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Chapter 33

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 33

I didn’t know how long I sat staring at the message. I didn’t know what to say back, do I even reply?I wasn’t going to shut him out, he didn’t deserve that. But I couldn’t just sweep what I knew underthe carpet. This was big, he could turn into a wolf. I didn’t understand, I wasn’t really sure I wantedtoo.


I like Jake there was no denying that. I liked how I felt when I was around him but I

couldn’t let that cloud my judgement. He could be dangerous, probably was dangerous. He was awerewolf for petes sake!!!

“I need to chill out”. I sighed rubbing a hand down my face. Lifting my phone I typed out a newmessage.


After hitting send I threw my phone to the other side of my bed. I was nervous, I was scared but Icouldn’t help the little bit of excitement that was building in the pit of my stomach.

“Such a loser”. I groaned.

He did things to me I couldn’t explain but I didn’t want to stop seeing him, I didn’t want to shut himout. I wanted to see him more, I wanted to see him now.

I was so confused but the need to see him was overwhelming. Grabbing my phone and laptop Iheaded downstairs. My gran and George had already left so I was planning on taking over thecouch.

I hated Sunday’s, the dreaded day before Monday came. I wanted to go for coffee, I wanted to goout with my friends but I didn’t want it to be weird.

Was I the only human amongst us?

This was ridiculous. They were human to right, part human? My head hurt, my mind workingovertime. I was bored out of my mind. Opening my phone I brought up a new message. I wasn’tstaying cooped up in the house all day.

‘What time are you heading out?x’

My phone started to ring, Alanna was calling me. Putting it on speaker I took it away from my earsinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

“Leah you there?”.

“Hey, yeah I’m here”. I shouldn’t have messaged her. It felt weird already.

“Can you be ready in 10?”. She asked.

“Sure, I think so”.

“I’ll give you a toot when I’m outside”.

The line went dead.

Maybe I-… no I was going.

It was just coffee with friends, what’s the worst that could happen.

Shaking out my hair I gave myself a once over in the mirror. I had no idea why I was feeling sonervous. Wrapping my scarf around my neck I picked up my bag slipping it over my shoulder.

I was good to go.

Making sure everything in my room was switched off I headed downstairs to wait on Alanna. Andthat’s what I did for the next half an hour.

Glancing down at my phone I sighed. Seriously? She now couldn’t make it. Reading the messageover again I didn’t bother to reply. Finding his number I brought the phone to my ear. I hoped hewasn’t busy.

“Shorty! How you doing?”.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m good Ryan, are you busy?”. Alanna and Lacey weren’t my only friends here. She had to canceland that was fine but I didn’t want to stay in.

“If you count lying on the couch watching re-run of scrubs busy”. He laughed. “Why, you wanna dosomething?”.

“Yes I hate Sundays”. I groaned.

“I’ll be there in 15”.


Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge I decided to wait for Ryan on the front porch. The weatherdidn’t look promising today, it had already started to drizzle with rain.

Just my luck.

Catching sight of the cars that started filling the street I was curious as to where they were going.Walking down my front path I rolled my eyes. Of course they were stopping at his house.

Jake Taylor seemed to be the life and soul.

Was he having a party?

Is that why Alanna cancelled on me?

Catching sight of Ryan’s car I smiled. As he pulled up he jumped out car still running. “No fuckingway”. Running his hand over the side he whistled. “Damn shorty this yours?”.

“A gift from my gran”.

“Can she be my gran?”. He smirked. “It’s a nice car Leah”.

“It’s just a car”. Rolling my eyes I couldn’t help but stare at his house. People were still showing upand my nose was getting the better of me. I wanted to know what was going on.

“It’s a merc”.

“As long as it drives I don’t care what kind it is. Now can we go or do you need another minute toswoon?”. I smirked.

“Shut up”. He huffed pushing my shoulder. “Bet you’re dying to drive it”. As we both got in I put myseatbelt on.

“I’m dying to drive anything”. Sighing I gave his house once last glance before Ryan took off. “But Ican’t drive until this comes off”.

“Bummer. Where do you wanna go?”. He asked.

“Could go for coffee, maybe grab something to eat?”.

“I’m easy shorty, don’t think this weather is going to get any better”.

The sky was grey, the rain drizzly. I think a thunderstorm was coming.

“Well it ain’t walking on the beach weather”. I laughed. “Let’s go out of town for coffee though, Iwould hate to run into people that don’t like me”. Making a face he laughed. “Those girls ain’t gotnothing on you”. He winked as we took off down the highway. I could feel my phone vibratingagainst my boot from inside my bag but chose to ignore it.

“So have you heard from Abby?”. I asked.

“Not even a text”. He sighed. “I’ve been pretty busy with football practice so it’s cool”.

“Have you messaged her?”.

“Been busy”. Giving me a sheepish look I rolled my eyes. Typical, wanting the girl to make the firstmove.

“Ryan”. I sighed. “Message her, ask her on a date, what’s the worst that could happen?”. “Eh shecould say no”. Pulling into the car park of the mall he turned off the engine.

