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Chapter 20

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 20

Switching off my alarm I sat up. I had already decided I wasn’t going into school today. My handwas throbbing and I felt sick. Hearing my phone ping from under my pillow I remember last night.

I had sent him a message.

‘What for princess?’


I could hear my gran coming up the stairs. I could only imagine what she was going to say when Itold her I wasn’t going in today. She didn’t like me missing out on anything that could effect myeducation.

“Leah honey are you awake?”. She asked knocking slighting on my door.

“Gran you don’t need to knock”. I sighed.

“I brought coffee”. She grinned taking a seat on the edge of my bed. “You feeling any better?”.Taking my coffee from her I inhaled deeply.

Fresh coffee in the morning was gold.

“My hands throbbing and I feel sick”. I wasn’t sure if she was going to believe me or not. “Leah”.She was giving me the look. The look of all looks that told me I better get my ass into gear and getmoving.

“Can I please just take today off and I’ll go back tomorrow?”.

“I don’t want you to miss any school work honey. It’s bad enough you can’t write anything down butat least if you’re there you can listen”. She sighed.

“Please gran”. I begged. “What if I ask Alanna to pick up my work, then I’m not missing anything?”.

“Okay fine but you’re back tomorrow. I’ll go phone the school and let them know. Get yourself readyand come down for breakfast”.

Lifting my phone I sent Alanna a test. Hopefully she would be in school today but if she wasn’t Icould always ask Ryan.

‘Hey could you pick up some work for me today? Not going in not really feeling it’

Pushing my covers off I went about getting showered and ready.

“Pancakes Leah?”. Pouring some coffee into my cup I took seat at the kitchen island. I hadn’t heardback from Jake yet and my message was still sat on delivered so he hadn’t even read it yet.

“Leah honey, pancakes?”. She asked again.

“Sorry just one please”. I wasn’t feeling hungry, wasn’t really in the mood for anything. “Are youokay?”. She frowned. “I’m worried about you sweetheart. After last night I’m worried I made thewrong decision”.

I didn’t want her to worry about me. It may not feel like home just now but it will. She sacrificed somuch for me to have the best life.

“I’m okay I promise. Are they coming to fit the rest of the kitchen today?”. I asked. “I really like theway it’s coming along”.

“No honey I asked them to leave today because you’re not feeling good. They’ll come backtomorrow and hopefully it’ll be finished by Friday. Is Alanna going to bring some work home foryou?”.

“I’ve asked her but she hasn’t messaged me back but I’m sure she will. Are you going out today?”. Iasked as she passed me a plate.

Pancakes with Nutella and strawberries. I used to love eating this out on our porch back home.Looking out into the ocean with the sun beating down.

“I’m going to pick up some seeds for the garden and then I’ve got my book club at 1 but I won’t beout all day. What do you fancy for tea tonight?”.

“I’m easy you decide”. I smiled just as my phone pinged.

‘Yes of course I will! I’ll drop it of when I get home. Are you okay? And btw did you say something toJake?’


Why was she asking that?

“You teenagers and they bloody phones”. She sighed rolling her eyes. “You’d be lost without them”.

“Sorry gran pizza is fine”. Rinsing off my plate I placed it in the dishwasher. “When are you headingout?”.

“Soon honey. What are you going to do today?”.

“I’ve got a personal statement to write for my English class so probably that for most of the daybecause I need to type it. I don’t think my teacher likes me so I want to make it good”.

“And why wouldn’t he like you?”. Filling up my coffee cup she placed her hand on my shoulder.“You’ve only been there 2 days Leah”.

“I was late to his class on my first day and my second day he caught me on my phone”. Sinking myteeth into my bottom lip I shrugged.

“I’m sure you’re just overthinking it but if it gets worse then you let me know. He’d be a fool to singleyou out”. Damn right he would be. My gran was a savage.

“You’re probably right. I’m going to go get my laptop and bring it down here”. Kissing her cheek Imade my way up stairs.


Settling myself on the couch I had the tv on in the back ground and my laptop open. I had no ideawhat I was writing and I had deleted what I wrote last night.

I was scrolling through my Facebook when I remembered I hadn’t texted Alanna back. I still hadn’theard back from Jake and it was almost 11 o’clock. Maybe I should text him and cancel. I wasn’tleaving the house today anyway. First I had to text Alanna back.

‘Thank you! Why did he say something?’

Why was it so hard to write about yourself? What was I suppose to put in it? I started to type what Iwas thinking. I began with my gran raising me, about my mom passing when I was young, my lifegrowing up in Florida.

Thinking about it now it wasn’t actually that hard. I suppose when you start you can’t stop. My lifewasn’t boring but it wasn’t all that. It was normal but I liked normal.

Checking my phone I jumped when it started ringing. He was calling me.


“You okay?'”He sounded worried.

“I’m fine why?”.

“You sick?”.

“No my hands a little sore so I took the day off but I’m fine. You don’t need to worry”. I smiled.

“So you pulled a sicky?”. He chuckled. “Desperate to spend the day with me princess?”.


He was still laughing.

“So I guess you’re too sick for coffee?”.

“I’m not sick”. I sighed. “But I do have school work to do”.

“So were you going to let me know or were you just going to let me go for coffee on my own?”.

“You didn’t text me back”. I argued.

“I was busy babe but I’m not busy anymore. How about I come to you?”. I didn’t know what to say. Idid want to have coffee. I wanted to get to know him better. Alanna was right with what she said lastnight.

“Leah you there?”.

“Yeah sorry. You could come over for coffee. Say around 12?”. I pulled my bottom lip between myteeth.novelbin

“See you soon princess”.

And then the line went dead.

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