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Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Ley had taken out 20% of the family shares and offered it to Benjamin’s family.He also ordered thatHoward give up his position as the executive chairman and that Benjamin’s family must forgive him.

Thea had to be invited back.

Otherwise, Howard would be kicked out of the Callahans.

Therefore, he prepared gifts and showed up at Thea’s house again.

This time, not many people accompanied him.

Only Howard’s direct family, Jolie, Tommy, and Megan came with him.

All four of them held gifts in their hands.

Howard gently knocked on the door.

Thea’s family was chatting over dinner.

"David, go open the door," Gladys ordered.


David put down his utensils and headed to open the door.

Seeing that it was Howard’s family, he immediately welcomed them with a smile.

"Uncle, what brings you here? Please come on in."

David was highly disappointed that Gladys had refused to return to the Callahans.He was about to beunemployed and jobless.His family was going to starve without the support from the Callahans invitedthem inside the house.

"You could have come without bringing gifts! By the way, have you eaten? We’re having dinner rightnow.You should come and join us."

"Lyssa, what’re you waiting for? Hurry and prepare dishes for them!"

David shouted as he led Howard’s family into the house.Benjamin stood up and greeted, "Howard,Jolie."

Gladys wore a serious expression and abruptly put down her utensils, glaring at Howard’s family whohad entered the house.

"What’re you doing here?"

"Mom.How about you don’t say too much? Uncle has personally come to visit us.What is with yourattitude?" David said in a timely manner.

"Shut up!"

Gladys shouted, Howard was not infuriated and said with a smile, "Benjamin, Gladys.

I’ve come to apologize You know dad will be celebrating his eightieth birthday soon.

Wouldn’t it be good for us family to get along harmoniously? Dad even said he will give BenjaminTwenty percent of our

"Seriously?" David was thrilled.

"Uncle, Auntie, don’t stand there and have a seat.James, what’re you doing? Get up and give your seatto them."

Alyssa’s expression brightened as she overheard them while preparing the utensils.She hurriedlyentertained them.

James prepared to get up.

"Sit!" Gladys ordered.

James immediately sat down again.

"What’s wrong? You’re afraid that Celestial Group wouldn’t be willing to collaborate with Eternalitywithout Thea? The old man kicked our family out of the Callahans in front of so many influentialpeople.Twenty percent of the family shares? What’s the point in giving it to us and taking it backtomorrow?"

Gladys glared at Howard’s family and said indifferently.20% of the family shares was extremelytempting.It was the equivalent of 100 million in assets.

However, Gladys married into the Callahans for a decade and was extremely familiar with Lex’scharacter.So it was possible he would give it to them today and take it away when he got angry againsomeday.

"Mom, stop it."

"Mom, it’s twenty percent of the shares! Even if you don’t want it, you should think about us! David andI will be having a baby soon.You have to at least think about your grandson!"

Gladys’ attitude made David and Alyssa extremely anxious. https://novelebook.com "Thea, I’m sorry.Iwas at fault in the past.I shouldn’t have insulted you.I’m begging you to come back and resume yourposition as the executive chairman.There are a lot of company affairs waiting for you,"novelbin

Tommy apologized.

"You should just come back, Thea.Grandpa said that you could continue being the executive chairmanof the group.Your monthly salary will be the same as before.Three hundred thousand!" Megan cajoled.

Hearing them, Thea was also tempted.She eagerly wanted to go back to work instead of staying homewasting time.

However, she remained silent after seeing Gladys’ expression.

"We don’t need it! Gladys was firm with her decision.She never wanted to return to the Callahans justto be insulted.

"Gladys, why do you have to be so stubborn? Why refuse money? It’s twenty percent of the familyshares.The Callahans have plenty of business and are all profitable.Having twenty percent would beabout a minimum of one million a month," Jolie smiled and said.

"Mom, quickly accept it!"

David was about to cry from panic equivalent to a luxury car every month!

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