“She could reject this gorgeous face”. He smirked.

“You’re at it”. Unclipping my seatbelt I stared out the window looking up at the sky. The weatherdefinitely wasn’t on our side today. “Let’s go and I will make sure you text Abby by the time we headhome”.


“This is cute”. He grinned. “A little mate date”.

“It’s cozy”. I laughed looking over the menu. “I like that I can still see outside”. It wasn’t a restaurantbut it was a cute little cafe that sat along side the mall.

“How are things with you and Jake?”. He asked. “What do you mean?”. I didn’t take my eyes of themenu. Jake and I didn’t have things. We weren’t together.

“Oh come on Leah”. He laughed. “You’re new to town and he’s Jake Taylor. People talk”.

“Not you too”. I groaned. “Please don’t tell me you believe everything you hear?”. “Course I don’t.He does seem like a good guy though and you’re hot”. He shrugged. “Ask him out, what’s the worstthat could happen”. Making a face he shoved my arm.

He could eat me…that’s the worst that could happen.

“Take your own advice shorty. What you eating I’ll go order it”.

“A cheese and ham toastie with a cappuccino”. As Ryan went to place the order I took my phoneout my bag.

Jake had texted me again his messages were hours a part.

‘You good princess?’


If only taking my own advice was that easy. It was complicated and I had a feeling it was going toget worse.

“You alright?”. He asked.

“Yeah I’m good”. I smiled. “Now are you going to message Abby?”.

“Maybe”. He smirked as the waitress placed our food and drinks on the table. “Maybe not”.

Rolling my eyes I picked up a piece of my toastie. “I’ve done my part”. I said before taking a bit.“Grow some balls and ask her out”.

“I’ll ask her to my game on Friday then take her to the after party. Happy?”.

“For a first date?”.

“Not a date”. He scowled. “Just a getting to know and you better be coming to my game on Friday.Better be standing in the stands cheering me on”. He winked.

“Go team go”. I grinned clapping my hands together. I would go to his game. I wonder if they do allthe hype they did back home. Tommy played football, the excitement and buzz at a Friday nightsgame was unreal.

“Next big thing”. He smirked. “Jake who?”. He laughed causing my to chuckle. “They’ll be talkingabout me in years to come”.

“Yeah okay, settle that ego down just a little”. I grinned. “Won’t be able to get you through thosedoors”.

“I’m kidding”. He grinned. “I’m good but I’m not that good”.

Finishing off my food I picked up my cappuccino and took a sip. “Is that what you want to do?”. Iasked looking out the window. The rain had got heavier, the sky growing darker. Something was

definitely brewing up there.

“If I get my scholarship then yeah. University is mad expensive, it’s money my folks don’t have”.Taking a sip of his juice he pulled out his phone. “Here’s hoping I get scouted real soon”. Hegrinned.

“At least you know what you want to do”. I sighed. “I haven’t even applied to any universities yet”.

“We graduate in less than 6 months”. He frowned.

“I know but I don’t even know if I want to go to university”.

“Really?”. “Yeah”. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be or do with the rest of my life. “I don’t have it allplanned out”. I shrugged. “I’m eighteen, surely I don’t have to figure it all out straight away?”.

“Nah shorty, just do you and I’m sure everything will work out fine. You wanna get out of here?”.

“Yeah”. Finishing off my coffee I got to my feet. “It looks wild out there”.

“It’s definitely going to be a wild one tonight”.

As we rushed to his car I was drenched by the time I got inside. It was horrible outside.

The wind and the rain, we shouldn’t be out.

“Holy hell it’s almost 4 o’clock”. We had been out for ages.

“Time flys when you’re having fun”. He winked. “And when you’re in great company”.

Shaking my head I couldn’t help my smile. I liked hanging out with Ryan. He was cute and funnyand he always made me laugh. I was comfortable around him and I knew I had made a friend forlife.

“Does the weather get bad here?”. I asked as he took off down the road.

“When it rains it pours, could be like this for days maybe even weeks. When it gets really bad theytend to shut everything down, schools included”.

“They shut the school?”. I would take that.

“They shut everything. The storms here are really bad and I think we may be getting the backlash ofone right now”.

The rest of the car ride home was quiet but comfortable. As we pulled up to my house I noticed mygran wasn’t home yet. I also noticed Jake still had people over. Cars were parked everywhere, theywere basically taking up the full street.

“Thank you for today. We need to do it again”. Unclipping my seatbelt I grabbed hold of my bag.

“Anytime shorty”.

“Fingers crossed they shut the school”. I grinned opening the car door. “If not I’ll see you tomorrow”.The rain was lashing door, closing the door behind me I ran up the garden path and took shelterunder the front porch. Waving goodbye to Ryan I searched my bag for my keys. I was in need of dryclothes and a hair dryer.

I could hear commotion, the loudness of voices, the laughter. I was trying my hardest to ignore it.He always had people over but never the amount I’ve seen pull up today.

Who throws a party on a Sunday?novelbin

Why wasn’t I invited?

Was it even a party?

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