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Chapter 31

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 31

I couldn’t stop smiling. The way he made me feel when I was around him was magical. It wassomething I had never felt before with anyone not even Tommy. My smile faded when I caught sightof the photo of us. I knew it was time to take it down.

I felt guilt, I had spent almost 2 years of my life with Tommy and the more time I spent with Jake themore Tommy was forgotten about.

I couldn’t help how I felt. Jake was different, I knew that from the moment I met him. We connectedinstantly regardless of how I felt I couldn’t stop my feelings from blossoming. “Leah, sweetheart canyou come down here for a second”. My gran called from the bottom of the stairs.

Forgetting about the picture I left my room heading for the living room. George was here again. Himand my gran were sat on the sofa.

“Hey”. I smiled taking a seat on one of the chairs.

“How are you feeling?”. She asked.

“Much better”. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about.

“I’ve been thinking a lot lately Leah. You don’t have long left before you graduate and if you want toor decide to you’ll be off to college soon”.

“Okay”. I had no idea where she was going with this. I didn’t know if I was going to go to college yet.

“I have a little something for you, a little early graduation present”. Placing on the table in front ofher was a little gift box tied with a red bow. “It’s from George and I”. She smiled.

“You didn’t need to buy me anything”. I sighed picking up the little box. She was good to me, shealways had been and I had wanted for nothing when I was little but I was an adult now. I wasn’tgoing to depend on my gran for things that I wanted or needed. I would work for them.

“You deserve this sweetheart”.

Pulling the bow I lifted the lid, no she didn’t. Lifting out the key I could feel my eyes start to water.She had bought me a car, my very own car. I no longer needed to rely on anyone for lifts.

“Oh honey don’t cry, you deserve this Leah so please enjoy the freedom”.

Wiping my eyes I got to my feet. She had no idea how much this meant to me. “Thank you somuch”.

“You’re very welcome”. Kissing my cheek I squeezed her tight. I would be lost without her.

“Is it outside?”. I grinned.

“It’s being delivered tomorrow morning but of course you won’t be able to drive it for another 5weeks”. She said nodding at my hand. I frowned I forgot all about that. “Don’t be so disappointed”.She chuckled. “You’ll get to drive it soon enough. Now we brought pizza it’s on the kitchen island ifyou’re hungry”.

I was buzzing and feeling so much better. “Thank you again”. I grinned heading to the kitchen.Taking a seat at the island I opened the box of pizza my stomach growling as the smell of pepperonihit my nose.


My gran and George had went to bed around 11pm, I was still sat down the stairs. It was gettingpretty late but I wasn’t tired yet. I was still on a high and couldn’t wait to see my car tomorrow.

Taking a picture of my key I sent it to Alanna. I was glad I didn’t need to depend on anyoneanymore.

‘Woohoo. A merc!! Lucky gal I’m jealous!Ax’

I wasn’t really good with makes of cars and I didn’t really care. As long as it got me from A to B thenI was happy.

‘To bad I can’t drive it for another 5 weeks :(‘

Getting a bottle of water from the fridge I made sure everything was turned off before I made myway upstairs. Closing my bedroom door quietly I turned on my tv, turned off my big light and got intobed. I was texting Alanna back and forth.

‘Are you feeling better?! Like good enough to come over to mine tomorrow?Ax’ ‘What’s theoccasion?’

‘Just a little girl time. We’ll get some dinner and just chill out? You could come to training in themorning?Ax’ Training?

‘Sounds like a plan. What time do you need me?’

‘Be at my house for 9 and don’t be late. Jake doesn’t like it when we’re late.


Jake was going to be there?


I was shattered but I was standing outside Alanna’s house for 8.45am. I had chapped the door butno one had answered yet.

Maybe she meant I was to be at her mom and dads house for 9? As I about turned to leave thefront door opened.

“Morning princess”. He grinned. He was stood in a pair of shorts and nothing else holding what Iassumed was coffee.

I needed coffee.

“Joining in on the training session today?”. He asked moving to the side to let me in. “That’s theplan”. Walking inside I took a seat in his kitchen. I loved the view he had from his back garden.

“Sure you’re up for it?”. He smirked placing a cup of coffee in front of me.

