. Closing thedoor quietly behind me so as not to wake him I tip toed down the stairs stopping when I heard thehushed voices.

It wasn’t even 7 o’clock. Who was in his house?

“You can come in Leah”.


Showing face I stood awkwardly by the door only then realising I was dressed in one of Jake’s T-shirt’s and nothing else.

He wasn’t alone.

“Oi”. He hissed smacking his hand off the back of the young guys head. “Keep looking at her likethat and you won’t see 17. Respect her she is your Luna”.

“Sorry Jack”. He lowered his gaze. “Sorry Luna”.

“Coffee is hot. I take it he’s still sleeping?”.

“He is”. Walking into the kitchen I took a seat at the table. I had plenty of time before I had to getready. “Thank you”. I smiled taking the hot cup from him.

“Zack head out and check the perimeter and let me know if you find anything”.

“On my own?”. He grinned.

“Yes dummy on your own now git”.

Taking a sip of my coffee I rubbed a hand down my face. I was still tired although last night was thebest sleep I had gotten in ages.

“Excuse Zack. He’s young, shifted for the first time last night”.

“That’s okay”. I smiled. “How’s Lacey?”.

“Still sick but better than before. She’s managing to keep food down so that’s a start”.

“I’m glad she’s feeling better. Are you going with Jake?”. I asked. “Nah I have to stay here and leadthe pack while he’s away. You not going with him?”. He frowned .

“I have school”. Breaking the stare I focused on my cup. I couldn’t go with him even if I wanted to.

“Carter is going right?”.

“Yeah I think so”… “You should go”.

“I don’t think I should”. There was no point in me going. I wouldn’t be any use to them. “You don’t?”.He frowned. “Keeps his head straight if you go. You stay here and all he’ll do is worry”.

I will not be guilt tripped into going. I didn’t want to go. “Then he should send you instead”. I grinned.Jack was his beta, his second in command. Surely it doesn’t have to be Jake dealing with it justbecause he’s Alpha.

“You should mention that to him. I’m sure he’ll love that idea”. He laughed.

I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not.

“Mention what?”. Oh he was finally awake. Placing a kiss on my forehead he glared when henoticed what I was wearing. “Could you not have got dressed before you came down here?”. Hewas blocking my view or more so blocking Jacks view.

“And that’s my queue to leave. Jake I’ll see you before you go”.

“You should know better”. He growled. “She’s mine”.

And here we go.

“I know that Jake, we all know that”. Hearing the door close my eyes locked with his. Always sojealous.

“I don’t like anyone looking at what is mine”.

“He wasn’t looking”. Taking a sip of my coffee I watched as he poured his own. “And in my defenceit’s 7 o’clock in the morning. I didn’t think anyone would be in your house. How did he even get in?”.I asked.

“He has an emergency key”. Running a hand down his face he sat across from me. “I’m shattered”.

“Can’t you send Jack?”. I asked.

“His mate is sick Leah”. Taking a sip of his coffee I frowned. Yes Lacey was sick but it wasn’t lifethreatening. “Don’t look at me like that babe”.

“I’m just worried okay”. I was worried about him not coming home on time. I was worried somethingmight happen while he’s away.

“It’s for the pack. I have to go, I’m next in line so I have to lead with example. I can’t send my beta todo the dirty work. Get yourself ready for school and I’ll drop you off”.

He left no room for argument.

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