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Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Madelyn had found Thea and called out to her.

The moment Thea turned around, Madelyn swiftly struck out with her palm.

Taken by surprise by the sudden attack, Thea quickly channeled her True Energy into her palms todefend herself.

Their palms collided.

An intense force swept toward Madelyn, pushing her several meters away.Her pretty face turned pale,and her arms felt rubbery.She hid her hands behind her back and stared at Thea.

After a few seconds, she chucked and walked over with a smile.

"Wow, Thea.You've certainly surpassed my expectations."

Thea's face tensed up as she on as Madelyn approached her.She squinted her eyes.

"Who are you?"

Madelyn said with a beguiling smile, "I’m from the Cadens.My name is Madelyn Caden.I heard Maxinespeak of you before.She said you were a beauty who managed to become a grandmaster in a veryshort amount of time.I didn’t believe her and came to have a look for myself.

Seeing you in person, you’re way better than she had described."

Hearing that she was a Caden, Thea let out a relieved sigh.

Despite this, she still kept her guard up against Madelyn since she had mentioned Maxine’s name.novelbin

Thea held some distaste towards Maxine Caden.

Thea spoke flatly "Do you need something from me?"


Madelyn's smile never left her face.

"I just wanted to know how an ordinary person like you became a grandmaster so quickly.I askedMaxine about it, but she didn’t disclose anything to me.I’m curious."

"That's none of your business."

Thea turned around and hastened her steps as she left.


Madelyn looked at Thea’s figure as she left, and a sly smile formed on her face.Thea returned to theCallahans' villa and reclined on the soft sofa.She closed her eyes as she thought deeply.

Madelyn’s sudden appearance did not arouse her suspicion in the slightest.

She was more concerned about whether to return Quincy to Cansington.She did not want Quincy backwhile she still had yet to remarry James.

On the subject of Quincy...

The last time she went to Majestic Corporation, she found James and Quincy almost practically nakedas they passionately locked lips with each other.

If she were even a second later, the two of them would have definitely crossed a physical line with eachother Thea was James’ wife but had never gotten intimate with him.

Yet Quincy...

Thea turned green with envy as she thought about this.

However, she knew the current situation was different.

James was not simply asking for Quincy back so he could have another woman by his side.Hegenuinely needed her help.

Help that Thea knew she could not provide herself.

Thea was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

James wanted to be a hero that saved the country and its people.

However, all Thea wanted was for him to stay by her side.


She sighed and pinched her temples.

After spending hours agonizing over it, she decided to let Quincy come back to Cansington.

Before that, she had to notify Thomas since he was the one who took them away.

She took out her phone and called him.

It did not take long for the other person to pick up, and an irritable voice answered the phone.

"What's the matter? Did something happen? Didn’t I tell you not to call me if there isn’t anythingimportant?"

"Sir Caden, there’s a situation in Cansington."

Thea explained the events that shook Cansington.

"James suspects that I know where Quincy and Tiara are.He’s pressed me about the matter severaltimes.Now that Messiah needs Quincy to manage operations, I agreed to ask the Four GreatProtectors about their whereabouts.Do you think it’s possible to let them back?"

The person on the other side went silent.

After ten seconds, Thomas replied tersely.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to send them back to Cansington.Don’t call me again in the future.Iwon’t be using this number anymore."


Thea exhaled sharply.


Thomas hung up the call.

Thea casually threw her phone on the table.

Shortly after, she picked it up and called James.

When he picked up, she said joyfully, "Honey, the Four Great Protectors know where Quincy and Tiaraare.They’ll arrange for them to return to Cansington soon."

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