Shrugging my shoulders I took a sip of my coffee. “I’ll do as much as I can. Remember I have abroken hand”.

“Shouldn’t go around punching people in the face then”. He grinned.

Smirking I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip. “I wouldn’t have punched you in the face if you weren’tacting like such an ass”.

“I deserved that”. He shrugged. “Finish your coffee we need to go”.

“Where’s Alanna?”. I was here to meet her not Jake.

“She’s meeting us there”.


I was way out of my depth and there was no way I could participate. The training ground as theycalled it was massive. All locked in and secure. The amount of people here was making me feeluncomfortable. I thought this was a little training session with myself and Alanna.

“I’m-..what even is this?”. I asked. I could feel the stares coming from everywhere.

“Scared princess?”. He smirked.

I didn’t find it funny one bit.

“Uncomfortable”. I couldn’t stop looking around myself. It was like half the town was here. A fewfaces I recognised right enough.

Jessica and Holly were here also.

“Babe you okay?”.

“I’m-… I think I’m just going to go home”. I could always go a run by myself. I didn’t realise I wasbacking away until he grabbed hold of my good hand.

“You don’t need to participate, you can just hang around”.

They were all in groups of 6. All doing different workouts, some doing self defence routines. I hadnever seen anything like it.

“My moms here if you want to sit with her?”. He asked.

“No it’s probably better if I go home and leave you to it”.

“Leah it’s nice to see you here honey”. His mom pulled me in for a hug. “Would you like somecoffee?”. Guess I was staying then.

“Sure”. I smiled.

I hated it.

I hated the way they were all hanging over him and I hated that he was allowing it. Some of thesegirls had no shame.

“I wouldn’t worry about that honey”. His mom interrupted my thoughts.

“Huh?”. She started laughing. “It’s normal to feel what you’re feeling Leah. You should have seenme with Jacob when we first started dating. I hated the way some of the girls looked at him or whenthey would find an excuse to touch him. Just laugh it off sweetheart because every girl here knowsJake is spoken for”. As she filled up my cup I frowned.

We weren’t dating.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about”. I said sipping on my coffee. “I’m sure you do Leah but evenif you don’t you will soon”. Winking at me I made a face. Another person talking in riddle. It was likeeveryone knew except me and it was starting to annoy the life out of me. Not to mention I wasstarting to get pissed off.

Why did Alanna invite me here if she knew I wouldn’t be able to participate? In fact why did I agreeto come when I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything?

“Come take a walk with me. I want to give you a little bit of advice”. His mom was lovely but I wasn’tin the mood.

“Sorry Charlotte but I think I’m just going to head home”. I felt so out of place. I wasn’t a part of thiscommunity. I felt so in the dark and I knew something was going on. Jake had a secret but it wasn’ta secret if everyone else knew.

“Oh honey please don’t”. She begged.

“This”. I said waving my hand around. “Isn’t me and no one will tell me what I seem to be missing”. Ihadn’t realised my voice was raised, didn’t realise I was catching the attention of others around me.

“It’s not the right-…”.

“She should just leave already”. I didn’t need to turn to know Jessica was putting in her 2 cents.“She doesn’t belong here”.

Clenching my fist I bit my bottom lip hard. I had just about enough of her.

“Everyone back at it”. He growled. “No slacking or it’s morning runs for the next month”.

I was already walking out of there.


“Just leave me be Jake please”.

“Babe come on don’t let her get to you”. Gripping my arm I pulled it back.

“Just leave me alone”. I whispered.

“No”. He growled as he pulled me to a halt. “You’re mine Leah Wilson. I’ve finally found you and ifyou think I’m going to let you go you’ve got another thing coming”.

“Then tell me what you’re hiding”. I yelled pushing on his chest. “Stop keeping me in the dark”.Again I pushed on his chest. I could see he was getting annoyed, angry even.

“Leah”. He snapped but I was to far gone with rage.

“Come on Jake, tell me what the big secret is”. Pushing his shoulder he snarled his body shaking.Swallowing the lump in my throat I stood my ground.

He was glaring, still shaking with rage. He looked ready to snap.

“You’ve no fucking idea princess”.

“Tell me”. I screamed but it was the biggest mistake of my life. Everything happened so fast and thelast thing I remembered before I fainted was a gigantic black beast.

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